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Pridger's Diatribe
CREDIT AS MONEY In case you don't yet know it, our national currency
represents debt, rather than wealth or even a neutral "medium of
exchange." In other words, we've managed to get things totally
turned, as they say, bass-ackwards. Of course, debt money represents
wealth too, but that wealth is not in the money itself, but the
collateral behind the collective debt. In the case of the U.S. Money
supply, that collateral is the very land and assets of the nation
something most of us never intended to mortgage. Since the advent, and almost universal use, of credit
cards, it is now possible to completely do away with physical monetary
instruments. They could easily be replaced with a card which would make
the use of cash totally obsolete. Pridger has designed the above "UMACARD" for
the "fictional" United Monetary Authority. (You may click on
the UMACARD image for larger
view.) The United Monetary Authority is merely one of many possible
names for the future global central banking system. Though it would
probably be under the nominal authority of the United Nations, since
the U.S. Dollar is still the primary global reserve currency, it would
probably be dominated by the Federal Reserve System of the United
States. The UMA would presumably be organized like the Federal Reserve
System, wherein the Federal Reserve would be the dominant member, and
the central banks of other nations subsidiary members. The World Bank
and International Monetary Fund would, of course, be part of the UMA. 1 December, 2003 ORIGINAL SIN The United States was born with some serious birth defects, including the institution of chattel slavery. But that was not our original sin we inherited it, for better or worse, from our colonial fathers. If we had a true national birth defect that can be considered the original sin, it was (in the words of Charles Walters, in the December 2003 issue of Acres U.S.A.) "...the failure of the Founding Fathers to set up a Department of Money." From this failure has come two centuries of monetary fumbling, and we're further from getting it right now than at any time during that history. Pridger Our debt monetary system works pretty well if you
can ignore the matter of the national debt, which now stands at
$6,933,911,219,507.28. "Stands" is the wrong word that's
what it was a few days ago it's bigger today, and getting bigger
all the time. If it weren't for that, our system could be considered
somewhat of a success.
Learned economists and college professors (debt apologists), dare not say "we owe it to ourselves" today. That lie has become far too extravagant. Too many people are beginning to realize at least part of the truth. They say, the debt is good if it brings expansion of business, for only with expansion of business will there be more jobs and more prosperity. And therein lies the fundamental fallacy of their argument. Their contention is that the debt is really no problem, because it never actually has to be repaid! Business, they seem to actually believe, can expand until the planet busts (but that's good), but nothing will bust with regard to the debt, though it grows exponentially, and interest payments will eventually consume and exceed all tax revenues. But interest on the national debt, is one of the only non-discretionary items in the budget. It must be paid before federal payrolls and Social Security checks can clear the Treasury. Pridger Trading with the Enemy The life story of Sam Walton is the classic American
Capitalist fairy tale. What makes it all the more fascinating, is that
it is true. We cannot help but greatly admire such a man who, starting
from a single small town location, built the largest, most profitable,
company in the world. Unfortunately, that company, while benefiting
millions of employees and consumers, has helped destroy many millions
of lives and has contributed significantly to the destruction of whole
small down business districts throughout the nation. Mis-representative government is government which has been high jacked by special interests. Pridger In spite of our march into and through a New World
Order, there are some very real threats to world peace. The war on
terrorism is just a side-show compared to what will almost certainly
happen to derail the seamless solution we call a Global Village. Huge
corporations like Wal Mart, that have pinned their (and our), future on
Asian production and markets are among the most vulnerable. Thus the
new American economy, which has become dependent on foreign production,
is acutely vulnerable. To become nationally dependent on what our handlers view as a wonderful "international interdependence" is national madness. The United States is still capable of being an economically independent nation, but that advantage is being thrown away. Pridger The jury is still also out in the case of post USSR Russia. Russia is now an economic mess, but it is still a formidable nuclear power. Pridger THE MONEY PROBLEM Money, of course, is at the root of our economic
problems. More specifically, debt money. Most giant corporations could
never have been able to come into being but for the availability of
massive amounts of credit, extended with certain economic goals in
mind. Those goals are the aggrandizement of large capitalist enterprise
on an unprecedented scale, with a view toward world domination by those
who control the money and credit issue on a global scale. Any
"worthy" enterprise, of almost any magnitude, can be
capitalized through the present credit-money creation processes. What
constitutes a "worthy" enterprise, is determined by a very
exclusive cadre of international movers and shakers, who remain two or
three levels behind the scenes. Money (currency), of course, has many definitions, but
can be divided into two broad categories hard money (spies), and
soft money (fiat). THOSE WONDERFUL DEBTS AND DEFICITS There are still those wonderful optimists among us who
insist that huge and growing debts and trade deficits are really only
evidence of our growing economic strength. The last time I looked, the
federal deficit stood at $6,933,911,219,507.28 only about
$23,696.00 per man, woman, and child in the country. The theory is
that, in the final analysis, it makes little difference how large the
debt becomes it can literally, and simply, be "rolled
over" in perpetuity, without any significant consequences. Who
really cares who actually ends up owning our nation or the world. We'll
still get to occupy it. OVERTIME PAY AND THE WONDERFUL NEW
WORLD President Bush sent many taxpayers, $600.00, shortly after taking office yours truly included and we didn't even have to ask for it. That made him pretty popular with taxpayers. But now he wants to take over time pay away from perhaps millions of America's workers. I don't get it. The $600.00, I understand, was my share of a proposed
tax cut an income tax rebate, I think it was called. Or maybe it
was actually an advance on my share of the projected budgetary surplus
(circa 2001. I appreciated it, of course. After all, it was my money to
begin with, and Bush simply caused the Treasury to return it. I was
glad to get it back. Yet this seemed a highly irregular act on the part
of any President. It did purchase a lot of good will for the Bush
administration, I suppose, and made him feel more
"legitimate" in office. But even as I cashed the check, I
could not help but think that it was bound to cost me much more than
$600.00 in the long run. NATIONAL DECONSTRUCTION The history of our great republic started with its Declaration of Independence and progressed through the adoption of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Thereafter, until the Civil War, its primary problems stemmed from severe national growing pains, as the continent was explored, conquered, and settled. Republican government suffered severe setbacks under the Republican administration of Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War, and throughout Reconstruction. Thereafter, it thrived until the present era of Deconstruction that began about the turn of the twentieth century. The Spanish American War, The Federal Reserve Act, World War I, the New Deal, World War II, and the Cold War (including the assassination of President Kennedy), were the highlights of the early Deconstruction period. During that period, and well beyond, industrial and material progress blinded the public to the on-going political Deconstruction of the nation. Since the end of the Cold War, Deconstruction has gone into a new and accelerated phase, as our trusty leaders have abandoned American nationalism and trade protectionism in favor of Global Village building, and making the world safe for international corporate piracy. The present open-ended war on terrorism promises even a more accelerated era of national political, and economic, decline. Global empire building, has displaced all notion of protecting constitutional republicanism this, again under a Republican administration. Pridger Even those who disagree with Bush's Iraqi War, are
affirming that we must now "stay the course" (this time), to
insure democracy in Iraq and freedom and liberty in the United States
and the rest of the world. This, of course, is almost an exact replay
of our early situation in Vietnam, yet few are willing to draw such
parallels. The situation is, indeed, a lot different in Iraq than it was in Vietnam. In Vietnam, half the nation was supposedly on our side, and we had a friendly "democratically installed regime." Not only that, but we had the entire South Vietnamese Army on our side, in addition to half a million of our own troops. What is even more embarrassing, many South Vietnamese actually liked us in spite of ourselves, and had a lot of faith in our ability and determination to deliver national salvation. In other words, there was a lot more light at the end of the tunnel in Vietnam than there is in Iraq today. Pridger If we ever had a valid excuse to go to war with any
small communist nation, it was Cuba before the USSR
got heavily entrenched there, and before the missile crises. But when
the Cuban missile crises developed, it was too late, because the real
antagonist had become the USSR. Kennedy had enough sense to avoid a war
with them. We had been provoking Russia by literally surrounding it
with our own nuclear missiles. Another provocation that certainly warranted an attack by the U.S. was the Embassy Hostage crises in Tehran, Iran during the Carter administration. Carter declined to start a war over that provocation. It was a humbling embarrassment for the nation, but Carter avoided war, much to his credit. Pridger The events of September 11th, 2001 were certainly a
provocation. But Iraq and Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with it. Our
invasion of Afghanistan was at least understandable, if not absolutely
necessary. But our war with Iraq has all the earmarks of a private
vendetta. The fact is, we were ready for a war with Iraq, for reasons
that have never been adequately explained to the American people. The
reasons probably boil down to two words, oil, and Israel, with the
latter likely as the real reason. Iraq was a potential threat to
Israel. Pridger MICHAEL JACKSON'S ARREST As might be imagined, Pridger is no Michael Jackson
fan. He sees Jackson as a pitiful specimen worthy of both pity and
compassion. But the very idea that such a person could become a
pop-culture superstar, and a multimillionaire in the process, is about
as damning a reflection on the state of American popular culture as can
be imagined. Still, Jackson is a talented singer and entertainer, and
head and shoulders above the gangster rap artists that are shepherding
our youth down into ever darker recesses of the cultural basement. Respect for the law? There's simply too damned much of it to respect! Pridger 23 November, 2003 RUSH LIMBAUGH IS BACK ON THE JOB! Pridger was pretty disappointed to learn that Rush was
hooked on painkillers. We thought he was a bastion of strength and
moral rectitude. Part of his loyal following is bound to fall away. One
thing is fairly certain. "Rush Rooms" (if any survive), and
"dittoheads," will henceforth carry slightly different
connotations. PALEO-LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE LIBERTARIAN POPULIST CONSTITUTIONALIST? What is a "paleo-liberal conservative libertarian
populist constitutionalist?" (1) A paleo-liberal, of course, is
nothing more than a fancy way of saying "classic" liberal,
i.e., one "Favoring individual freedom... broad mindedness, and
tolerance." It bears almost no relation at all to modern leftist
political liberalism. (2) A true conservative believes in
the "conservation" of all that has proven to be good and
valuable (things as diverse as the environment, core religious values,
moral standards, standards of common decency, and political ideals),
and is willing to stand up and fight for them. (3) A libertarian is
part conservative and part liberal, but his liberal half is infected
with a belief that mankind is capable of thriving under anarchy
(particularly the anarchy of free international market forces). A
"conservative libertarian," however, is an adult libertarian
with common sense, (i.e., realizing that maybe the agents of Mammon
need a little regulation). (4) A Populist, to over-simplify, feels that
"We the People" are what government is instituted to serve,
but only in a limited way, conductive to conditions necessary for
realization of "the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness." (5) An American "Constitutionalist" believes
in the American form of limited, republican, representative government,
as envisioned and instituted by the founding fathers of the United
States and adherence to the Constitution and its original Bill of
Rights (in the contemporary contexts made clear in the writings of the
founders who drafted and ratified them). This includes a jealous regard
for the defense of our national integrity our sovereignty, our
political institutions, our borders, our resources, our currency, our
markets, our advantages, our peoples, and our "God given"
rights and freedoms. It implies both reasoned degrees of national
"isolationism" and "protectionism." The differences between liberal democrats and neo-conservative republicans are few. Liberal democrats want to make sure the poor, the sick, the elderly, and minorities (voters all, after all), are taken care of as everybody else, including the nation itself, are sold down the river. Neo-conservatives, knowing that the poor, the sick, the elderly, and minorities aren't really doing all that badly, figure they may as well maximize the profits of selling the nation down the river. Pridger Liberals sell the nation out in hopes of gaining a utopian socialist Global Village, financed primarily by taxpayers and their descendents. Neo-conservatives sell the nation out in hopes of gaining a utopian free market Global Village, financed primarily by private capital on the backs of the global labor pool. Pridger Liberals believe that all problems can be solved through bigger, more expensive, government freed from the constraints of the Constitution. Neo-conservatives believe all problems can be solved through bigger, more profitable, corporations freed from the constraints of any Constitutional government by, of, and for the people. When things begin to get a little unstable, war is the prime solution. Pridger Liberals believe in government of the people, for the benefit of the people, by armies of federal bureaucrats, paid for by working people. Neo-conservatives believe in government of the people, for the benefit of Wall Street and corporate profits, paid for by working people. Pridger Labor, not capital, is the primary source of all wealth. It preceded organized capital by millions, perhaps billions, of years, and basically did pretty well without it. Wealth is harvested from the natural resources that abound within the biosphere and sub-surface of the planet. These gifts of God, however, have never been hunted, fished, mined, or harvested except by the hand of labor. Nothing of value has ever been fabricated or mass produced but by the hand of labor. Capital organizes and concentrates labor to greater productive capacity, but labor still deserves due credit, and an equitable share in the fruits of that labor. Labor deserves more than just a living wage if a business is sufficiently profitable to provide its employees "good jobs" and no CEO or stockholder deserves a king's ransom simply because he's able to short-change labor. Pridger When a CEO can "earn" millions annually from the fruits of labor, but that labor itself remains poverty-stricken to the point of servitude, something is direly wrong with national economic policy. Pridger The ultimate goal of international free trade (when all workers are finally equally compensated), must be that America produce the food, automobiles, electronics, and other consumer goods for the rest of the world, while the rest of the world produces the food, automobiles, electronics, and other consumer goods for America. Pridger Both liberal democrats and neo-conservative republicans envision a world where global labor will make a decent living wage and the wherewithal to purchase the necessities of life, and sufficient consumer goods and diversions, to keep revolution in check. Pridger The American industrial wage is doomed, along with meaningfully organized labor, due to the internationalization of markets. International labor organizations will apply some pressure for a global minimum wage, which will eventually apply equally to American and other First World labor pools. The goal is full employment for an international slave-labor class. The Elite Liberal democrat establishment will continue to maintain its elite lifestyle, as always, largely at taxpayer expense, supplemented to a significant degree by corporate profits. The elite conservative establishment will continue to maintain its elite lifestyle, as always, through corporate profits, also supplemented to a significant degree by taxpayers. Pridger The purpose of national governments under the New World Order is to produce, and ride herd over, a docile corporate workforce. They will used their social engineering capabilities (public education), and its police powers, to accomplish this. Pridger The neo-conservative (and capital's) definition of a "good job" in private industry, is a job in which labor is paid more than it is worth. Good jobs (outside of top management, of course), are something to be eliminated. What any particular job is really worth, of course, is gauged by what the lowest paid worker on the planet is willing to accept. That's the law of the free international marketplace. Good jobs are eliminated in high wage countries through export of production to cheap labor areas, domestic automation and downsizing, out-sourcing, downsizing. These things, in turn, make it possible for corporation in high wage countries to lower wages and fringe benefits, and extend working hours, in high wage regions. Pridger American capitalism, essentially confined to free trade philosophy within the the forty-eight or fifty states of the Union (through protectionism), is what made our nation into the prosperous wonder of the world that it became. The rise of the great laboring middle class produced a miracle never before witnessed in the history of mankind. This miracle of broad-based prosperity was driven by the American industrial wage, i.e., the development of a profusion of "good jobs" throughout the nation. These good jobs in private industry, was a tide that lifted all boats. Pridger The spectacular success of American style capitalism was made possible by a reasonable degree of national protectionism combined with the demands of organized labor. This essential degree of protectionism protected the American worker from competition from slave and peon labor abroad, and prevented American capital from moving its production abroad to cheap labor markets. Pridger Industrialist Henry Ford pioneered the idea of giving workers the wherewithal to purchase and enjoy the fruits of their own labor by giving them the first "industrial wage" and the leisure time to spend and enjoy it. He had figured out that wage slaves couldn't afford to purchase the products of their own labor. Ford Motor Company prospered along with its workers, and never had to be baled out by the government. Pridger "Divide and Conquer" has been the tactic of perverse forces sense the dawn of civilization. America once worked as a self-contained productive powerhouse in which both industry and labor were well rewarded and married to a mutually beneficial economic system. "Good jobs" enhanced, rather than stifled, corporate profits. The American consumer was empowered by the fact that he had a "good job," enabling him to be an effective and valuable consumer for the products of industry. Workers were the primary consumers of their own production in the broadest sense. But this magic formula (never totally perfected), was only possible within the regulatory confines of a closed and protected national economy. Today, labor and consumer have been divided. On behalf of the consumer (and capital), production is moved to cheap labor areas. Cheap imports are made available to the consumer as he is undermined as a producer with a good job. This is the carrot on the stick, by which the consumer has been seduced into voting for free international trade through his pocket book. As the good jobs disappear, the cheap imports look even more enticing than they did when the American worker had a good job. Pridger One of the rationales for free international trade is that protectionism deprives Americans of the bounty of cheap foreign imports. That it is also depriving him of his good jobs is coming into focus too, but that doesn't drive policy. Profits (money), not the concerns of labor, drive policy. Pridger The phenomenon known as the "jobless economic recovery" came into being a decade or two ago. Largely divorced from domestic labor, industry can recover and be prosperous even as workers regress in economic fortune. Huge corporate profits show up on Wall Street and the Gross Domestic Product, but not in the pockets of labor, nor on Main Street U.S.A. American prosperity is gauged by Wall Street performance and GDP rather than the well-being on Main Street. This formula for economic disaster and revolution is still being sold to the American people as what my old Pappy called the "Wonderful New World." Fewer people are buying it, but economic perversity and national suicide have taken on unstoppable lives of their own. The only "solution" ever offered by our illustrious leaders is more and more political and economic poison. Revolution waits in the wings. Americans are still far too well fed, and too well entertained and distracted, to have serious thoughts about taking their country back. Pridger 21 November, 2003 SAME SEX MARRIAGES Same Sex marriage has apparently been mandated in Massachusetts by that lucky (or unfortunate), state's Supreme Court. Here is where another popular initiative and recall would seem highly appropriate. The California governor was subjected to such a recall. The Massachusetts Supreme Court ought to be considered for similar treatment. If a sufficient percentage of the voting public has the right to recall a state governor, they should also have the right to recall Supreme Court justices. Should any Supreme Court be able to over-rule the majority of the people? If so, democracy is a sham. Pridger Of course, the United States Supreme Court has been making a sham of democracy and representative government for several decades. Most of that sordid bunch should be recalled too, and sent out of town with sufficient tar and feathers adhering to their torsos to excite the vigorous pursuit of every bird dog in their flight paths. Pridger In the United States it's extraordinarily politically incorrect to offend, much less outrage, any minority. The majority may be offended and outraged with impunity, in a wholesale manner and without end and it has no real recourse short of revolution or civil war. Pridger The silent majority won't complain too loudly about anything as long as it is overfed, Social Security is safe, and Monday night football is never preempted. Pridger Apparently same sex marriages will only be allowed between two individuals. One would think that polygamy would have been legalized before same sex marital unions. But while sodomy and all nature of "traditional sin," are no longer against the law morality laws (except for murder, rape, and theft, etc.), have been judged as violations of the separation of church and state (at least according to the ACLU). Polygamy is still against the law perhaps because it has religious connotations (Mormon, Muslim, etc.). But if same sex marriages are to be legal, I suppose we're all free to get married to anybody, as long as they are of the same sex. Buddies and best friends can get married, provided there are no prohibitions against Platonic relationships in marriage. I wonder how long it will be before man and dog, or woman and donkey, may legally tie the nuptial knot? Pridger The country had been going to the dogs long and fast enough. But now we're in a head-long dash to catch up with more progressive European nations that have allowed same sex marriages for some decades. Can another revolution be far off? The short answer is, "Not while Americans remain overfed and sufficiently entertained." Pridger Same sex marriage opens whole new scenarios for "alternate life styles." This could be the answer to the single men's prayers. Two heterosexual men could enjoy all the advantages of a married life without having any full-time females around to bicker at them. They'd simply play the field with women as if they were single, without worrying about getting caught up in any serious relationships that threaten traditional marriage. They could do partner swapping with heterosexual same sex female married couples, without the onus attached to the lifestyle of traditional "swingers." Pridger Pridger is thinking of calling up one of his old pals and running off to Massachusetts to get married. The purpose would be to test whether same sex marriage jurisdictions will discriminate against same sex heterosexual marriages. There should be no "ask and tell" requirements. Why shouldn't two heterosexual men, or heterosexual women, have the same rights as homosexuals? Wouldn't such a union comprise just as much of a "family" as a couple of homosexuals (except, perhaps, somewhat more morally wholesome)? Couldn't they raise children just as well? Shouldn't same sex partners with a purely Platonic relationship qualify for the same advantages homosexuals want? Pridger 18 November, 2003 "Wherever universal suffrage, or some close approach to it, is the primary axiom of government, the thing known as 'freak legislation' is a constant evil." H.L. Mencken Even more common than freak legislation, is freakish Supreme Court rulings, at both the Federal and state level. Pridger WHERE'S THE OUTRAGE? This November 22nd is the 40th anniversary of the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Everybody who is old
enough, remembers exactly where he was and what he was doing when the
news of the assassination reached him. As well we should! for
November 22, 1963 was perhaps the singular most defining moment of
American post Civil War history since the assassination of Abraham
Lincoln. On that date executive power secretly, and unequivocally,
passed from the duly elected president, to the non-elected agencies of
the executive branch, i.e., the CIA, FBI, JCS, etc.
Others have known, too, but have been afraid to speak
out because of threats and the fact that many suspicious deaths
followed the assassination. But now many are finally talking. Hollywood has been engaging in a make-over of President Kennedy's public image for some time now. The focus has increasingly been on Kennedy's "numerous flaws." It's the same number the media has been doing on such figures as George Washington and (especially) Thomas Jefferson. The purpose of this make-over of the Kennedy's legacy, in Pridger's opinion, is simply to mitigate the outrage an admiring public will feel when they finally fully realize the real facts behind the Kennedy assassination. It is to condition public opinion to accept that Kennedy was "properly" removed from office for the good of the nation by people who rightly had the best interests of the nation in mind. It is to show that the official cover-up and the Warren Commission's bogus investigation were not only necessary, but actually patriotic acts. In the long run, none of this will fly. But short-term enough people can be fooled to sort of smooth things over. Pridger The American people (most of whom are over-fed and under-educated super-consumers), aren't eager to find out uncomfortable truths. It might adversely impact their comfort and consumption levels. Pridger It has been said that Kennedy was the last president who seriously attempted to wield presidential powers. Since then, executive power has been vested in the un-elected branches of the executive branch of government. Pridger Presidents are mere tools and figureheads "used" to further the goals of our real rulers. Regardless of Bush's war and policy-making value at any given time, he can be discarded at any moment he no longer serves as a compliant spokesman for the powers behind the throne. Of course, he's doing as good a job as possible under the circumstances a damned good job. But when things go to hell (as they seem to be doing in Iraq), he'll be the one singled out as both the author and the perpetrator of disastrous policy. Bush knows it, and he's probably getting pretty nervous by now. He has been given an impossible task. It requires much more than one presidential term, but it is unlikely that Bush can be made popular enough (again), to weather the present decline in public approval ratings. Others are even now being groomed to take over during the next administration. It really doesn't matter who gets into office (democrat, republican, liberal or conservative), the agenda will be the same. Only the window dressings change, to convince the public that the election process has responded to voter input. Pridger Ironically enough, it hasn't been the much maligned
old-fashioned jingoistic American patriot who has been responsible for
our foreign wars and imperialistic adventures. The true American
patriot, in the words of Teddy Roosevelt, is for speaking softly, and
carrying a big stick. We (yes, I consider myself one of them), are for
minding our own national business the business of preserving
American republican institutions, freedom and liberty at home, with the
right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We believe in
preserving our own unique national advantages, minding the national
store, defending our borders and national sovereignty, while making
this country a model of just government and an example to, and for, the
world. Always a small minority among avowed "patriots," there
aren't many of us left. It requires taking unpopular stances, and even
being called traitors. Could there be a rebirth of freedom in our nation? Not likely. Certainly not in the foreseeable future. We're still moving rapidly in exactly the wrong direction. Our government isn't preserving freedom in America, it's too busy building a global village, and tearing down foreign obstructionists (tyrants), to that end. Today's "National Security" agenda, "thanks" to 9/11 and the war on terror, is about limiting real freedom in this country. The USA Patriot Act (a real Orwellian instance of Newspeak) is a disgrace and outrage to any real patriot. It's even an abomination to the great libertarian and socialist party crowds, who couldn't care less about anything like American nationalism and patriotism. The American Sovereign of today, is very much on his own. He has no legitimate government, and no representation in Washington. The very term "American Sovereign" (the very idea), is considered absurd today. Modern academics and politicians openly laugh at it and ridicule the notion. So the American Sovereign must look to his own devices to preserve his status and seek freedom in an un-free world. Pridger Long before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that we are not "One Nation Under God," we became "a very divided nation under G.O.D. 'Government, Omnipotent, and Deified'." It happened as We The People Slept comfortably on full stomachs with visions of sugar-plumbs dancing in our heads. Pridger Before there could be a rebirth of freedom in America, there would have to be a rebirth of learning. And if there were a real rebirth of learning if it were even possible it would take at least a generation to show any results. And a rebirth of moral character wouldn't hurt any either. There's nothing resembling either of these things in sight. Pridger Many people think we still have freedom in America.
That's basically because we can use the "F" with impunity in
public, have ready access to pornography, and plenty of cheap consumer
goods at Wal Mart. And we have legalized gambling! Even recreational
drugs are plentiful and almost universally available (in spite of being
illegal). 12 Nov. 2003 GLOBALISM Look at "the present madness of nations, which desire above all to produce as much as possible, and be as rich as possible... Today, mercantile morality is really nothing but a refinement on piratical moralitybuying in the cheapest market and selling in the dearest." And these men cry out for laissez-faire, to be let alone,these very men who most need supervision and control. (Will Durant, quoting Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), on "Aristocracy," in The Story of Philosophy. The "mercantile morality" and "piratical morality" of which Nietzsche wrote in the nineteenth century are the very ruling creeds of today's Globalization. Free trade and deregulation represent the repudiation of the supervision and control government, by right, should exercise over capital, in order to protect their peoples from the depredations of predatory corporate capital. Pridger Nietzsche said that "Democracy is drift." And
we have drifted (under the false notion of a federal democracy), from
the ideal of a representative constitutional republic (by consent of
the people), to a particularly flawed form of socialism combined with,
and dominated by, the mercantile morality of globalized capital.
Globalism is nothing short of an updated form of international fascism,
in which the real ruling power is vested in the financial leverage of
international corporate cartels, leaving national governments solely to
provide the necessary police powers required to produce and supervise
populations of docile corporate workers. The war on terrorism, of course, is another convenient diversion. It is a diversion by which the American citizen, in the throws of what he believes to be patriotism, is herded together and persuaded to don the fetters and chains of safety and security in the face of distant or contrived threats to his comfort level. Pridger The dastardly attacks of 9/11/2001 were intentionally
provoked over a long period of time to further a global agenda that
even president Bush probably hasn't got an accurate focus on. Bush was
selected as the tool and instrument of change by the true manipulators
of global events. In time, president Bush will be left swinging
in the wind, as was president Johnson before him (after Kennedy was
removed from the picture), during our war on international communism.
Johnson really thought he was fighting the the good fight against the
threat of international communism, just as Bush really thinks he is
doing the nation and world a favor by committing our national military
forces to a fight against international terrorism. Marxist Communism at least espoused a governing ideology based on a worthy moral premise. As perverse and false as it might have been, that ideology was not based upon the quest for monetary gain. Corporate collectivism has the potential of consuming the earth through rampant mercantilism run amok the inevitable reward of the worship of Mammon. Pridger Capitalism works, but not well (and not for long), unless it is made to work for the true benefit of the people. Left to its own devices, capital is exploitive, predatory, cannibalistic, all-consuming, and thus ultimately self-destructive. There is no morality, no loyalty, and no heart to capital, except through rigorous national regulation. It must be controlled and fettered. The free market principles which presently enthrall modern economists and our mis-representatives in Washington is ultimately carefully channeled anarchy and chaos turned to the profit of a few. It's only goal is perpetually increasing profits for the few, at the expense of the many. Pridger The WTO meeting in Cancun, Mexico (September, 2003), didn't go so well. It seems the world's political leaders and economic gurus are incapable of agreeing upon how to regulate free trade in a manner that pleases everybody in the global village. Beside the internal squabbles, an array of anti-globalists were out in force, too, trying to make their voices heard. What they were saying was that the global Utopia is a sham and a shame upon the institutions of civilized nations. Many of the anti-globalists are radical and of violent nature. Of course, that's about the only way they can make themselves heard, because our global rulers really don't want their voices heard (nor their votes or heads counted) and the controlled press would ignore them if they were too peaceful. Pridger One anti-globalist went the ultimate mile to make
himself heard in Cancun. Knowing that words alone would make little
impression, Lee Kyunghea, a farmer from South Korea, committed ritual
suicide before the shepherds of globalism. He made the ultimate
statement and sacrifice on behalf of Korean farmers and the farmers of
the world. 14 Million "Knowledge Worker" jobs at risk President Bush is being blamed for the loss of some 3.8
million production jobs during his tenure as president. Bush wasn't
responsible for those job losses. The wholesale de-industrialization of
America was begun in earnest at least three administrations ago. While
Bush didn't start the process, he's certainly making sure the process
continues. It's called globalism president Reagan's "new
international economic order," and the elder Bush's "New
World Order" and it isn't going to go away anytime soon.
"Free trade" and "deregulation" are the twin policy
instruments of globalism. Our government (which no longer bears much
resemblance to the government our founders conceived and established),
has sold the American people down the river, pure and simple. Schwarzenegger is the Governor of California No sooner has the Terminator actor become governor of California than a push has developed in in Congress to amend the Constitution to permit foreign born presidents. In other words, some of our brilliant national legislators have demonstrated both the depths and lengths of their long-term political vision. They already hope for a Terminator president even before he has proven his metal as governor of California. Perhaps he could out-do president Bush. Pridger 10/31/03 IMMIGRATION AND Why do legal and illegal immigrants continue to flock to this country? Because this is the land of opportunity, of course. We need immigrants to do the jobs that poor Americans don't want and refuse to take. Why don't poor Americans want them? Because the poor classes of people who would once have needed and filled those jobs were put on temporary or perpetual paid vacation by our war on poverty. Welfare, unemployment insurance, and other state and federal subsidies to the disadvantaged, insured that Americans no longer needed to work hard, or work at all, for a mere living wage. The domestic workforce in jobs such as agricultural field work and domestic services, were taken out of the menial workforce market by these subsidies, insuring the need for foreign workers. No longer would poor whites and blacks feel any compelling need to accept "undesirable" employment. Such jobs were to become beneath their dignity. How do we get these needed foreign workers to come to this country? They come of their own accord, without the need of any prompting. Our worst jobs usually pay much better than most of the best ones back in their home countries. But we've gone the extra mile to prompt even more to come. By initiating the Maquiadora program (the precursor of NAFTA), which exported American factories to the border areas of Mexico, we drew hundreds of thousands more jobseekers to the border areas than there were jobs available for them. This was both a magnet and an invitation for more illegal immigration to this country, and hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans are answering the call. Now there are also thousands of immigrant arriving from almost every nation in the world, except nations populated by the descendents of our founders. Muslim Middle Eastern nations are providing an increasing number of immigrants, and that situation will increase, as long, and long beyond, our war on terror, our nation-building in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the general turmoil in the Middle East continue. War has always resulted in aftermaths of unintended consequences one of which is always massive surges in immigration. Starting with the Spanish American War, which opened the floodgates to Cubans and Filipinos, each subsequent war has caused the massive displacement of large populations. Many of the refugees find their way to our shores. The Vietnam War the one that we supposedly lost brought hundreds of thousands of refugees. Their numbers (in terms of more refugees, Vietnamese-Americans bringing in their relatives, and all their descendents), have swelled into the tens of millions, and there will be no end of it. Latin Americans, Africans, Asians, and Middle Easterners will not only totally change the complexion of the nation in a few short years the nation has already ceased to be the nation that it was as recently as the mid-twentieth century. The change is not only demographic and cultural, but at the nation's political core, as politicians vie for the support of large and growing blocks of minorities, rather than seeking to represent the the traditional, and still major, majority (or even "We the People" in aggregate, which includes everybody). It is no longer the nation founded and envisioned by the founders. It's a nation that has been gifted to the world as the multi-racial and multi-cultural center of a New World Order. It was not gifted thus by true representatives of the people. It was gifted by political crooks and mis-representatives, many of whom didn't have the slightest idea what they were doing, and couldn't have cared less, as long as they got the necessary votes to get elected. The War on Terror will bring thousands of terrorists to our shores, mixed in with hundreds of thousands of fine Muslim immigrants seeking the opportunity to better their lives. An inordinate percentage of our doctors are Indians,
Pakistanis, and other Asians, because we make it easier for foreign
students to attend medical school in this country than for native-born
Americans. I have a cousin who had to go abroad to become an American
physician, and his case is far from unique. Most Americans who aspire
to become doctors simply give up because of the number of hurdles they
encounter. Of course, many find that the public schools simply haven't
prepared them for a higher education, much less medical school. Others
succumb to a lack of financial means, while the foreign and severely
disadvantaged enjoy special subsidies. Still others are denied
admittance due to a de facto AMA quota system that limits the number of
students admitted unless they are foreigners. We have never seen any "real" racial strife in this country. The Reconstruction and Civil Rights eras, and black riots since, were small potatoes compared to what is likely to happen in the future when the already "dispossessed majority" awakens to the fact that it has been numerically overwhelmed and has become a disadvantaged minority. That will probably happen within the first half of this new century. New World Order building is not a democratic process. It requires that the people be kept in confused disarray ignorant of what is actually transpiring in the nation and the world. Government "of the People, by the People, and for the People" doesn't even enter into the equation. The informed and knowledgeable consent of the governed is an impossibility. It is a 3-D process, and none of the 'D's stand for democracy. They stand for Deficits, Deceit, and Deception. Pridger Speaking of education, where do most kids and grownups
get their history lessons these days? TV docudramas, of course like
"Jefferson in Paris." Those who learn about Thomas Jefferson
from that movie, learn that he was a hypocritical slave-owner who
dillied and dallied in Paris, while fathering a child by his little
slave girl, and little else of historical consequence. They learn that
Sally's brother, and fellow slave, was brilliant, and able to spare
intellectually with his master. He, for example, if the movie is to be
believed, had learned French while in Paris, and Jefferson had not.
Hummmm? I wonder. 7 November, 2003 THE CALIFORNIA RECALL ELECTION Arnold Schwarzenegger lost any and every election in my book the first time he uttered the "F" or "MF" words in action movies targeting adolescent audiences. In fact targeting any audience with such language earns any actor an F in my book. Pridger Of course, Pridger is an anachronism one who has never been able to adjust to modern realities. Vulgarity and profanity are now accepted adult language, just as pornography is accepted mainstream adult entertainment as American as Mom and apple pie. Not that Pridger is a prude. He accepts that Vulgarity, pornography, prostitution, recreational drugs, etc., all have a legitimate, and unavoidable, place in society. The place, however, is the gutter (hopefully in a gutter zoned away from decent neighborhoods) not on prime time TV, places of family entertainment, or in the vocabulary of every child, movie star, and politician. The Terminator image, with which Schwarzenegger is so proudly associated, is not the image I would like to associate with any public official or holder of high office of this land. Pridger There's nothing wrong with body-building. But the vain and self-centered nature of any man seeking the position of Mr. Universe, is unbecoming of any politician or seeker of high public office. This is not an admirable attribute of the sort of philosopher/statesman that should routinely ascend to roles of state and national leadership. Pridger Our youth are tutored in what now passes for American culture, by "R" rated movies that make cultural icons and action heroes out of men like Schwarzenegger. Pridger What a far cry is actor-turned-politician Arnold Schwarzenegger from actor-turned-politician Ronald Reagan. The contrast is very telling with regard to the direction we are headed as a nation. Pridger Schwarzenegger, as governor of California, is an insult to the legacy of Ronald Reagan. Pridger Reagan was certainly not perfect. But he really stood for something (many things), much greater than himself. His public image was pristine, and his political philosophy left no doubt where his heart was. He was a truly great president, even though (like all presidents in recent memory), he was used in office to promote the New World Order agenda of corporate mercantile globalism. Pridger Reagan's Hollywood image was head and shoulders above that of the Terminator. One could not imagine Reagan allowing himself to be used in an "R" rated movie, or using what is now called "adult language." Pridger Reagan, in every aspect of his public an private life was the very epitome of common decency. Pridger What we now call "adult language" used to be called obscene and profane language. It was never acceptable in the presence of women, children, or "decent" society in general. Such language was once unthinkable in public prints or broadly distributed media entertainment. Pridger What we call "adult language" and "adult entertainment" define American culture to the rest of the world. America, the super power, is seen as a real life Terminator running rampant in the world, seeking to destroy common decency everywhere it is found in institutionalized form. Pridger A whole generation of Americans has been born and grown to adulthood, and thousands of immigrants (such as Arnold Schwarzenegger), have come to our shores and raised children, with the impression that pornography and the "F" word have always been central to American culture. Pridger We've experienced a "new birth of freedom" in this country since this writer came of age the freedom to be vile in print and entertainment media. To a certain class of people (often calling themselves progressives), this is progress. To me it is a form of regression and a clear sign of decadence in our society and political processes. Pridger Societies seeking to maintain high standards of common decency, have little choice but to view America as a decadent nation a base, degraded, and degrading influence in the world. This is why our attempt to rule the world, and establish a New World Order with our so-called "democratic values" is ultimately doomed to fail. We have galvanized the opposition. Pridger Arnold Schwarzenegger, in his attempt to be a role model to our youth, has played (albeit probably not intentionally), a significant role in corrupting their morals. Pridger America's primary semi-organized opposition in the world today happens to come from the world of Islamic fundamentalism. It's most radical elements attacked on September 11th, 2001, and provided the powers of globalism the excuse it had been wanting to wage an open-ended global war against all non-globalist self-determination. Pridger We can't win that war because it's goals are not the goals being articulated by our leaders. To paraphrase Lincoln, "You can't fool enough of the people long enough" to accomplish the long-term goals of the perverse. Pridger If we can't get our national sense of common decency back up where it belongs, neither war nor political processes will do us, or anybody else, any good. Pridger George Bush II, apparently has the mission of delivering up Iraq to the forces of Mammon and producing Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace. "Peace," in this context, is Newspeak for "Control" (either by the United States or a compliant, subservient, United Nations). Pridger What does Bush want to control? Ultimately, the world, of course. That includes you and me. Pridger Only through war can unsustainable systems be made to appear sustainable. Emergency measures permit all nature of things that would be unthinkable under peacetime conditions. Extraordinary levels of compounding debt, for example, and the machinery to enable the military and police to control both "We the People" and global geopolitical events. Pridger One must never loose sight of the fact that "We the People" are all potential terrorists, so the war on terrorism cannot but eventually come back and bite us. Pridger Bush is in trouble. His public approval rating is on the decline, and an election is approaching. The mission in Iraq is becoming contentious the Iraqis are not submitting as meekly as envisioned. It is quite an embarrassment to have to beg for United Nations assistance in Iraq so soon after we made it clear that we are the dog and they merely the tail. Pridger Bush requires at least another term in office to finish mopping up Afghanistan and Iraq, and deal with Iran and Syria. And there is that troublesome side-show over in Korea. Bush has bit off more than he can possibly handle in one term, and it is unlikely that the next president will be able to keep the public enthused about continuing and more war with such costs as more and more Americans coming home in body bags, and $87 billion appropriations for the current engagements alone. Pridger The Bush "Road Map to Peace" is quite embarrassing too, of course. There can be no lasting peace in Palestine, and everybody knows in advance that all attempts will be futile. That has been a self-evident truth since the establishment of the state of Israel. Israel cannot afford to allow a "real" Palestinian State to come into existence. To do so would seal its long-term fate, and most Israelis know it. On the other hand, the Palestinians will never accept the fragmented "Palestinian Reservation System" that Israel envisions as the only acceptable Palestinian "State." At best (and in spite of possibly good intentions), Bush's Road Map to Peace is nothing more than a high profile attempt to temporarily appease our bought and paid for (but none too loyal), Arab allies, and keep our so-called Middle East coalition together. We need to bring "democracy" to Iran, and Syria to accomplish what appears to be our plan for the future of the Middle East. Pridger 10/9/2003
![]() |
Arthur Finkelstein is a Republican
consultant who set the pattern for Republican triumphs in 1980's. The graphic at left describes two different political countries within the United States. The "box" roughly shows the new Republican strongholds the South and the Mountainsthe "non-cosmopolitan" heartland that encompass the Old Confederacy, the "border areas," the great plains, and mountains which reflect the remnants of the frontier and "cowboy" cultures considered anachronistic by modern liberals, progressives, and neo-conservatives. |
The Finkelstein Box is rather deceptive. In
actuality it should cover all of rural America where people still
live upon the agricultural lands and in small communities, excluding only the greater metropolitan areas. This would more accurately describe the true Heartland of America, and the sparse remnants of a self-governing people. Pridger |
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