If God be Overlooking Human Activities...
He Would Most Certainly Have a Tear in His Eye

To Pridger this is the all-seeing eye of the Creator. He's shedding a tear for mankind in general, and developments in the United States in particular. He favored our undertaking, circa 1976, but now look what we've done!
    At the risk of alienating many fellow conspiracy theorists, Pridger prefers to see and use the "official" explanations of the symbolism of the reverse of the
Great Seal of the United States – giving our founders the benefit of doubt to which he believes they are entitled. (Annuit Cœptis: Providence [God] has "approved our undertaking," and "the Eye of Providence [God] watches over our undertaking.") The pyramid was shown as incomplete to symbolize the fact that much work remained to be done, to perfect this nation. But the architects have become negligent or have gone astray.
     Our founders approved this seal in 1782, and, Masonic connections aside (several were Freemasons), they are the ones who produced the Declaration of Independence, fought and won the Revolutionary War, and bequeathed to us not only this nation, but the Constitution and its Bill of Rights. Pridger considers that a pretty good recommendation of their intents.
     Unfortunately, however, the original intents and high aspirations of our founders are not what have played out over the last century. Those dreams have gradually been turned onto their head. This, needless to say, is not progress. And today (early 2009), it has come clear that things are finally falling beginning to unravel.

Most of Pridger's compatriots, of course, take the alternative, negative, view of the all-seeing eye, looking to Adam Weishaupt's infamous Order of the Illuminati, seeing the satanic values behind them. These symbols are taken as evidence of a One World conspiracy that presumably infected our nation from its very founding. They see the all-seeing eye of Satan, Lucifer (the Illuminated One) – the embodiment of evil.
     While Pridger does grant that the great conspiracy existed, and has been progressing throughout our national history, this nation was not seriously infected until the Civil War (where the battle was less about slavery than fundamentals of sovereignty, trade, and finance).
     Pridger makes a distinction between a good, or Christian, illuminism and evil illuminism (i.e., enlightenment). Undoubtedly both of these forces were at work during Revolutionary times as now, but Pridger allows that it was the good forces that predominated among our founders.
     An example of the distinction can readily be seen in the contrast between the American and French Revolutions. The American Revolution, by its very Declaration of Independence, was an affirmation of God and God-given rights, and, though the government itself was to be strictly secular, our nation was founded on Christian ideals by men who were overwhelmingly Christian in their religious orientation – whereas the French Revolution was a refutation of both God and religion while using the motto, "Liberté, égalité, fraternité!" (Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity), as its humanistic cover. Also see the French "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen".
     A similar contrast can also be seen when comparing the visions reflected in the writings of our founders, and comparing notes with the what has since come to pass, as Pridger attempts to illustrate in these images.
     While recognizing why many patriots see nothing but evil in these symbols, Pridger uses them to show the transformation from good illuminism to bad illuminism.
     Of course, Pridger further recognizes the several shades of gray under the heading "bad" or "evil" illuminism. Some are less evil than merely mercenary in their "Utopianism" – believing they not only know a better way – one that will render the greatest good for the greatest number of people – but that, when it comes to World Order, "the end justifies the means" no matter who or what is crushed or destroyed. 
     Pridger's rendition of the eye is weeping because....


Because, quite frankly, things have gone woefully wrong in America – a circumstance that is readily apparent with regard to our present wars and collapsing economy and our very uncertain future. And if God still be overlooking our world (as He certainly must be), He undoubtedly must have a tear in His eye. The Republic has been betrayed and stolen by the ongoing slight of hand of the forces of Mammon.
     Rather than a wonderful "New Secular Order" in the New World, as envisioned by our more positively enlightened (illuminated) founders, our government has obviously gradually been taken over by the forces of avarice and finally rendered itself financially and morally unstable.
     The all-seeing eye of the Creator, shown in a small pyramid, always remains above and apart from the larger pyramid below.

An upright pyramid, of nearly equilateral proportions, is one of the most stable simple geometric solids. Conversely, an inverted pyramid is absolutely unstable. Thus, the upright pyramid represents stability, or GOOD – and the inverted pyramid represents instability, or BAD. Since pyramids can be represented by triangles, the same symbolism applies. Thus:

Our apologies the Mr. Clinton. This is only for illustrative purposes.
Clinton has his good points, of course, but he made a hell of an embarrassing president.

The pyramid – the symbol of man's most stable and enduring accomplishments – has been turned on its head. Thus it has been rendered totally unstable. Our once limited government – of the people, by the people, and for the people – has been replaced with a government resembling an all-powerful, Omnipotent, and top-heavy, government. One which is attempting to stand in the place our founders reserved to God alone. But in Pridger's illustrations, God's all-seeing eye remains steadily above, observing the affairs of men in disappointed sadness, as a father observes the folly of a wayward child.

Some call it the "Great Spirit"

An inverted pyramid, of course, can only do one of two things. It can topple over to one side or another, or (lacking cohesion of its component parts), merely crumble straight down. In either case, it would likely be transformed into a disorderly pile of rubble. But the pile of rubble, though confused and disorderly, is once again a stable construct, much diminished in stature and organization. The pile of rubble will form a lower, more irregular, pyramid. It's shape will be determined by the natural laws of physics and a pyramid of lower profile will result. The incline of its side will conform to the natural angle of repose dictated by the size and shape of its component parts.

To turn from physics to philosophy, there is naturally considerable confusion with regard to Christian illuminism and evil illuminism, if the distinction is recognized at all. Both grew out of the same "Age of Enlightenment" – and shared the insights of many of the same philosophers and thinkers. Though they may share some of the same roots, there is a great divide between them – one using ancient symbols with meanings based in sound logic, and the other using some of the same symbols with meanings based in deception disguised as sound logic.
     Additionally – and unfortunately – fundamentalist Christians are unable to admit that the Christian illuminism of men like Thomas Jefferson and several others of our founders is at all "Christian." They see it in the same context as they see what Pridger calls "evil illuminism." Yet Pridger, for one, though not a Christian in the fundamentalist context, is a strong supporter of the ideal of America as a Christian nation – ideally, a nation of Christians with a secular government which naturally aspires to practice the Golden Rule and high moral ideals taught by Jesus.

Pyramids are also very handy for illustrating some of the basic principles of sound government, the natural hierarchy of human organization, and sound economics, stability, and instability – and how our nation has strayed from sound basic founding principles. 

In the following illustration, entitled "The Story of American Economic Development" an intermediate shape is show between the upright and inverted pyramids. The barrel is also a stable construction, and it might well have been shown as a cube. The point is that stability requires a broad base providing a firm and stable foundation, and the superstructure must be cohesive and not overly top-heavy. These illustrations take pains to show that the foundation of the nation, or any nation, must be a strong, and relatively self-sufficient, agrarian base. In terms of population numbers, the base of the pyramid represents the agrarian sector of society and the economy, which is the most fundamentally important segment of society. It is the base and basis of all that is built above. And the larger part of the central levels of the pyramid represent the productive working classes other than farmers, including industrial workers, shop-keepers, and people who provide basic, non-governmental, services. The top strata represent government, which should be very small in comparison to the productive and service strata of the population.

Poised for Disaster! (Coming 2009?)


Another problem we encounter in assessing the "conspiratorial" views of history, of course, is the Masonic thread that runs through both good and evil illuminism. Several of our founding fathers, including George Washington, were Freemasons, and many believe their membership is evidence that they were actually secret adherents of Weishaupt's Order of the Illuminati.
     The fairly obvious Masonic symbolism, principally on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, has come to represent a confirmation of this connection. The symbol of the all-seeing eye, of course, is a truly ancient symbol that has appeared in many pagan civilizations and religions. But this does not render it any less useful for our purposes in the here and now.

     Though it goes against the grain of most most patriots and conspiracy theorists, Pridger sees the symbolism in the Great Seal in the contexts he believes our founding fathers perceived and intended them at the time the nation was founded.
     Though Pridger personally eschews secret societies and esoteric organizations, this Masonic symbolism, does not disturb him. He recognizes that there can be good and bad secret societies. Symbolism is in the eye of the beholder and may have different meanings to different groups or individuals. Pridger is confident that the rank and file of Freemasons, throughout their history, have been fine people. As for the beliefs and goals of the inner circles of leadership of any secret order, we are always confronted with secrecy and the so-called "mysteries" which are not revealed to the outer circles of adherents. In fact, Pridger does consider it likely that the inner-most circles of Freemasonry today are very representative of the elite powers pushing us toward global governance. And this is why Pridger is aloof from such organizations.
     But the elite in America at the time of the American Revolution do not resemble the internaitonal elite of today. They were not pushing us toward a "New World Order" but rather a "New Secular Order" in the New World – national independence from England and a clean break from the Old European Order.
     To the extent that people like Thomas Jefferson supported the French Revolution, they considered it a similar fight for freedom against the age-old tyrannies of kings and Church. They certainly did not know that it was going to end up as a rampant and soul-crushing blood bath, in stark contrast to the American Revolution.

The American Declaration of Independence declared the "Natural Rights of man" – bestowed by our Creator – whereas the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights, attempts to enumerate all rights granted and carefully enumerated and codified by what is essentially intended as a global government – aspiring to become our Almighty government, and our Savior. As in the French Declaration of the Rights of Man... God, the Creator, is pointedly omitted as the source of human rights. Where necessary, nature may be mentioned – never God, Creator, or Providence. This effectively means, in their eyes, there is no POWER greater than that of organized men – government; and there is no LAW greater than the laws of organized men – government. And, a perpetual quest for power is in the genes of any government, and that power becomes an increasingly fertile ground for a natural progression leading toward corruption, tyranny, and oppression.


It was the tyranny of "government," in the form of all-powerful god-kings and the Church that made made it necessary for thinking men to form secret societies. In those days incorrect "thoughts" and "speech" were crimes. "Criticism" of the monarch or Church was a crime, "Doubt" was a crime. "Heresy" was a crime.
     Only in secret meetings could men of open mind communicate openly with one another, and discuss politics, religion, science, philosophy, or read politically incorrect literature, without fear of harsh punishment. So there was a rationale and place for secret societies in Europe of the Middle Ages during the early years of the Enlightenment. And the meetings that took place among American revolutionaries, as they plotted against the government of the king and his colonial representatives, were necessarily secretive in nature, whether Masonic or not. The Sons of Liberty provide a significant example. 
     And such times may come again. It may be here now, as "thought crimes" and other forms of tyranny over the minds and bodies of men once again begin to enter into our increasingly perverted and subverted "New Order of the Ages." (There are many Sons of Liberty namesakes today. Google "Sons of Liberty.")

British MI-5 Logo.
When government police and secret services utilize the all-seeing eye, we can be somewhat certain that it does not signify the God of Christianity.

     When governments, and government agencies themselves effectively become "secret societies," or policy is effectively determined through secret channels hidden from the citizenry (by "special interest groups"), this is the real threat to the concept of "government of the people, by the people, and for the people." And in this case, the people themselves are justified by necessity itself to form and use secret societies to meet the threats and challenges of tyranny, and once again eventually defeat the forces of oppression. 

The above exercise in pyramid, or triangle, manipulation attempts to show that in a properly composed egalitarian society and economy, the population and wealth pyramids should be superimposed on one another, and compliment one another. Thus, from the blue population pyramid and the yellow wealth pyramid comes the green pyramid.
      Today we have an inverted wealth pyramid superimposed on the population pyramid, and all nature of anomalies appear to evolve, with the Star of David coincidentally appearing when the opposed pyramids are centered. This happened quite by accident, as Pridger played with the triangles. It's rather interesting – and perhaps apropos – because of the power that Zionists seem to have attained over both our national culture, body politic, and Middle East foreign policy.
     Could this mean that the power of two opposed and centered equilateral triangles is greater than the sum of its parts? Let us hope not.
    We're not only all Keynesians now – "We're all Zionists," as Vice President Joseph Biden so blatantly put it, (meaning American foreign policy is unequivocally devoted to the defense of Israel for better or worse [and it always gets worse]). Both presidential candidates in the recent election quite openly effectively swore allegiance to Israel during their campaigns. Not to do so would have have been political suicide. In other words, that little American flag lapel pin worn by most politicians, might just as well be a Star of David. 

Below is an another illustration roughly resembling an eye (from an unknown source). It shows the six points of the Star of David as the six major internationalists organizations known to be working for some facsimile of world government. (i.e., Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations, the Bilderberg GroupClub of Rome, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Trilateral Commission. The center here is the "Round Table Group," or the current generation of the Round Table Group (as defined and chronicled by Carroll Quigley). The original Round Table Group, of course, actually pre-dated the other groups. But now, these organizations make up the Round Table Group, which (like the Bilderberg Group), is not an official organization.
     The intent of this illustration, of course, is to imply a secret Zionist connection, which is presumed to be more than a mere connection, but perhaps the most central player in this web of interconnected organizations. And in this case Zionism is not just made up of political Zionists, but also the big players in international finance, which is still presumed to be predominately under Jewish controlled.

Source Unknown


So, the pyramid and all-seeing eye symbolism may be cause for considerable concern in the here and now world. What they may have symbolized to Weishaupt's Order of the Illuminati might not have been the same as to those who devised the reverse of our Great Seal of the United States. And certainly, the aspirations of our founding fathers do not resemble the all too obvious aspirations of today's proponents of globalism and the New World Order. It would appear that our leadership (or those who pull its strings), have reverted to something somewhat sinister – something which has, in fact, been leading us to a New World Order, while (as we can clearly see today), robbing us blind.
     Membership in the Freemasons is not a requisite for membership in the various organizations now running the world, but there's little doubt that many are members. Most American Freemasons would probably be very shocked and outraged at the allegation that Freemasonry might be in any way under the secret influence of Zionists, or that the Jewish elites might control it from deep within its inner circles. 
     Pridger certainly doesn't know this to be the case, yet he is quite familiar with the whys and wherefores of the many allegations that lead him to speculate and suspect that it could very well be true. And he is aware that some believe the innermost circle of Freemasonry believe in the godhood of man.
     As for a Jewish/Zionist connection, it's interesting to note that the High Court building (Supreme Court), in Israel – which was allegedly financed by Rothschild wealth – coincidentally has a pyramid cleverly and inconspicuously placed on the roof where it can only be easily observed from the air. This is particularly strange, since, except on the back of the one dollar bill, the United States has never use the reverse of the Great Seal – but Israel has actually placed an actual replica on one of it's more important government buildings.

   Here we see a pyramid that very closely resembles the one on our Great Seal, but with the all-seeing eye in the body of the top of a "completed" pyramid. Would this symbolize that they feel " (their) endeavors have been crowned with success"?

One cannot help but to wonder about the significance of the pyramid and all-seeing eye atop the Israeli High Court building. Obviously, it's proportions are very close to the pyramid on our dollar bill – more closely resembling the Nubian pyramids of Meroe, Sudan, than the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Would this secretly symbolize that they consider their work has been crowned with success? And could the eye in the body of the pyramid signify their belief that they are the true god and ruler of the now and future New World Order? Pridger certainly doesn't know, but it makes one wonder.

An unfinished Nubian pyramid, Meroe, Sudan

     Interestingly, the pyramid on the Israeli High Court building is sunken into the roof and placed where it cannot be seen from street level. Obviously, this in itself is a significant symbol of intended secrecy, or at least implied esoteric "mystery." It sort of makes us think of secret societies in general, and Freemasonry in particular – in very close conjunction with Zionism. Many of the the ancient mysteries have Kabbalah (Jewish Mysticism) at their source. To what extent these intercept Masonic mysteries Pridger hasn't determined. B'nai_B'rith, founded in 1843, has often been characterized, at least by outsiders, as a Jewish Masonic organization, which it apparently denies. 
     Below, we see that Freemasonry certainly must be alive and well in Israel – and very much up front. This monument is located at the "Freemason's Circle" in Eilat, Israel.

   This monument is in Eilat, Israel. In addition to the Masonic compass and square and letter "G," it features the pyramid flanked by the Pillars of Solomon.
   If nothing else, this tells us that Freemasonry is very much alive and well in Israel, and they are not shy about it.

     All of this is just speculation on Pridger's part. Who knows what all of these things really mean? But there's enough symbolism here to overflow a good sized oil drum.

The bottom line here is that Pridger's all-seeing eye symbolizes God the Creator – the actual ruler of the Universe – regardless of it's meaning to others, and has nothing to do with any esoteric organization.  


 Here's a shot of Pridger standing in knee deep water, peacefully pontificating on the beach. It's a beautiful sunny Summer day. The surf is up, and economic and political tsunamis are gathering strength. Pridger figured it was coming, but didn't know exactly when. Another way of looking at it... "Just because a guy isn't paranoid doesn't mean he isn't being followed."

Some illuminating links to the subject of the Order of the Illuminati




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