"Why do you bother Pridger? Can't you find more constructive ways to spend
your time and energy than churning out an endless stream of articles and blog posts?" |
And, in spite of the thankless
task he has shouldered (exposing what he considers error and systemic
avarice on a monumental scale), it gives him a considerable amount of enjoyment and
satisfaction. Yet, he may one day tire of the pressure and take the cure. |
Thursday, June 29, 2006 THE TOBACCO WAR AND THE UNSEEN ENEMY Illinois is jumping on the smoking ban bandwagon. Soon the state will be infested with smoke-free zones, and there will be a sharp spike in good health. Second-hand smoke is supposedly emerging as about the greatest menace to health since God invented the health industry. Pridger doesn't quite buy it though. Second hand smoke is getting a rap that, in shear breadth and scope, is pretty difficult to swallow – or inhale. Everybody not genetically related to an ostrich has known for an awful long time that inhaling smoke is not good for the health. It has been known since the first European lit up that tobacco smoke is dangerous to the health – just like wood, coal, and oil smoke – not to mention the industrial pollution and auto emission that permeate the air we breath. Yet tobacco use is as American as apple pie and a symbol of the nation, and it goes back longer than national history itself. At one time tobacco was even a widely accepted form of currency. During much of our history the government has subsidized the tobacco industry, and during most of the twentieth century Hollywood glamorized and promoted cigarette smoking – and, though the tobacco industry has been sued, nobody has sued the federal government or Hollywood for their very active roll in poisoning the nation. But there have been a few pluses on the side of tobacco. Smoking is a known stress reliever, and stress is another one of those things taking a ghastly toll on the health of Americans. Aside from that, the case can even be made that our nation has won more hearts and minds by passing out cigarettes and candy to friends and enemies alike than by all the foreign aid, massive bombing and shelling campaigns, and nation building we've thrown out at the world combined. Of course, Pridger is not an advocate of smoking, though he's a life-long pipe smoker and breather of his own second hand smoke. But there is something starkly menacing, scary, and totally unnatural about the present anti-tobacco campaign directed at producing a form of anti-smoking hysteria. The specter of cigarette companies airing anti-smoking commercials is a very peculiar sign of the times. At the very least, it's commercially and corporately unnatural. Not only that. It is totally unpatriotic and counter-productive to admit (at this late date), that we have a long national history of poisoning not only our own citizens, but foreign friends and foes alike – giving the world another motive and incentive for considering us the "Great Satan." And if there is any international legal liability attached to this history of killing people by getting the world hooked on cigarettes, the litigation fallout will eventually make the big "tobacco settlement" in the United States pale by comparison. For decades smokers have been warned that "smoking is hazardous to your health," and may cause cancer, right on the product packages. But smokers have insisted on smoking anyway. And because some people do insist on continuing to smoke, a major scare campaign was initiated to convince the public that smokers are killing the people around them. Well, maybe so, but second hand smoke can't be as bad as they say it is. Common sense should tell us that, in spite of all the high-flying medical "evidence." In fact, one of the unintended consequences of demonizing second hand smoke has been to get some people (particularly kids), to believe that second hand smoke is just as dangerous, or more dangerous, than first hand inhaling of tobacco smoke. Pridger remembers one young person explaining why she decided to become a smoker. "Many of my friends smoke," she said, "So, since I was getting the second hand smoke anyway, I figured I might just as well light up myself." She actually thought second hand smoke was so terrible that no additional harm would be done by inhaling massive amounts of concentrated tobacco smoke into her lungs! And this was a smart, well educated, young lady! Another unintended consequence of the belief of the dangers of tobacco smoke (both first and second hand), has undoubtedly been to convince kids that other (much more dangerous), recreational drugs may be comparatively safer. Hollywood has even portrayed cigarette smoking as having a "real drug" rush upon lighting up. The way many see it, they may as well light up a reefer, or shoot up on something even more stimulating. The medical industry itself kills an astounding number of people every year. Yet there's no big scare campaign to ban it or encourage people to avoid doctors and hospitals. Automobiles kill large numbers of people, yet you don't see auto companies running ads to discourage automobile use. And when all is said and done, if the nation ever becomes 100% tobacco smoke free, Pridger suspects that people will continue to die of lung cancer and all the other killer diseases at an increasing rate. The many various forms of cancer have become "the" national disease now, and there's no way that cigarettes and tobacco can be blamed. New diseases keep stepping up to the plate also, and we can be fairly certain the trend will continue. Where are the warning signs in junk food restaurants, sugar, and sugar substitutes? Where are the warning signs on automobiles and airplanes? Where are the warning signs on all the unhealthful food additives at the supermarket? Has the public been duly warned that it is now part of a massive national and global experiment in bio-engineered and genetically altered foods? No telling what the long-term effect of this experiment will be. There's no massive media campaign to warn the public of the potential hazards to the public health, or the threat to the environment involved in these very big corporate invasions and alterations of the human food chain. In fact, every effort is being made to keep the public ignorant of the facts and the potential health threat. Labeling food as genetically altered or irradiated is not only not mandated by the FDA, it isn't even allowed! What could the purpose of this madness be, if not to get the world hooked long before the results of the experiment are in? Genetically engineered foods are now thought to be as safe as smoking was once thought to be. The food industry (and their agents at the Food and Drug Administration), assures us that it's all very safe – just as the tobacco industry once declared their products were safe. But, as in the case of inhaling pure concentrated tobacco smoke (along with several additives, paper smoke, and herbicide and pesticide residues), simple common sense should tell us otherwise. The scary thing about genetically altered food plants is that once they are wide spread (and they already are, particularly in the United States), there may not be any way to turn the clock back. Many constitute "new species" that invade natural species through the natural processes of pollination – a process that is beyond the control of humans. Many plant, animal, and insect species are in marked decline or even becoming endangered, due to "mysterious" environmental causes. The valuable honey bee population has been mysteriously declining, while other insects are proliferating. What would common sense indicate the cause might be? Forget the science – most food scientists (like tobacco industry scientists), are in the pay of the business corporations with a stake in their own new technologies. And their mission statement is usually "to save mankind" and feed the world. But those same industries and technologies may ultimately lead to the human depopulation as well as the depopulation of insects and other species. In fact (to think the unthinkable), since the population problem continues to be a major global concern, human depopulation could conceivably even be part of the program – the program that dictates that "Though shalt not bad-mouth bio-tech, raise uncomfortable questions about new food technologies, or advise the public that it is being used as human guinea pigs." And while the human race is the subject of a risky experiment, food seed-stocks are becoming the "intellectual property" of corporate monopolies while natural plants are becoming irretrievably contaminated with bio-tech innovations. What do herbicide and pesticide residues in our food mean long-term human health? What effect does flouridization of the water supply have on the mental acuity of human beings? What does irradiation do to our food? The marked increase in cancer and other exotic diseases (as we "live longer and more productive lives"), is almost undoubtedly the result of this accumulating witch's brew present in our food and the air we breath. And common sense would (or should), tell us that. Take something as widely "accepted" and practiced as the irradiation of food. It results in a much longer shelf life for food products. The food won't spoil nearly as quickly as non-irradiated food, and this is the only positive result. Never mind that we did very well before the advent of irradiation. But what does that tell you if you engage your faculties of common sense? It tells you that something is done to the food to prevent natural spoilage processes – that bacteria and micro-organisms present in all natural foods has been killed or curtailed. Bugs don't want to eat it. And, if bugs don't want it, there's probably a very good reason. It has either become poisonous to them, or so lacking in nutritional value, that it is simply no longer food to them. And if it isn't food to them, perhaps it should not be food to us either. The very air we breath is tainted with multiple pollutants, of course. And second hand tobacco smoke is probably such a small factor that it is negligible, even in smoke-filled bars. And though we've cleaned up our own industrial environment considerably in the past several decades, we've mainly accomplished it by sending our industry, and the primary burdens, elsewhere. And elsewhere industrial pollution has gone on steroids, increasing the contamination of the global environment and the atmosphere of the planet. Not only have not escaped it, we've gone out of our way to stimulate and increase it. In Pridger's studied opinion, the war on tobacco is simply another diversion – like building democracy in Iraq. People already know about the dangers of tobacco, and are free to avoid smoking if they so choose. And the widening war, concentrating on the alleged dangers of second-hand smoke, is simply a wider diversion – to convince us that governments are "doing something" to save us and make us healthier. But they aren't doing anything significant beyond trying to turn the whole world into a corporate polluter. Tobacco and smoking (over a span of several centuries), never threatened to depopulate the world, but other things do. The real enemy remains protected – and, though in plain view, officially out of sight and out of mind. As Pogo once said, "We have met the enemy, and the enemy is us." John Q. Pridger Tuesday, June 27, 2006 Another of those emails is making the rounds once again. Pridger has received this one two or three times in the past. It's brief and to the point.
They were able to track those mad cows perfectly well without a National Animal Identification System (NAIS), but we're apparently going to get NAIS anyway. Actually it should be called "NAILED" because it nails the small livestock producer or animal owner to the wall (makes him "liable"), using regulatory nails. Pridger says nail the big boys, but not every animal owner in the country. The big boys are already perfectly traceable (if not accountable), and accustomed to self-imposed corporate regulation. So it won't be a great burden to them. In fact, they probably want it anyway. The NAIS database will allow them to have instant national livestock inventory database in order to further control the markets and fine-tune their trade and marketing strategies. As for the idea of seriously trying to track down eleven or twelve million illegal aliens, that's clearly a xenophobic, discriminatory, and un-American activity. America belongs to the world, not some exclusive club known as citizens. And the Constitution – Pridger is amazed that our government can still officially claim it as the "Supreme Law of the Land." It's been disused and abused so long that the very claim that we have a "constitutional government" has almost become a laughable farce. How could a "limited" government (constrained by the Constitution), tax literally everybody who is gainfully employed, or even contemplate making all animal owners register their animals like so many Thompson sub-machineguns? How could a constitutionally limited government seek to remake the world in its own fallen image, without first determining its own infallible status and the unlimited scope of its powers? The Ten Commandments are clearly much more outdated than the Constitution. Aside from their dubious origin, they are totally incompatible with a progressive and hedonistic society such as the one in which we now glorify. The Ten Commandments cannot stand where a whole array of "big lies" comprise the de facto "Supreme Law of the Land" – where coveting and governing that which is others' has become the national business, and where killing our neighbors (on the other side of the world), has become our declared rightful and righteous way of bringing freedom and salvation to those deemed less progressive than ourselves. John Q. Pridger Saturday, June 17, 2006 GLOBAL WARMING AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER Speaking of Al Gore, at least he seems to have a pretty firm handle on the global warming situation. Global warming has supplanted the population explosion as being the number one threat to human survival. How times do change. There seems to be ample evidence that global warming is taking place. Ancient glaciers are melting at an alarming rate. So are the polar icecaps – and the Snows of Kilamanjaro are already almost history. The only question is whether this is the result of man's activities, as Al Gore and many environmental scientists contend – or is it happening within the context of a larger, unknown, natural cycle of climate change beyond our control? Naturally, Pridger doesn't know the answer, but it is fairly obvious that man is wreaking significant havoc with the global environment, whether or not he is causing global warming. But for the sake of discussion, let's assume that we are guilty. Chances are very good that we are, at least partly, despite anything Rush Limbaugh has said. Al Gore thinks we still have the ability to reverse global warming and save our civilization. The only thing presently lacking is the will, and that's a mighty significant commodity. Al Gore is busily trying to get the word out so something might be done in time to avoid certain catastrophe. Pridger wishes him the best of luck. But the present course of the New World Order itself – globalism – has got us exactly 180 degrees off course. In other words, globalism itself, because of all the vested interests involved, will not only forestall any collective "will" to tackle the global warming problem, but it will also prevent any real efforts to halt or reverse it. It effectively makes meaningful solutions all but impossible, and will perpetuate and acceleration of all associated problems. This may see rather ironic, and it is. Since global warming is a global problem, it must be tackled on a global basis. Some sort of "globalism" would seem necessary to do the job. But we have willy-nilly adopted the wrong sort of globalism – one catering to corporate bottom lines. Today's globalism supposedly seeks to make everybody in the world a facsimile of an American style super-consumer – the entire population of the earth as conspicuously consumptive and wasteful as the "standard issue" SUV driving American. It seeks bottom-line oriented corporate business solutions for all problems facing mankind. It seeks a McDonalds, Starbucks, and WalMart on every city street and in every village. It seeks two or more cars in every garage, and a super highways to everywhere. It effectively seeks to place chainsaws in the hands of every Amazon basin tribesman. And it seeks to both stimulate and satisfy growing consumer demands which naturally leads to more and more exploitation of the earth's dwindling resources. It seeks more bigger and bigger ships to carry more and more international trade goods. It seeks speed and efficiency in every avenue of human endeavor. It encourages faster and easier travel, by jet-liners from everywhere to everywhere. And it seeks the massive dislocation and destruction of local self-reliance in agriculture, business, and industry everywhere. It seeks to make everybody in the world dependent on corporate employment, payrolls, food, and manufactured goods. It seeks international interdependence, without an iota of a "Small is Beautiful," environmentally friendly, human scale, component of any significance. Oh yes, the environmental problem has been noted. The Kyoto Treaty and all that. But environmental concerns take such a distant back seat to international corporate business that it's bound to be about as futile and ineffective as Pridger's blog. At best, all present efforts to address global environmental problems amount to a very large case of searching for "how we can have our cake and eat it too" – and do it at a profit. It's based on the presumption that business and profits come first, and all people everywhere have an unalienable right to become conspicuous consumers. Global capital is willing do whatever it takes to "save the world" – as long as it doesn't interfere with supplying the needs of the "consumers" and their own bottom line. Corporate globalism is going to dominate and trump all environmental issues, and it is going to remain profitable regardless of any other concerns. As long as this remains true, there may be some environmentally friendly rhetoric, and maybe a few fragmental half-measures taken to placate people like Al Gore, but no meaningful reform. It does little good to "clean up" polluting industries, if all the environmental dividends are immediately cancelled out by rampant expansion of those lesser polluting industries into every nook and cranny of the planet. But salvation will not be forthcoming. Sooner or later, whether from global warming, general environmental degradation, or war, the present system of globalization is bound to break down. And even before that, it is likely to experience a debilitating financial melt-down, because the whole program is not only unnatural, but a house of cards built on shifting sand. The corporate model for all systems is perpetual, accelerating, growth. "Grow or die!" is the rule of thumb of corporate business. But this presents a clear impossibility in a finite world of dwindling natural resources and growing populations. The population problem was recognized as the greatest problem facing mankind until global warming made its relatively recent debut. Now that still growing population is supposedly being saved by giant parasites come to save the world by accomplishing the impossible task of making everybody into conspicuous consumers. The situation (environmental as well as financial), is bad enough without even taking global warming into consideration. The greatest potential hazard of global warming is a significant rise in sea levels, which would leave most of the world's coastal plains, including many of the world's population centers, under water. The scary thing is that it seems to be happening at a very alarming rate – a rate that may impact this very generation. Al Gore has both Pridger's support and respect on this issue. But Pridger fears he's whistling into the winds of a tempest (much like Pridger himself does). The only insurance against the impact of global warming is to move to higher, preferably fertile, ground before it's too late – and hope it isn't too crowded to set a garden out. What a nightmare it will be if people begin fleeing the coastal areas and cities in significant numbers. "The meek shall inherit the earth," Jesus said. And maybe he was right. Chances are, when modern systems begin to break down in a wholesale manner for whatever cause, the meek – those few poor humble tribesmen left grubbing in arid soil – will be the "lucky" survivors. The luckiest ones will be in out of the way places, without even a WalMart or McDonalds within a three day walk, and their lot will not be easy by any stretch of the imagination. But their friends who sought salvation in the jobs of the cities will likely experience all of the inconveniences of hell. As presumptuous as it may be, sometimes Pridger gets the sneaking feeling that he's a prophet. He hopes he's wrong. But just in case he's right, he's working at being meek, staying on high ground, and not betting his future on Archer Daniels Midland or WalMart stocks. John Q. Pridger
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 Once again Pridger has received an email that has been making the circuit since shortly after 9/11/01. Included with the email are photos of the World Trade Towers before, during, and after their collapse. Here's the text of the email:
Ollie North apparently had Osama bin Laden's number 14 years before the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. (This would seem to be during the time bin Laden was still our friend and ally.) His solution – to send an assassin team to "eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth," (in Pridger's opinion), would have been more appropriate even after 9/11 than the perpetual global war – the anti-solution President Bush choose to pursue. They say that hindsight is always 20/20, but this is seldom true if large relevant tracts of history have been neglected, and the facts of the case of 9/11 itself remain shrouded in mystery – there still appears to be many unanswered questions. Of course, Pridger doesn't claim to have any of the answers, and the more he learns about the events of 9/11, the more obvious it becomes that he still doesn't know exactly what happened and who was responsible. All Pridger can do is look at the broader picture in the context of more or less "settled" history, leaving the details of the events of 9/11 to those better equipped, and more inclined, to ferret them out than he. At the very core of the matter, however, is the issue of "foreign entanglements" and what might be termed the law of "unintended consequences" – the sort of consequences our founders (including George Washington in his Farewell Address), clearly foresaw and warned against. Jefferson particularly warned of the "danger of standing armies." And this is another very relevant factor in our present circumstance. The ability to send armies anywhere in the world at the drop of a hat, for any reason, is a formidable ability. And it's an ability that is costing us dearly in blood, treasure, and ongoing and future unintended consequences. Of course, our foreign entanglements pre-dated the nation itself. But one of the main purposes of declaring independence was to throw off the colonial yoke, which was itself a pre-natal foreign entanglement. While we did establish national independence, we never really managed to throw off the net of banking and monetary entanglements with the banking houses of England and Europe, and this has caused us a lot of historic and ongoing problems. This, again, is something Jefferson warned of very specifically. Though those ongoing financial entanglements continue to be one of the elemental "seeds" of our problem today, it wasn't until the Spanish American War that we began a wholesale slide into increasingly complex foreign entanglements of an imperialistic nature. And this was a stepping stone into World Wars One and Two, the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, and dozens of lesser wars and police actions around the world. The League of Nations and the United Nations have served as the Yellow Brick Road to the mother of all foreign entanglements – which is the New World Order and globalism itself – together with such things as being labeled the "Great Satan," the 9/11 tragedy, the global War on Terror, and our current tragic entanglements in the Middle East. The great contest between international communism and international capitalism warped our very perception of what our nation was actually supposed to stand for. We became convinced that "international capitalism," rather than constructive nationalism (and minding our own store), was the cure for all that ailed the world. When the focus of our national leadership became global rather than national, the nation of our founders was effectively totally overthrown. Yet few look at it in this way. Many actually believe we are doing the right thing in trying to "bring McDemocracy to Iraq" and the rest of the world – that it is somehow our national business and duty to do so. But this makes an absolute mockery of every concept of "limited" republican government. Meanwhile, as we seek to remake the world in our own increasingly tarnished image, America has been transformed into the very antithesis of what it was intended to be, and most Americans – even those who disagree with our Iraq War – are blind to most of the facts. Foreign entanglements – commercial, political, and military – have become our national heritage, and they are literally consuming the nation. Additionally, our leaders have effectively given "our" nation to the world (without the fully informed consent of the governed), while pursuing policies that aim at preserving the global hegemony of what is officially considered "American" global capital. This, while our national wealth is being effectively transferred from Americans into foreign hands. How could a nation "conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal" become labeled as the "Great Satan" by many of the leaders and followers of one of the world's major religions? And even in the the rest of the non-Muslim world we are increasingly being viewed with a jaundiced eye. How could such a nation become the target of those who perpetrated the attacks of 9/11? How could such a nation come to "invent" a new sub-class of human beings called "enemy combatants" who have no civil rights at all? How did we get here from such a splendid beginning? In spite of our massive contribution to the bloodshed, we made it through World War Two with our reputation as a bastion of freedom and justice largely intact – this mainly because we went the extra mile, extending the olive branch to our wartime enemies and rebuilt Europe and Japan. But only since "winning" the Cold War (when global peace actually seemed to become a possibility), have we apparently fallen, helter-skelter, from the widely perceived moral high ground and became the Great Satan to some, and the great bully to others. And we seem determined to remain the Great Satan and the great bully, in spite of all our our leaders' Christian rhetoric about how we respect Islam, and how we have the best interests of all humanity at heart. By far, our most nationally destructive foreign entanglement of all has been our special relationship with the state of Israel. Our error was not our friendship with Israel, but our total failure to "see" the gross and massive injustices that had been dealt to the Palestinian Arabs. They had been crying out long before the nation of Israel was declared, but they were largely ignored. They were ignored as massive areas of Palestine were ethnically cleansed – something that, when it has occurred elsewhere more recently, has prompted us to (still selectively) take corrective military action. Between about 1920 and 1948 the ethnic mix in the areas that became Israel went from about 10% Jewish and 90% Arab (both Moslem and Christian), to about 90% Jewish and 10% Arab. And this reversal of fortunes for the Arab population in what was their own land, was not done by voluntary means. If that isn't ethnic cleansing, Pridger doesn't know what the word means. Prior to 1948, the British held the League of Nations Mandate over Palestine. And, though they had been at the very core of the developing problems in the Middle East, and the very authors and "facilitators" of the Jewish Homeland there, at least they had made some attempts to honor a commitment to look to justice for the Palestinian people. But we totally neglected the plight of the Palestinians, and lent no support to the British in their attempt to control the situation. The British finally had no option but to throw up their hands and get out of Palestine. Organized terrorism was almost born in Palestine, as Zionist "gangs" terrorized and murdered Palestinians, forcing hundreds of thousands of them to flee their homes in terror just prior to the birth of the Israeli state. Yet, in spite of these bloody birthing pains, we vied with the Soviet Union to be the first to recognize the newly declared state of Israel, and hastened to give it international legitimacy. And since the 1967 Arab Israeli War we have become the guarantor and defender of Israel, right or wrong. Few Americans remember that prior to 1967, Israel was much more closely aligned with the Soviet Union than the United States. And while the Soviet Union remained a "closed" and locked down nation for almost all other citizens, Jews from Soviet block nations provided the bulk of the Jewish settlers immigrating to Palestine and the new State. In fact, Israel was intended to be a model socialist nation. To add insult to injury, after the British exit from Palestine in 1948, we had stopped a British and French effort to regain control over Suez (circa 1956). Our reward for this came when Egypt chose the the Soviet Union as its patron superpower while saddling ourselves with the defense of Israel against the whole Arab world. And the Suez Canal was closed as the result of the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. In defending Israel, we totally neglected the Palestinians whose land Israel occupied. Not because we had anything against the Palestinians particularly, but because we were faced with an impossible situation. What was impossible about it was the fact that two radical "Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth" Peoples were vying for the same real estate, and we'd not only officially recognized Israel, but had a powerful Israeli lobby in Washington, capable to breaking politicians who did not toe the Zionist line. Not until after 9/11 – a real wake up call – did an American administration seriously attempt to address the impossible situation with a "Road Map for Peace." But too much too late. Too much damage had already been done, and too much blood had already been spilled. And by now our military presence in the Arabian Peninsula and Gulf States is so pronounced and overwhelming that it is this overt military entanglement, rather than just our historic and ongoing neglect of the Palestinians, that has become the main bear of contention. Israel can never coexist with a "viable," truly independent, Palestinian State. Thus all attempted solutions are, and will probably continue to be, stillborn. And the time when Israel might have become a democratic nation in partnership with Palestinian Arabs died with the very acts that created the "Jewish State" in the first place. Oil, of course (in the total absence of a serious U.S. energy independence policy), has played a significant role in our Middle East policy and added a major dimension to our foreign entanglements. With the kingdom of Saudi Arabia the very cornerstone of our Middle East commercial interests, and our total commitment to the defense of Israel, we have been juggling mutually exclusive interests, using astronomical bribes (billions to Egypt to offset the billions to Israel, for example), to keep the peace (such as it is). But bribes don't make friends. Turn off, or even downsize, the bribes, and you have an enemy. The tortured recent history of Lebanon, the Islamic revolution in Iran (that brought "our" Shah down), and our support for Iraq in the Iran-Iraqi war, were other manifestations of the incredible messiness of our Middle East entanglements. And this merely scratches the surface. And always, our commitment to Israel has insured that we can never be considered a friend to the Arab world, in spite of our ample and mutually profitable "oil business interests" and our monumentally expensive diplomatic and military efforts. Though the rhetoric has been our desire to produce peace and democracy in Iraq and the other Gulf States, cynics have often said it's all about oil. But it is much less about oil than about doing Israeli's will. The great concern over weapons of mass destruction, was really born of our determination to insure that Israel remains the dominant military power, and the sole nuclear power, in the region. And now Israel and it's powerful defenders within the United States are eager for us to attack Iran to make sure it does not develop nuclear capabilities. Naturally, as long as Israel remains a nuclear power, it only seems logical that other Middle East states should want to arm themselves with nuclear weapons too. That's just the way things work, even if it doesn't suite our fancy. Clearly, we continue to face an impossible situation in the Middle East, and it's an impossible situation largely because of the existence of Israel amidst hostile neighbors – and the power of the Israeli lobby (and its many friends), within the United States. In the Middle East, everything is literally a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" situation. That's just one of the fruits of foreign entanglements. But for our foreign entanglements, and our superpower status, we'd be forced to leave the complex problems of "others elsewhere" for others elsewhere to take care of. And we'd be stuck with concentrating on the task of minding our own national business and defending our own shores and borders. All good intentions aside, try as we might to remake the Middle East into something we might consider satisfactory, in the end what we will get will be more and more unintended consequences – not the least of which will be our own continuing moral decay and eventual financial bankruptcy. Putting Saddam Hussein away and killing Osama bin Laden will not solve any of our problems. Clearly de-Husseinizing Iraq has already been exposed as a ghastly mistake. He might have been a bad guy, but we've supported worse, and at least he was able to keep Iraq together, and relatively harmless as far as being a real security threat to us. He was a security threat to Israel, of course. But Israel should not really be considered the keystone of American national security. Pridger hates to say it (since we're so committed), but we'd come closer to solving our global security problems by following Osama bin Laden's advice and vacating the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf States. In case you are thinking that Pridger must be anti-Semitic, here's a proposal that should straighten things out somewhat. Pridger figures it would be far cheaper, and much less bloody in the long run, to simply resettle all the Jews in Israeli Palestine to the United States. All we'd have to do is withdraw our support from Israel, and open the immigration door to Israeli immigrants. Perhaps such a solution would not meet with the approval of many other American patriots (at least not initially), but out nation is already being sold to the foreign competition and undulated with foreign immigration. Most of the current flow of immigrants are from cultures (including Mexican), much more alien to our own than that of most modern Jews. We could use a few million Jews to counterbalance the influence of 12 million illegal Mexicans – some of whom have revealed themselves as de facto invaders working toward the Mexicanization of the the lower forty-eight states. If we had all Israeli Jews here, the security of the United States would be practically assured, and the long-term survival of the U.S.A. much more likely than it presently is. At least the timetable for sending all us of Western European stock back to Europe would probably be set back by a century or two. Who would deny that our Jews comprise one of most valuable components of our population? As a minority group they are the most successful of all (though Asians are giving them a run for their money), and they outdo the Gentile ethnic majority hands down. The only major problem Pridger presently has with the Jews is that so many of them are more devoted to Israel than the United States. And they are already so powerful and politically influential here that they have got this nation into one heck of a mess, defending Israel. That problem would be solved if the United States (or some State therein), became their only Promised Land. It may sound rather radical, but that's the only solution Pridger sees for Israel and the related problems of the Middle East. Without Israel, the Palestinian Arabs could have their Palestinian State, and all Arabs could live happily ever after in their own exclusive and extensive part of the world. Falling short of that blissful future, they might return to their age-old pastimes of tribal feuding and warring among themselves. But, chances are, they'd never have cause to focus too much attention on the U.S. Arabs don't hate us because of what we are or what we have. They hate us because we are messing around too much in their own bailiwick. Of course, they will never really like us (and never have), simply because we're infidels. Not that Pridger thinks Israel doesn't have a "right to exist." It has just as much right to exist as any nation. But it is both surrounded and impregnated with bitter enemies with birthrates that put the Israelis to shame. In the long run, it's a losing battle. And if Israel cannot survive even today without ongoing extraordinary outside help, perhaps it shouldn't exist – at least at the present site. If it's existence puts a great burden on the region and world, and threatens perpetual conflict and bloodshed (even Armageddon), perhaps it would be more practical to rethink the whole thing and find a workable alternative. Nobody will give this any serious thought, of course. There's a lot more involved here than mere practicalities. Things like "vested interests," and religion, are intimately involved. So, in the end, we'll probably opt for a lot more "Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace" and/or some facsimile of Armageddon. MISSING THE WORLD TRADE CENTER TOWERS This may raise a few hackles, but Pridger was never very fond of the World Trade Center towers. Long before 9/11 and the previous attack on one of the towers, Pridger had made the "Tower of Babel" analogy. To Pridger, they weren't symbols of American greatness, but an overly arrogant and grandiose symbol of a misconceived New World Order. There was certainly nothing artistic about them. They were simply square pillars – elongated boxes set on end – with some starkly attractive columns near the base. They were simple, stark, monuments to arrogance. The towers seemed grossly out of place even in New York – totally out of proportion – dwarfing that magnificent city's older skyscrapers and doing aesthetic violence to the city's historic skyline. They were built on an obscene scale to an unconscionable height. They seemed an example of the man's towering arrogance and somebody's commitment to one-upmanship. And, to Pridger, they always looked like towering death traps, because everything that goes straight up must eventually come down. To the terrorists that brought them down, they were an open and inviting target – and the very scenario of 9/11 had suggested itself to fiction writers and military planners long before the tragic event took place. Had Pridger were chosen to design a monument to our national greatness, or even to a "workable" new world order, he'd make it resemble the Great Pyramid of Egypt – and not even as steep-sided than the pyramid depicted in the Great Seal of the United States, as seen on the American One Dollar Bill. And, as in that mysterious symbol of the nation, the cap would be omitted as an acknowledgement of man's meekness and fallibility and in respectful deference and reverence to the Great Architect above. Structurally, it would have been a web of reinforced concrete triangles and vertical columns, with no glass on the outer walls, and would have taken a direct nuclear hit to bring it down. Such an edifice would perhaps seem out of place in New York City too. But at least if terrorists decided to commit suicide by driving jetliners into it, they'd do comparatively little damage even if they had a squadron of them, and take far fewer innocent victims with them on their journey to Paradise. John Q. Pridger
Tuesday, 6 June, 2006 It occurred to Pridger that he ought to write something down in observance of this date (i.e., 6th day, 6th month, of the 6th year of the century, corresponding to the famous 666 mark of the beast) – just in case something strange fails to happen. But he'll leave full implication of the possibilities to those with more knowledge of Bible Codes. Pridger's just glad that the sixth of June didn't fall on a Friday the 13th this year. (But there are probably some economists who think it's a strong possibility). The date 05/05/05 was supposed to have been one of special significance. All the things that one would expect on a particularly bleak Friday the 13th were supposed to have happened on that date. A rare planetary lineup was supposed to have tipped the Earth's gravitational balance. The Antarctic ice cap buildup (and too much weight at the bottom of the planet), was supposed to cause a catastrophic shift the Earth's polar axis – and the shift, by as much as 23-1/2 degrees would (once again), upset the earth's apple cart, causing mass extinctions, etc. The Antarctic polar ice would slip into the South Pacific or Indian Ocean causing a devastating rise of global sea levels, radical climate change, extraordinary seismic activity, and 09/11/01 and the War on Terror would have been avoided. But 05/05/05 passed as uneventfully as the 01/01/00 computer millennium bug crisis, or the 01/01/01 millennial transition. 05/05/05 was not biblical prophecy, but Great Pyramid prophecy, as deciphered by maverick Egyptologists. The end of the world failed to materialize, however, and here we sit, still contemplating the End Times, the New World Order, the War on Terror, and approaching economic Armageddon. Thank the Lord for small favors. Safe in his sanctuary on Paradise Ridge, Pridger hasn't been tuned in to the 06/06/06 prophecy situation (there's bound to be some), and merely happened to notice the date after it arrived. It's 9:00 A.M. Eastern Daylight Savings Time. The sun is shining, it's partly cloudy, and all seems to be well – so far – and Pridger plans to go out later and work on the new chicken house as usual. 9:23 P.M. Nothing unusual, but Pridger hasn't turned on the radio. GEORGE BUSH'S JOB RATING Poor president Bush. His ratings are about as low as any sitting president has ever experienced, and he's coming in for more and more criticism. Even many erstwhile War on Terror and War in Iraq patriots are gradually fleeing the ship like a pack of rats. Pridger would like to take this opportunity to put in a good word for president Bush. Not only is President Bush a good and upstanding specimen of humanity, he's a staunch and unwavering leader – just the kind of president we would need if the nation were threatened by foreign armies. He knows his own mind, says what he means, and means what he says – and he means well – all sterling qualities in a national leader. Unfortunately, he seems to be the wrong president, at the wrong time – and he's saddled himself and the nation with the wrong wars, in the wrong places, at the wrong time, fulfilling the Orwellian "Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace" prophecy, and all the awards that go along with such distinguished national service. Of course, maybe he can be excused for most of the really big things that have gone wrong during his administration, if not the actual direction he has persistently led us. The terrorist attacks of 9/11/01 brought a tremendous amount of pressure to bear on him. Clearly, as the nation's leader, he had to act. He had to do something, even if it was wrong. That he took the wrong path can almost undoubtedly be attributed less to his own propensity to do right (even God's work), than the monumental pressures applied on him by the brain trust behind the presidency. And, of course, he had clearly seen a bigger than life Hitler in both Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. What would any self-respecting friend of Israel do? But Pridger has to hand it to the president. He determinedly took the bit firmly between his teeth and forged on like the champ that he is. Trouble is, when the 9/11 attackers handed him a lemon, he proceeded to try to make a democracy out of it – over in Afghanistan and Iraq. That was a rather strange thing to do with a lemon. Lemonade would have been more appropriate – maybe something like trying to find out who really did it and why they did it, then maybe working on the problem without immediately mobilizing for perpetual global warfare. He might have even found a solution to the problem and fixed it. And while he was doing that, he might have spent some time preserving freedom and liberty right here at home. You can say one thing about the way President Bush has handled the situation. There has been no mealy mouthed wavering or indecision, no back peddling, and no self recrimination. We're in the wrong wars, in the wrong places, at the wrong time, for the long haul. Hopefully, it won't be as long a haul as President Bush and his war hawk brain trust apparently envision. But we've alienated so many people that getting back to being an international good guy will be pretty problematical. About three years ago, one of Pridger's few Jewish friends – an Israeli Navy and Army commando veteran, and present day furniture mover in the greater LA area – predicted that we would throw in the towel in Iraq by the time our military causalities reached 5,000 dead. We're about half way there, and it appears president Bush may be safely retired from office when that number comes up. Not that Pridger believes old Joe is a prophet, but he seemed pretty well informed and somewhat insightful, and Pridger was inclined to agree with him at the time. It'll be interesting to see just how close his prediction will pan out. Joe, like many other Israelis (especially former Israeli military vets), bailed out of the Promised Land in Palestine (where he'd been born), to become a furniture mover the Promised Land of the U.S.A. Like most American Jews, Joe is a strong supporter of Israel, and covets his Israeli passport and dual citizenship. But he's also a realist. His heart bleeds for his native land, but he's very glad to be a successful furniture merchant in LA. He bailed out of Israel with his eyes wide open. Hurricane Katrina is another painful thorn in President Bush's side. But hurricanes happen, and sometimes they are even worse than expected. The federal response wasn't what many think it should have been – but, then, neither was the preparation and response of the city of New Orleans or state of Louisiana. There's plenty of blame to go around, of course, but natural catastrophes (as acts of God), are pretty much outside federal domain. Washington is no match for the fury of God, and FEMA is not fully capable of dealing with the aftermath of such fury at the drop of a hat. We may have G.O.D. (Government Omnipotent and Deified), but government is still pretty puny when it comes face to face with the destructive power of the Real Thing. Katrina happened according to one of Pridger's own personal prophecies. Only a couple of years back, Pridger opined, "God will probably rattle our cage soon." And He has. The scary thing is that He's perfectly capable of doing it again, and no amount of "Separation Clause" or "federal preparedness" is going to have a significant impact on the results. The federal government is limited by the Constitution (and by God), in ways that not even the ACLU is likely to effectively address. Armies are well known to spend a lot of time getting ready to fight the last war again, but seldom does the last war ever happens again. The next one is usually a totally new ball game. THE GAY MARRIAGE AMENDMENT One of the objections to the Bush administration, so-call, "Gay Marriage" amendment, is that it would be like writing "discrimination" into the Constitution – sort of like putting minus signs on the Bill of Rights. Ordinarily Pridger would be against such a amendment himself. After all, you don't promote freedom by subtraction of freedoms. But when we speak of gays' "right to official holy matrimony," and the a "legal standing" any such thing might have under the law, we're not really talking about freedom at all. We're talking about redefining words and undermining age-old usage and meaning. And when words have a specific meaning in statute law, changing them may have unintended consequences. Pridger is 200% behind President Bush's purposes in proposing a constitutional amendment defining the legal meaning of word "marriage." If we have come to such a sorry point in our national history that it takes a constitutional amendment to define something as universally known as the meaning of marriage (and we apparently have), there is no other cure for what ails us. The amendment wouldn't be discriminatory, it would merely be "definition-atory." Gay couples can go find another word to twist and malign and have it sanctified by law if they can. Better yet, make up an entirely new word (gays are creative enough to do it). They've already ruined the once perfectly settled and delightful definition of the word "gay." But that was minor compared to redefining marriage in law – at least in a society where a modicum of tradition stands, and the majority is still somewhat anchored to age-old precepts of Christian morality. The idea of gay marriage, in fact, flies in the face of all cultural and religious concepts of morality everywhere. Never mind homosexuality itself – that's another matter entirely, with a tradition of its own that is as old as mankind. Pridger backs the right of homosexuals to do whatever they want with each other behind closed doors or out in the woods. He believes they should even have the the right to form their own "families" too, if they want them – but don't drag kids into those unnatural circumstances in an effort to make such "families" appear "normal" in a society that still considers homosexuals a social aberration, if not a downright abomination. There's no reason that "partners" shouldn't have the same contractual benefits (shared health insurance, etc.), as a married couple. Nothing particularly objectionable in that. But why should marriage-like "partners" contracts be limited to homosexuals? Shouldn't "straight shooters" have the very same opportunities and rights? What's so special about being a homosexual as to give them special, exclusive rights? The fact is, homosexuals have never managed to become a majority in any society, so they have never managed to turn any society upside down. Yet they are attempting to do it here by perverting the language and attempting to have those perversions recognized in law. The nation was founded and the Constitution was written and ratified long before anybody ever thought confusion might arise over such common terms as "marriage." Any law, or body of laws (especially in this modern age), must go into considerable specific detail about the definition of terms critical thereto. If we are to preserve the Union, we must have a unified definition of some basic words. In this extraordinary case, a constitutional amendment is the only thing that come get us back toward any sort of national unity. Bill Clinton, when embroiled in the results of his own moral deficiencies, defined the problem we face as a nation when he iterated, "It depends on what the meaning of 'is' is." Of course, when homosexuals become the majority, they can change the laws and rewrite definitions, and amend the constitution to their hearts' content. But in the mean time, the present majority still ought to have the ability to make the rules. John Q. Pridger |