"Why do you bother Pridger? Can't you find more constructive ways to spend
your time and energy than churning out an endless stream of articles and blog posts?" |
And, in spite of the thankless
task he has shouldered (exposing what he considers error and systemic
avarice on a monumental scale), it gives him a considerable amount of enjoyment and
satisfaction. Yet, he may one day tire of the pressure and take the cure. |
Wednesday, July 19, 2006 THE TRAGEDY OF ISRAEL, PALESTINE, AND LEBANON The new round of heart-rending warfare between Israel and the Lebanese Hezbollah, is merely more evidence of the impossible situation that Israel (and the United States), is in. Israel is in the classic Catch-22, "damned if you do and damned if you don't," situation. This, even though the Israelis score from four to ten to one in terms of dealing death and destruction upon the enemy, whether Palestinian or Lebanese. "Never Forget!" and "Never Forgive!" are practically the Israeli nation motto – and because Israel is surrounded by enemies individually and collectively dedicated to its destruction (even if some have become "politically correct" and no longer say it out loud), the only viable defense is always considered a deathly and destructive offense. Measured, proportional, responses to acts of Palestinian or Hezbollah terror are not in the Israeli genes. Overwhelming retribution is the rule. And this begets more of the same. Of course, to the Palestinians, terrorist acts are the only effective tactics against systemic, long on-going, injustice and the overwhelming military might of Israel. And, naturally, to the Palestinians and Lebanese, Israeli military retribution is nothing more than terrorism personified and multiplied by multiple factors. In the present case of the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers, with the purpose of gaining bargaining chips for the release of Palestinian and Lebanese being held by Israel, the answer has been an all-out assault against Lebanon and death for hundreds of innocent Lebanese, and the displacement and homelessness for tens of thousands of others. Unfortunately, no matter the success and degree of Israeli reprisals, and the degree of vengeance extracted, the net result is always a renewal of commitment on the part of the enemy, and a score card that (if the God of Israel is just, and keeping score), bodes ill for the long-term future of Israel. And, of course, this sort of overwhelming punishment is made possible by American money and armaments, and everybody knows it – making the United States an accessory to the fact in all the depredations pursued in the name of the "defense of Israel." And, in both the short and long run, this bodes ill for the future of America and the American people. For all practical intents and purposes, the United States government is committed to supporting and defending Israel, right or wrong, into the indefinite future – in spite of the fact that several Arab states supposedly also depend on us, and expect us to play the role of impartial mediator in these times of trial and tribulation. But that often measured impartiality is conspicuously absent in the latest round of violence. Oh yes, we will exert some pressure on Israel at some point, but we seem to always delay that pressure until Israel has extracted at least ten eyes for an eye, and teeth or a tooth – or multiple hundreds of eyes or an eye, if possible. And that is the crux of the problem – the fact that two "eye for an eye" peoples are at perpetual loggerheads over the same real estate, utilizing the the very same eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, principles. Most Americans, of course, tend to favor Israel. Not only do they see Israel as the underdog in an unreasonably hostile world in an ongoing contest between good and evil, many believe the Jews are God's Chosen People – the direct descendents of the biblical Hebrews – and that they are fulfilling biblical prophecy. To some Americans, Armageddon is a desirable and worthy goal. Whether or not present day "Jews" and Israelis are actually the descendents of the ancient Hebrews is a matter of debate and opinion, but there does seems to be some interesting parallels to biblical times unfolding around the modern State of Israel. Unfortunately, though the American media always leaves Americans with the impression that Palestinian and Arab hatred, radicalism, and hardheadedness are principally responsible for Middle East strife, and that Israel is the heroic underdog embattled against multitudinous irrational enemies, history clearly tells a completely other story. That story boils down to this. In a nutshell, the state of Israel was established on other peoples' land – and the western world has largely turned a blind eye to a long chain of tragic injustice. There's no simpler way to put it. Of course, this was nothing new. The United States of America was established on conquered soil too – gained no less violently or deceitfully. But Native Americans had no champions in the colonial world to take up their cause, and their conquest was overwhelming, irrevocably complete, and irreversible. Things are different now. The descendants of the colonial powers (including the USA), at least give lip service to "self-determination" and "liberty and justice for all" regardless of race, religion, or national origin. There are so many ironies evident in the creation and ongoing conduct of the state of Israeli that it's a challenge to enumerate them. Yet, to most Americans, Israel is a small and gallant nation fighting valiantly for survival. And this is true. But this side of the picture totally ignores history. Not the least of the ironies is embodied in our own impossible position in the on going Arab Israeli conflict. In spite of our birthing pains and the injustices wrought upon the native peoples during the formative years of the United States, we still aspired to be a Christian people, a Christian nation, and a Christianizing influence on the world. But we have lost the focus of that purpose, and have become a nation more closely associated with the Hebrews of the Old Testament rather than followers of Jesus who preached, brotherly love, "Love thy neighbor," and "Do not unto others..., etc." No less ironic – while the idea of America as a "Christian nation" is being actively erased from the national identity (at the behest, in large part, of Jewish influences), the present administration purports to be a "Christian administration," doing God's will in combating terror and defending God's Chosen People. Yet our conduct is anything but Christian. We have taken up the sword, armor, and ways of the ancient Hebrews – thinking of ourselves as "Christian soldiers" – seemingly oblivious to the fundamental contradictions in such thinking. The Evangelicals in our administration are of an Old Testament variety, where eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth remedies are considered God's way. This is not the Christian way by any stretch of the imagination, and those who claim it is (no matter which side they take), are simply confused and have failed to recognize the real Christian message. AN HISTORICAL RECAP The establishment of Israel in Palestine happened at the very time in history when the conquest of weaker peoples by stronger powers (which was the very story of great empires and colonialism), was becoming politically incorrect. At that time the very last great colonial empire was in collapse and colonialism was being given evil connotations – the United States being in the vanguard of those redefining "justice" in the world and spearheading the notion of "national self-determination" for previously colonized nations. Soon, largely to our good offices, traditional colonial empires would be relegated to the dustbin of history. But Israel is very much a colonial imposition on Palestine. It owes its existence to the colonial period that the Zionists themselves have helped bring down. It was thanks to the British Empire that the Zionists managed to gain their foothold in Palestine. When Israel proclaimed its independence in 1948, International law was already established to outlaw the sort of conquest that the formation of Israel actually represented. Yet Israel has always been considered "different" somehow, and the enlightened West, as well as the Soviets, lent it support. That formative period of the Jewish Homeland in Palestine, from about 1917 to 1948, was a period of conquest engineered by Great Britain on behalf of the Zionists. And through systematic purchase, forced appropriations, ethnic cleansing, and terrorism, the state of Israel was born. It was facilitated by the major colonial power of the World War One era (with the muscular backing of the United States, to defeat Germany and the Ottoman Empire in World War One, to make it all possible). That, and the financial power of American and European Jews, and their dual ability to both influence the great powers and purchase Palestinian land. The Middle East was carved up by England and France following the First World War, from the lands formerly part of the defeated Ottoman Empire. Along with the formation of several Arab States (initially subjected to the colonial yoke), a Jewish Homeland in Palestine was considered a strategically brilliant idea. It would serve (hopefully), as a friendly, progressive, western ally in the Arab world. Ironically, a considerable amount of the terrorism that occurred on the brink of Israeli independence was directed at the great facilitator and Zionist/Jewish benefactor – the British colonial government, which was then in the form of a League of Nations "Mandate." From long before Israeli independence, none of the surrounding Arab states (which had gradually been granted their independence), recognized Zionist claims to the Holy Land. It shouldn't be surprising (though Americans tend to be incredulous at the fact), that they didn't recognize Israel's independence or right to exist. And it was because the British were attempting to honor promises of justice to the Palestinians, and promises they'd made to neighboring Arab states, that the founders of Israel turned their guns and terrorist bombings upon their own benefactors. Oddly enough, the Zionists, in spite of their secular humanist liberalism, based their claim to Palestine on the biblical record that says God promised Palestine is the Children of Israel. Yet those Zionists were largely made up assimilated, non-practicing, Jews who actually gave the scriptures very little credence. It was merely a Jewish legend and dream that the Jews were destined to return to the Promised Land and rebuild the Temple of Solomon. In fact, most faithful Jews were against the Zionist push for a homeland in Palestine. If such a return was to take place, it was to be in God's own time. If one takes the time to read the Bible, he will see that possession of the Promised Land was contingent on certain mandates handed down by the God of Israel. The most important, and the one that they failed to fulfill, was God's mandate to kill every man, woman, and child, and beast of the field that already occupied the Promised Land. Though the biblical Israelites managed to conquer and rule over much of Palestine for a while, they had failed to fulfill that bloody mandate. God brought vengeance down upon His wayward children (several times), and eventually sent them out of their Promised Land, scattering them into exile as the result of their failure to fulfill His commands. History (even biblical history), seems to be repeating itself. Though the Israelis have gained another foothold in Palestine, they have failed to kill every man, woman, child, and beast of the field whom they found there. In fact, they initially tried to establish themselves in the Promised Land peaceably. But the Canaanites still flourish – and though the Israelites may kill an inordinate number of Palestinians, they have failed, and will continue to fail to kill them all. Such a thing, of course, is even more inconceivably in this day and age than it was during biblical times. And thus, if we pretend to believe in Hebrew scripture and biblical precedent, God will probably once again expel them from the Promised Land and send the Jews into exile. It should be noted, that many, if not most, fundamentalist Jews (faithful to their religion), do not recognize the legitimacy of the Israel state any more than the Arabs do, in spite of their cultural and religious ties to the Promised Land. Of course, there is always the problem of just who the Chosen People actually were – and whether present day Jews are in any way related to the ancient Hebrews of the Bible. They tell us, of course, that being Jewish has nothing to do with race, but everything to do with being of the Jewish faith. At the same time, Jews remain Jewish even after abandoning their faith (unlike most Gentile Christians, who are apt to become "anti-Christians" at the moment of their supposed "enlightenment" into agnosticism or atheism). But this is a complicated subject in itself. But in light of these strange incongruities that uniquely attach themselves to the Jewish people, Israel's independence, and the Jewish State itself, are unlike any other "People" or any other nation in the history of mankind. And, in spite of the humanistic liberalism of most Zionists, they still claim the Promised Land as their own unique and uncontestable inheritance. And, there is little doubt, in spite of all their lack of religious fervor on the part of the Zionists, they still consider themselves (along with their more faithful brethren), "God's Chosen People" – or at least God's greatest gift to humanity. The media tends to make this abundantly clear, as the "Jew's," as the result of past injustices and the Holocaust," have actively cast themselves as "our humanistic conscience." The Zionists may be God's Chosen Children, of course. Who is Pridger to judge? But it leaves most of us (who are ignorant and uninitiated), in a great deal of confusion and wonder that God's Chosen Children would become such a thorn in the side of everybody else with such an inordinate amount of blood on their hands. But, whatever the case, Israeli independence, and the Jewish State, for the Israelis, was the very beginning of an ongoing struggle for national survival rather than the end of the struggle, and her history has been regularly punctuated by wars with neighbors, bloodshed, and an ongoing state of internal warfare. Israel has never really been independent. There was no independence under the British Mandate, of course, and there would be no independence or hope for national survival now but for the unequivocal backing of the world's only superpower and the financial clout of the western community of the remaining Diaspora. The Zionists aren't evil incarnate, of course. Their intentions were good – and, if you can discount the rights of Palestinian Arabs – their purposes and goals were as noble as they come. It had been hoped by the Zionists, of course, that the "Palestinian problem" could be made to simply go away. But the time for that sort of thing (massive expulsions and slaughter) had long past, and they'd already done enough of it to have pushed their luck in the eyes of the international community. Just as the Palestinian Arabs have never acknowledged Israel's right to exist, it has always been Israel's contention that there was no such thing as a "Palestinian People." What we call Palestinians, they insisted, were just a few scattered Arab tribesmen who actually belonged in Syria, Jordan, and other surrounding Arab States. And they hoped all the Arabs remaining in Palestinian, with their prompting, would eventually see the light and move off and disappear into those surrounding states. But the surrounding Arab states were not at all accommodating. In spite of the fact that the viability and security of the state of Israel (as it was originally intended), depended on the friendship and cooperation of its neighbors, there was never any real hope for such cooperation, because of the very processes that brought the Jews to Palestine, and finally resulted in Israel in the first place. The whole Zionist program was not only an affront to them, but clearly an inhumane injustice to to the Palestinian Arabs who we now call Palestinians. And at the core of the problem there was something else – something that has become much less of a focus during the progression of Israel's short history. The Zionists, and Israeli leadership, actually had a much larger vision of their future role in Palestine and the Middle East. The key words are embodied in "Greater Palestine" and "Greater Israel," which takes in much more territory than that encompassed by the official State of Israel. It was perhaps this ambition, of which the surrounding Arab states were undoubtedly aware, that from the very beginning foreclosed on peaceful relations with all neighboring states and peoples, and prevented Israel from making the slightest attempt at becoming truly democratic – embracing Jews and non-Jews alike as full citizens. Such as state, naturally, could not ultimately have been a "Jewish State" at all. But it might have become a state where Jews may have coexisted in peace with the Arab population. To the Zionists, however, this would be totally unacceptable, for a Jewish State was the purpose and intention, as well as a much greater roll in ruling the entire region. Events have foreclosed on Zionist dreams for a "Greater Israel" that stretched beyond the Jordan River. Even Israel is now forced to call Palestinian Arabs "Palestinians." They even acknowledge (under considerable long-term duress), the Palestinian right to a national existence. But the Israelis also know that they cannot allow a viable Palestinian state to come into existence. It is their present hope that any future "Palestinian State" will consist of only the Gaza Strip and a few scattered "homelands" or reservations on the West Bank and Golan Highlands, which will effectively be dependent on, and beholden to, them in every significant way – a plan that is totally unacceptable to the Palestinians, and understandably so. Pridger sees Israel's problem, and sympathizes with the Israeli people, but they are caught in an untenable position with no solution in sight. It's truly a heart-rending situation. And, with no solution in sight, justice for the suffering Palestinian population in Israel proper, the remaining Palestinian enclaves, and the scattered Palestinian refugee camps in neighboring countries, remains an impossibility as long as Israel exists as a Jewish State. Scattered "homelands" inside Israel are what the Israelis now consider the only possible makings of a Palestinian State. They are not a whole lot unlike the tribal homelands that had everybody so upset about in Apartheid South Africa (not the least of which were the Jews who pushed for "justice for Black South Africans" and influenced American policy toward the Apartheid nation), but are much more "contained" and controlled. In the United States we still have reservations for Native Americans, but Indians are nonetheless full-fledged American citizens with rights that equal those of any other American with a few special privileges to boot. THE ONLY DEMOCRACY IN THE MIDDLE EAST? We often hear that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East – that it is a lot like the United States. And there is some truth in this. But Israel is more like the young United States of a century and a half ago. The unpopular truth of the matter is that United States was founded by white men for white men, regardless of their forethought in making more sweeping pronouncements about human rights in out founding documents. But, for much of our history, the key to full, 100%, citizenship, suffrage, and social equality was embodied in the phrase "Free, white, and twenty-one." If you weren't free, white, and at least twenty-one, you weren't a complete freeman. And this was true right up to fairly recent times, within Pridger's own short lifetime. Now, of course, things are quite different, though none of us are nearly as free as we once were. The truth of the matter is that Israel was founded by Zionists as a Jewish national homeland. If you aren't Jewish, you can never really be a 100% Israeli – Israel doesn't want you, and non-Jews need not apply. Somehow everybody is supposed to overlook that fact when they make judgments concerning Israel and the Israelis. While most Americans can apparently overlook it, there's not a single Palestinian or Arab anywhere who can. This is particularly ironic in view of the fact that the Zionists' purpose was the result of discrimination against Jews throughout history – and their own natural propensity against assimilation in most host countries. And again ironically, the founders of Zionism, and most of the leaders of the modern Zionist movement, were largely assimilated, non-practicing, Jews. Their high goal was to give all Jews, practicing and non-practicing, a homeland of their own, where anti-Jewish bias and anti-Semitism would not be a problem. The Zionist goal was to solve the "Jewish question" or "Jewish problem" once and for all. But the result has been anything but a solution. It's caused a much bigger and more dangerous problem. And we have the specter of a Jewish homeland where all non-Jews, and particularly the native inhabitants, are the subjects of ongoing discrimination. The present problems with Lebanon are very illustrative. In spite of the experience of Nazism and the Holocaust, the Israeli's are very willing to engage in "overkill" that amounts to ethnic cleansing and genocide when it comes to their own national survival. There present righteous justification for their blood assault on both the guilty and innocent is embodied in the fact that Hezbollah is officially listed as a "terrorist organization" by the United States. This, thus far, has given them license to kill and render homeless as many Lebanese as it takes to render Hezbollah militarily impotent. Out of supposed necessity, the methods of nation building and insuring national survival, the Israelis employ methods that are about as harsh and as racially supremacist as anything Hitler and the German National Socialists had to offer, short of actual gas chambers. Hitler would have undoubtedly been happy to ship all European Jews to Palestine, if he'd had that option. But, just as ironically, to hold the lid on the Palestinian Mandate, the British put a tight lid on Jewish immigration to Palestine just when the need was sorely arising. There are no gas chambers in Israel, but there is systematic slaughter and displacement. But never enough to solve the problem. Can anybody rationally believe that Israel is today solving its problem by its actions against the Lebanese? Even if Hezbollah is vanquished, the fruits of the victory will have long-lasting repercussions that bode future ill for the State of Israel. Like the Zionists and Israeli's, whose creed is "Never forget, never forgive," Arabs have long memories. But there is much more at work here than just the Israeli military. Uncle Sam is probably much more deeply involved than meets the casual eye – thus the continuing green light for more slaughter. Since we seem to have Syria and Iran in our own war sights right now, it appears that part of the purpose of Israel's present defensive offensive is to provoke Syria into attacking Israeli forces in Lebanon. This would give President Bush an excuse to widen our Middle East war and bring Syria to heel. And, since Iran is supposedly backing Hezballah, it could give us the excuse we're looking for to chastise and de fang Iran. This less than obvious partnership between Israel and the United States speaks to Israeli's desire to neutralize the military threat of all hostile Arab States. Ultimately, Israeli rule of a "Greater Israel" and unchallengeable regional military supremacy in the region is undoubtedly the longer-term goal, both of Israel and the United States. The War on Terror is our license to accomplish Israel's goals. Meanwhile, while our nation building continues to founder in Iraq, the threatening civil war and the breakup of Iraq into hostile warring tribal areas is just what Israel is hoping for – a multitude of weak Arab states always at each other's throats, with neither the national will nor the capability to seriously threaten Israel militarily. Israel's plans and future (whether limited to extended to a Greater Israel), very much depend on American military might, and our continued capability and willingness to keep them well armed and its neighbors from combining against them. Good luck Israel. And good luck to the Palestinians and other Arabs too. But peace and justice for all in the Middle East is remains as inconceivable and unlikely as a truly multi-cultural, democratic, and peacefully secure Israel. With all systems in both Israel and the United States geared to "damned if you do and damned if you don't" policy, the Middle East is definitely destined to remain a study in New World Disorder. John Q. Pridger WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE AN AMERICAN? Since our government has more or less given our nation to the world, it's becoming more and more difficult to define just what it is to be an American – or what an American is. And since there seem to be a lot of people in the world eager to kill Americans these days, maybe that's just as well. Here's another one of those emails that make the circuit.
And while performing this great good deed, we put the Talaban in power and empowered future arch-enemy Osama bin Laden. And the email message gets a little mushy after this, so Pridger won't quote all of it. But it points to the fact that the composition of this nation is such that we can no longer really know what we are. And though we claim to know, we really don't even know what we stand for any more – other than for gross materialism and conspicuous super over-consumption as the "American way of life." This, of course, is diversity. But no nation has ever thrived on racial or cultural diversity, and many empires have collapsed once their founding cultures and creeds were diluted or forsaken. While we continue to say we are the products of the Declaration of Independence and are ruled by a government under the Constitution, this has become a fiction. Though we are still a superpower we are no longer independent. We are a nation of super-consumers that depends on foreign creditors and laborers to support our national life style. And, most significantly (but almost universally overlooked), this extraordinary and growing national indebtedness is no longer a cause for concern. In fact, we purport to rule the world through a form of forced "mutual dependence." "Mutual Assured Dependence" is a new incarnation of the former MAD nuclear strategy. This is what is meant by "international interdependence," the "new international economic order," globalism, and the New World Order. There's another email out there making the rounds that makes a good point. To paraphrase:
Once the chickens of this reality really begin coming home in serious numbers, a diverse nation such as ours will begin to show some strains. The Balkanization of America may become a possible answer, as the nation begins to try to sort itself out again. This time will likely come when all systems begin to break down, and the American people learn what hunger and physical hardships are. War or natural disaster will likely be the trigger, followed by global financial collapse. So, as the old saying goes, "Eat, drink, and be merry..." John Q. Pridger Thursday, July 6, 2006 THE GALL OF IRAN AND NORTH KOREA When the leader of the world's only superpower singles out a few nations and calls them the "Axis of Evil" there's usually a good reason for it. Those nations are somehow not knuckling to the program script devised by that superpower. And, of course, there are repercussions – usually in the form of unintended consequences. Our president singled out Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. We've "fixing" one of them now, and we are beginning to realize that the fix is probably going to end up worse than the break. Thus far the fix has merely created and compounded problems that did not previously exist – and these problems won't go away any time soon. And now that we've more or less "bought" Iraq and Afghanistan, what are we going to do with them? The big irony of the "fix" is that Iran and North Korea were perhaps the real threats all along (or at lease actually developing weapons of mass destruction), and the war against Iraq more a case of malfeasance than a purposeful movement against a threatening power. Two things are certain. We will continue to incur ever-increasing deficits and national indebtedness, and we will increasingly be considered "THE REAL GLOBAL APEX OF EVIL" by a widening group of nations and people. Such are the rewards of empire – an empire brought about without the informed consent of the governed. Now that we're bogged down fixing Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran and North Korea have apparently figured that it's an opportune time to send us a message. Iran has decided to go ahead and become a nuclear power, and North Korea has decided to demonstrate that they have a delivery system for their own nuclear toys. Chances are, they are coordinating their efforts to flaunt and taunt the great superpower. Of course, the reason we attacked Iraq first (both times), is clearly evident to all interested parties. Iraq is closer to Israel than Iran or North Korea, and was perhaps a viable threat to that country. And, while Israel depends on the United States to maintain its own regional (and internationally illegal), nuclear and WMD supremacy, we have come to rely to an inordinate degree on an ungodly mixture of Zionists and corporate board room types to do our national thinking for us. Clearly, the world is becoming a much more dangerous place. To a large degree, it is becoming more dangerous because we are trying to rule it, and because there will always be resistance to such efforts. And we're trying to rule it, not in the interests of the American people or any principles established by the national charter, but on behalf international capital interests, their bottom lines, Wall Street, and global securities markets, not to mention the security of the State of Israel. The world will continue to become more dangerous until the American empire has crushed all resistance or is defeated in its global designs. Someday, America will probably be forced back to it's own shores in spite of its increasingly high tech WMD capabilities. If or when that happens, given the admixture of our present national culture, we'll be lucky to hold the nation together within its present boundaries. Reestablishing an independent American republic will not be easy, but it will have to be done if we are not to be occupied and dominated by foreign powers. One reason it will be difficult to reestablish an American republic is because we no longer really know who we are or what we stand for. We'll have to figure that out again before we can succeed. There is certainly no guarantee that the American republic will be reestablished along the lines of its birth and what was intended by the founders. The world will remain a dangerous place, and security concerns will likely continue to dominate national policy, foreign and domestic, and defeat the notion that there can be, or ought to be, a nation of freedom and liberty for all. John Q. Pridger Tuesday, July 4th, 2006 INDEPENDENCE DAY For Pridger, Independence Day provokes melancholy thoughts of American independence lost. In spite of Pridger's pride in being an American and continued patriotism, the celebrations that take place on the 4th of July ring hollow to him. Celebrating something that was once great but now merely a memory and fiction is hardly a cheerful observance. The United States is no longer independent, and celebrating Independence Day is akin to celebrating a birthday in an intensive care unit, if not a funeral parlor. To put the best face on what is otherwise a troubling day, Pridger celebrates the "Declaration of Independence" and what was and ought to have been. The principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence are as greatly admired, and are as valid now, as they were on this day in 1776. But, as a nation, we've strayed so far from those high principles and goals that it is a stretch to associate the present nation with them. So let us celebrate what was intended in that Declaration of Independence, the essences of which is quoted here (with some emphasized print added), omitting only the list of grievances against the King of England. Declaration of IndependenceIn Congress, July 4, 1776 The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America
We hear about the "New American Century" (meaning the twenty-first century), as America expends its remaining energy vainly attempting to bring democracy to Iraq, and deploying its superpower might (at tremendous cost), in a frustrating attempt to consolidate our international power while attempting to kill a few Islamic terrorists. Just imagine what it means when the world's only superpower expends its remaining energy "bringing democracy" to places like Iraq, and where one of the predominate national goals has become to kill a certain individual! What does it mean when the capture or killing of one troublesome individual becomes cause for self-congratulation and a "victory celebration"? These are not the activities and goals of a great nation. These are not great battles – "battles" where collateral damage and death of innocents always overshadow damage to the enemy. These are not causes for celebration in a great nation. These are the goals of something gone haywire – the goals and activities of a dying regime that do not reflect the high goals to which our founders aspired. And even these perverse and perverted national activities depend on foreign credit in an increasingly alienated and hostile world. Imagine what it means when the supposedly "freest nation in the world" has not only become the world's greatest debtor nation, but a nation that has declared by its actions that some men have no unalienable Rights at all. Any nation that will declare a whole class of people (who are fighting for something they believe in), as illegal "enemy combatants" can (and probably eventually will), do the same for its own citizens. As we treat the lowest "enemy combatant" is the real gauge of our national humanity and sense of justice. And how does it come down that the freest nation in the world has the highest incarceration rate of any nation in the world, with almost a tenth of the population locked away – many doing long, hard, time for relatively minor, victimless "crimes"? America has become a debt-slave to the world even as it strives to rule it and realize a grandiose euphoria in "global empire" – yet we have not yet admitted the facts. Our so-called economic prosperity is totally dependent on foreign creditors, foreign suppliers, and increased foreign trade. Even where we still shine, in agricultural production, we've missed the boat, selling our national production – the very essence of our soil – at bargain basement global prices. In spite of this continued ability to feed ourselves and others, we are on the brink of becoming a net food importer, if we aren't there already. If there was an "American century," it was the twentieth century. But, like many great nations of the past, we squandered our national capital, and effectively committed national suicide while we were at the very pinnacle and apex of our national power and potential. We closed out that century not even knowing (certainly not acknowledging), that we had already committed national suicide. We imagined that we would rule the world, and are striving to do it as our "New World Order" literally threatens to come crashing down resoundingly all about us. Our only hope – literally – is that the rest of the world is (and will remain for the foreseeable future), so dependent on American consumption and waste, and America's debt itself, that none of those capable of pulling the plug (Japan, China, the European Union, etc.), will do so. Yet, some of those most capable of pulling the plug are traditional enemies – some with historical axes to grind with Yankee imperialism. Our hope is that they will continue to greedily eat at the trough of Yankee consumerism, and hold our indebtedness notes in order to prevent the dollars they represent from becoming worthless. In indebting ourselves to the world, our empire building leaders feel that we have legitimately bought it and now own it. But we don't own it. In fact, we've been selling out to the foreign competition at a steady rate. RETIREMENT SECURITY Now that Pridger is retired, he has gained that coveted status that nearly everybody eagerly seeks even during their working years – a steady and sufficient income without further expenditure of effort. That he has attained this status seems nothing short of miraculous, since only in the last few years did Pridger do anything like "retirement planning." But now Pridger is actually being paid to do nothing, and the pay will supposedly go on as long as he can manage to continue breathing. Between his retirement pension and Social Security, he finally (for the first time in his life), has a steady "fixed income." But this doesn't spell "security" by any means. The Social Security System, of course, continues to be threatened with insolvency because our trusty leaders never managed to figure out what a "trust fund" is or ought to be. All private pension funds are threatened by the dual daggers of corruption and a stock market that is massively infected with multiple ailments such as fraud and derivatives (the very HIV/AIDS of the financial markets). And, as if all of this were not enough, the value continues to leak out of the dollar at an alarming rate with no hope of cure in sight. Before retirement (due to the nature of Pridger's line of work as a seafarer), it was always feast and famine – go out on the job to make some money, and come back home to live a "normal life" for a while and spend it. Just before the money was gone each time, he'd have to go into desperation mode, leave home, hearth, and family, and journey off to some distant seaport, at great expense and with no real assurance that a berth would be attainable. Fortunately, though the American merchant marine withered away throughout the latter half of his career (and threatened to dry up entirely), Pridger was fortunately enough to manage to hang on as he became an exclusive member of an acutely endangered species. With the economy perpetually on the very brink of catastrophic collapse, there isn't a great deal of security in retirement or Social Security. The pension fund could dry up, and maybe disappear almost completely, as the result of a stock market crash, and that nice Social Security check which can today purchase about 480 loaves of bread, or gallons of gas, may someday only purchase one small loaf or one gallon of gas. In the mean time Pridger will be living the life of Riley, as if he had half a million bucks in the bank and is living off the interest. Of course, it's an uncomfortable feeling to know that his Social Security checks are being underwritten by those who are still out there slaving away in the work force. Pridger feels a little guilty about that. John Q. Pridger, retiree THE MINIMUM WAGE Though Congress has seen fit to reward itself with another nice pay raise, there is a lot of resistance to raising the minimum wage from $5+ to $7+. The argument against raising the minimum wage is always that doing so will cut jobs and curtail job growth. Yet there has been nothing more effective in hurting domestic industry and causing job, factory, and whole industry export than the national policies cobbled together by Congress and a succession of presidential administrations going back at least to Reagan. The "new international economic order" was (and continues to be), the mother of all domestic job export programs. Of course, it's been the best jobs that have been exported – the jobs that literally made the American industrial middle class what it once was, and provided the nation with the broad-based prosperity we once enjoyed. The "fair to middling" jobs (including those much ballyhooed "knowledge worker" jobs), are now being outsourced. Because so many "good jobs" have disappeared, the the minimum wage issue has become much more important than it ever was before. The lion's share of all the new jobs being produced in the new economy are minimum wage jobs. A much larger percentage of the working population are now today working at minimum wage – and this includes a much larger percentage of family "breadwinners" than ever before. Back when Pridger first burst forth into the job market, minimum wage jobs were the first stepping stone in the job market. An actual family breadwinner needed to do much better. But, increasingly, the minimum wage job is the best young workers can aspire to – and they need a high school diploma, if not some years of college, to be considered competent to work at all. Two breadwinners are now required to support a family at something close to the official poverty level. It would take about four minimum wage breadwinners to approximate the income of what might still be termed a decent American industrial wage of above $20.00 an hour. When the past decades of inflation are taken into consideration, the minimum wage should probably be closer to $10.00 an hour. Pridger uses the 60/10 formula for making this calculation. The present dollar is worth about a tenth of what the dollar was worth in 1960, when Pridger entered the job market. Minimum wage was about a dollar an hour then, and a dollar would purchase about what ten will purchase today, though pricing is pretty warped now. But a good restaurant breakfast that would cost $.50 back in 1960 will now demands about $5.00. Back in 1960, a ten cent tip would have been considered decent after such a meal, but who would walk away from the table today without leaving a dollar or more? Three dollars an hour was a good industrial wage in 1960, and $30.00 an hour would be a comparable wage today. Gas was twenty-five to thirty cents a gallon back then, so $2.50 to $3.00 gas today is roughly just keeping up with what it should have been. But not so for the minimum wage. The minimum wage has lagged back and is now about half of what it should be, and $10.00 an hour is fast becoming the new industrial wage standard – the standard that's making entry level construction job unattractive to young "Americans" while attracting illegal aliens to the trades. On the other hand, congressional salaries, and the pay of elected officials, have kept up with inflation rather nicely, if not exceeded it considerably. For the working class, things are going backwards. The 40 hours work week is endangered. Overtime pay is endangered. Pensions, health insurance, and other benefits are endangered. There's one thing that is fairly certain, raising the minimum wage to $7, or even $10 an hour, would not cause McDonalds, Wendy's, KFC, WalMart and the service industries in general to flee the country. But it might tempt Congress to hire illegal aliens to clean up the Capital. ECONOMY TOTALLY OUT OF WHACK Back in the old days, when we were an industrially independent nation, and the government had the good sense to protect our industries and borders, raises in wages usually resulted in higher prices for the goods being produced. This was only natural. That's the way things work – or worked. But today, higher wages in productive industries lead to the jobs merely being transferred to Mexico, China, or elsewhere, and the goods imported. Industries that cannot flee the country are today forced to compete with foreign industry even in the domestic market. If they can't make it, operating in the red (and eventual bankruptcy – or bale out, in the case of a few "critical" industries), is the only answer. It shouldn't take a rock scientist to figure out what the problem is. Trouble is, our government (and the brain trust it depends on to do its thinking), are not made of rocket scientist material – nor even practical economists (and nary a philosopher is evident anywhere) – they don't have an ounce of genuine patriotism, national loyalty, or civic responsibility in their bodies. Wall Street has holds their loyalty, the world is their market, and Mammon is their god. John Q. Pridger |