N.A.A.A.P. Perspective

Fall 1997—E-Pub Edition—Vol. IV, No. 4


by William G. Camden

According to Plato, Socrates said that wisdom begins with the defining of terms. Here, I've defined a few terms.

Assault Weapon: A weapon—any weapon—used in an assault. Even a single-shot, bolt-action .22, or a muzzle-loading squirrel rifle can be used to assault and kill. The rabbit-gun is an assault weapon. So are archery sets, butcher knives, and baseball bats. The battle-axe is a classic assault weapon. Convince the greater gullible public that assault weapons need to be banned and the case is made for totally disarming the people. Start with the most obvious—modern military look-alikes—then work towards bb-guns and sling-shots, (once known as "nigger-killers"). Gasoline and matches are assault weapons in the wrong hands. (Try banning them!) The key word, of course, is assault. No weapon is capable of committing assault. Only people can commit assault, and they will use whatever instrument that happens to be at hand. In the case of the criminal element, it is perhaps better to allow them assault rifles than have them resort exclusively to pipe-bombs or chemical/biological weapons. Weapons are invaluable "tools" and, when properly employed, can preserve life and liberty. Better the forces of good be at least as well armed as the forces of darkness.

Politically Incorrect: (1) That which is currently out of favor among the establishment social, political, intellectual/educational leadership and policy makers. (2) That which does not conform to current "conventional wisdom." (3) Anything that tends to offend or disparage anybody or anything—other than, perhaps, wasps. Like most other popular political terms, this one is exceedingly slippery.

Conventional Wisdom: Another slippery term, (usually an oxymoron). (1) That which the establishment media (or any "authoritative group") has decreed to be the truth. (2) That which media polls have established as the most commonly accepted, popular, or fashionable, "truths" of the day.  (3) Evidence of the effectiveness of media or political propaganda, or "spin."

Patriot:  [American] (1) One who believes in "Truth, Justice, and the American Way," and that the blueprints for just government are contained in the founding documents of this nation. Most further believe that those blueprints are still valid in the contexts of the founders' original intents (as evidenced in their other contemporary writings, Federalist Papers, etc.). As in everything else, patriots come in all shades of good, bad, and ugly. The enlightened patriot is guided by Christian principles, (whether he calls himself a Christian or not) and is neither a bigot nor xenophobe. He usually does, however, believe that good fences make good neighbors. He also believes that national sovereignty, and minding one's own national interests, ought to take precedence over global village building and attempting to mind everybody else's business.

Militia: [American] (1) We The People. (2) The "Home Guard" — the fighting force of first and last resort. (3) Those who would defend both liberty and our Constitutional Republic from any and all enemies whether from without or within. Not to be confused with the "standing army," National Guards, or reserves, which are pure instruments of the state, and thus may be used to stand (at least in the short-term) against the interests of the people, (should the state evolve toward tyranny)—and which can be (and are) made to serve as international mercenaries to extra-national entities such as NATO and the United Nations, (and international capital interests) seldom for purposes relating to our own national defense needs.

Sovereign Citizen: [Universal] (1) A person who claims full ownership and control over his own mind and body, and is constrained only by his native sense of right and wrong. Such a person may recognize God as sovereign above him, but government as merely a servant to a collective of people. A sovereign citizen may voluntarily enter into various social contracts which tend to limit his or her personal freedom, (in the guise of marital, tribal, communal, state, federal, or other contractual responsibilities or duties) but who, in so doing, reserves the essential rights of his sovereign status. A sovereign citizen knows that abusive or fraudulent social contracts are null and void and that he may throw them off. (2) A self-governing individual, whether he participates in political processes or not. (3) An adult who looks to himself, (and, in some cases, God) for guidance rather than to government. (4) [American] The American citizen is fortunate and unique in that his government was the first ever to be founded in unequivocal recognition of his full range of inherent, God-given, rights, (something many in our present government would rather citizens both forgo and forget).

Every individual possesses two essential "beings"—one spiritual, and the other physical. The sovereign being exists primarily in the spiritual-self and is thus inviolable, (if one but recognize its existence). Only under conditions of freedom and liberty, however, nurtured and protected by enlightened government and civil law, can harmony between the spiritual and physical being exist. It can also be said that we have a sovereign and "civil" self—one governed by  the individual's own knowledge and spiritual intuition, and the other by common and/or civil law. Unfortunately, most of the world's people labor under varying degrees of psychological and physical servitude due to seriously flawed systems of government and their systems of civil and statute law. The American system of government is unique in that it was founded with the intention of facilitating harmony between the individual's sovereign and civil self, unprecedented in the history of civil governments. Unfortunately, our government, like all governments, tends to increasingly loose moral compass with the passage of time.

Even a slave is born a sovereign if he would but throw off his chain or die heroically in the attempt. 

Second Amendment Rights: (1) That which still differentiates the American citizen from European-style "subjects," Latin American "peons," and Asian "peasants." (2) The right by which American citizens still retain at least a modicum  of real "fire-power" against the awesome political and military might of the modern political state and international plutocracy. (3) The symbolic "difference" between sovereign citizenship and subjection, which, in the final analysis, can be a very real safeguard to liberty—and a threat to the forces of "domestic and international political, economic, and corporate tyranny." (4) The right by which all other rights might be protected and preserved, and an obstacle in the road to tyranny. (5) The most blatantly and concertedly threatened of American rights. (6) The most significant psychological armament in the peoples' arsenal in defense of freedom and liberty. (7) The teeth, and "equalizer" in the individual's inherent right to self-defense, and the defense of family and property—the right which makes it possible for a "little old lady" to neutralize the brawn of a 200 pound would-be attacker, (the individual equivalent to national "protectionism").

Protectionism: [Political-Economic] (1) The process by which sovereign nations are able to protect the economic interests of their people through regulating foreign commerce and limiting the power and predatory tendencies of large capital interests. (2) Minding the national store, (and protecting the market-place against hostile, or at least self-serving, take-over by foreign or domestic interests detrimental to the public welfare). (3) The rationale whereby national boundaries, physical and economic, can be established and protected for the collective public good, enhancing prospects for "life, liberty. and pursuit of happiness" of citizens. The national defense establishment is one arm the nation's "protectionist" policy, geared to prevent "hostile" foreign  military take-overs. However, we are being taken over by the forces Mammon under the guise corporate capital and a global free-market system.

If we, as individuals and a nation, do not protect our own political and economic interests, nobody else can be expected to protect them on our behalf. "Others," however, will exploit them in their own behalf, and for their own profit. If our national store isn't managed, by our representatives, in the public interest, then people's "profits," (the products of their collective labor) will naturally accrue to "others," as is now happening. This is what we are witnessing in the increasing polarization of both national and international wealth, and its concentration in the hands of the privileged few, (e.g., the "owners" of capital on Wall Street, corporate CEO's, and financial institutions). The evolving legacy of this is the unconscionable accumulation of the private and public debt, the full burden of which ultimately falls upon the shoulders of the general working public, (of this and future generations). It is largely the working taxpayer who, sacrificing his life in labor to make his or her own living, is called upon to fund the international financial system in perpetuity. This done, John and Jane Q. Public are once again called upon to "bail out" troubled financial institutions, giant corporations, whole nations, (such as Mexico, and now some troubled Asian Tiger cubs) and the entire system of national public welfare—Social Security, etc.

In fact, the so-called "prosperity" we are repeatedly reminded we are experiencing, is one which is debt-financed, and wherein debt-accumulation is made to appear as abundant, pie-in-the-sky, "wealth income." This, of course, is done on the backs, and at the expense, of labor. In this economic shell game, plutocrats profit on every single monetary transaction and wealth-transfer, while the working public pays the freight—both in higher taxes and lower earning power, not to mention other more subtle losses of liberty. The "science" of this ponzi-scheme is called Voodoo Economics, the latest in a new head-long sally into supposedly "sustainable" and exploitative, bubble-economics. This economic model has gone mainstream, replacing the earlier schools of Adam Smith, Richardo, Marx, Keynes, and others. It isn't sustainable, however, since perpetual "growth" in a finite world is a clear impossibility. But thanks to modern technology, the fabric of the balloon's skin may be more durable, and able to stretch to amazing dimensions. It will still eventually burst or otherwise fail, you can bet on that. (As of today, 27 October, 1997, the balloon is showing serious signs of stress, as the stock market has taken its greatest single day drop in its history.)

Help out: When applied by government bureaucrats, watch out! It often means: "to remove from within," "disenfranchise," or "betray." Examples: (1) How the USDA, aided and abetted by other agencies, helped out family farmers, thus making their extinction almost inevitable. (2) How the DOJ helped out in cleaning up the Randy Weaver and Waco messes. (3) How the U.S. helped out South Vietnam, and how it helped out Marcos in the Philippines, and Suharto in Indonesia was helped out by the IMF.


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As previously Published in William G. Camden's
(Published 1993 by PRR Publishing)

According to Plato, (Socrates, actually) the beginning of wisom is in the defining of terms. Thus, before beginning let us define a few relevant terms as well as introduce some organizations you should be aware of:

BILDERBERGERS: A group of the western world's richest, most influential people - from heads of state and royalty to industrialists and bankers - who meet secretly over tea once a year to chat about international affairs and our future. Their meetings are ignored by the mass media because the media doesn't consider tea-parties newsworthy.

B.S.: Baccalaureate in Science, or Bachelor of Science. Blessed Sacrament. Balance Sheet. Benevolent Silence. Beleaguered or Besieged Sensitivities. Benign Sage. Most commonly used to mean (male) Bovine (waste) Secretions. Also Brevis Synopsis, (short synopsis). You are now on your way to earning your Brevis Synopsis Degree in Voodoo Economics.

CAPITALISM: There are several basic kinds. Some good, some bad, some ugly.

1. Individual Capitalism. The back bone of economic freedom in the organized state. The free enterprise system as it pertains to the individual's right to engage in business activities, such as farming, contracting, building, shop-keeping, etc. It includes his right to sell his labor, or the fruits of it, to the highest bidder. Many, perhaps most, people tend to confuse free enterprise with capitalism. This confusion is intentionally nurtured in our society by the mass media and our educational system. It is individual free enterprise which fuel the engines of freedom and prosperity. Individual free enterprise is also the embryo state of capitalist adventure.

2. International, or trans-national Capitalism. (Also referred to in Camden's Commentary as Super-Capitalism.) This is predatory capitalism unleashed. The corporate free enterprise system which is beholden to no people or nation, free to exploit cheap labor and natural resources without regard to international boundaries or national interests. Most large multi-national corporations fall in this category. Multi-national corporations begin their existence as national corporations, (domestic to some country).

3. National Capitalism. The corporate free enterprise system that made this nation industrially and economically great. The back-bone of all successful industrial capitalist societies such as ours. This is comprised of companies large and small which, though driven by the profit motive, are bound by national laws designed to favor its own citizens and national interests. Unionism played an important role in checking the predatory tendencies of this kind of capitalism, which resulted in a beneficial balance of power between captital and labor in this as well as many other western industrialized nations..

Capitalism, by its very nature, tends toward monopoly. It is cannibalistic. Anti-trust laws were passed in this country to break and prevent huge corporate monopolies in the late 1800's and subsequently. Under Voodoo Doodoo and new internationalist policies, however, new means are being made available to free the largest international firms from the fetters of national controls.

4. State Capitalism. State ownerships and monopoly of capital, or Communism - which comes in varying shades of socialism. The leading proponent of International Communism, the late great Soviet Empire, has succumbed to International Capitalism. State capitalism isn't dead, however, it has merely changed colors. As the communists were forever warning, "Beware of International Capitalism!" We will do well to take heed.


If a man owns a shovel and makes his living by digging with it, is he a capitalist? No. Though his shovel may correctly be termed his "capital," and he may think of himself as a capitalist, he isn't truly a capitalist until he hires somebody else to do the digging. If he works for and by himself, he is a free agent, an individual laborer for hire, a contractor, or a tradesman, not a capitalist. He engages in free enterprise and the free enterprises system. The capitalist may also engage in the free enterprise system, but profits from the labor of others.

CONSERVATIVE: One who believes if something isn't broken, don't fix it. If it is broken, fix it in such as way as to do as little damage as possible. Politically, there are two basic kinds, made obvious since the Reagan administration: (1) Establishment Conservatives and, (2) Other Conservatives. Conservatives in general believe in free enterprise, the free market economy, capitalism, fiscal responsibility, and limited government. The distinction between Establishment Conservatives and Others is that the Establishment Conservatives are in the Free Trade, New World Order camp, and the Others are best perhaps described as Nationalists and Populists. They include, but are by no means limited to, the so-called silent majority, moderate right, religious right, and many other fringe groups all the way out into far right field.

COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (CFR): Formed on July 29th, 1921, the CFR is the breeding, or training, ground and think tank of America's most influential executives, politicians, and internationalist schemers. All of them possess the best of intentions, of course. According to Senator Barry Goldwater, "The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which originated in England (Royal Institute of International Affairs)...(it)...believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one world rule established..." If you ever get the feeling there is an international conspiracy moving us toward world government, look at the CFR, its agenda, membership roster, and the positions CFR members occupy in our government, the media, and the multi-national corporate world.

DOODOO POLITICS: "Politics as usual" politics as practiced in Washington D.C., whereby the state tends to become so arrogant that it assumes the authority our founding fathers reserved to God alone. Once ultimate authority is attained, the people discover they have the devil to pay.

FEMA: The Federal Emergency Management Agency. Ostensibly to take charge in the event of national crises or emergency, FEMA is additionally actually a "dictatorial government-in-waiting." The president has only to perceive the need, and declare a national emergency, to invoke the full frightening powers of FEMA, suspend the Constitution, and assume dictatorial powers. FEMA can even do it on its own under certain extraordinary circumstances, and actually depose the president. In the opinion of some people, that's why modern presidents really have to act right and go along with the program.

FIAT MONEY: Currency with no real value or convertibility to gold or silver. It's only value is dependent on the competence, honesty, and integrity of its issuing government or authority. Our money is mostly all fiat money.

FREE TRADE: An international hoax perpetrated by international super-capitalists and their puppets in various governments. Its goal is to eliminate national barriers and permit unregulated exploitation of labor and resources by multi-national corporations in order to maximize their power and profits. Free trade is not free trade, but the right for international corporations to maximize predatory practices. It is sold to the American consumer on the grounds that cheap imported consumer goods are desirable. At the same time, however, it undermines him as worker and producer and consequently ultimately as a consumer. NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and GATT, the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade, are both international free trade agreements. Under international free trade policies, no nation is free to trade in accordance with its own unique national interests. All nations must open their markets - or else.

HARD MONEY: Metallic coin currency, usually of gold or silver, or paper currency of fixed value redeemable in metallic currency. Our money used to be hard money.

INTERNATIONAL BANKERS: International money and power brokers. A collective term which does not refer to bankers in general but to certain bankers and financial institutions with vast international wealth and power. They have been called Merchant Bankers, king makers, and "the powers behind" many a throne, as well as most dictatorships and "democracies". Names historically associated with them in the popular mind are Rothschild, Warburg, Lehman, Morgan, Rockefeller. Their roots are in Europe, but their tentacles sowed the seeds of what became the Eastern Banking Establishment in this country, which successfully lobbied for what became the Federal Reserve System, the League of Nations, and later the United Nations. They are now pushing the New World Order, i.e. the ultimate power grab. "Small" independent banks are hostage to, and victimized by, these super-bankers just as are individuals and nations.

INTERNATIONAL COMMUNISM: State Capitalism, where the state has a monopoly on all capital, production and markets. A Marxist, Leninist political system, and international conspiracy which sought to dominate world capital and resources through first forcefully controlling all or most of its people through revolutionary movements. International Communism lost it's battle with International Capitalism. We could all recognize the threat of international communism, but now International Capitalism is a threat that most Americans fail to perceive.

INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY: Something all international conspirators, if there are any such people, vigorously deny exists. Conspiracy theorists have seen it, smelled it, felt it, and judged it a diabolical plot to enslave mankind. They have variously associated it with secret societies, colonial powers, international communism, and international capitalists and bankers. Though the international power brokers routinely deny that a conspiracy exists, we are now apparently on the verge of a New World Order, and nobody that I know of gets to vote on it. How is this new, very big, deal coming about? To me, in my ignorance, it appears to be something like an international conspiracy, but I'm sure that I must be seeing things wrong. Most conspiracy theorists feel that the international elite, (the super-capitalists and international bankers) are promoting world government. It smells like a conspiracy, and it feels like a conspiracy. If there is no conspiracy, then there appears to be black magic at work, or a continuously unfolding grand coincidence rather than a grand scheme. Should you ever begin to suspect that there might be a conspiracy comprised of influential people manipulating your government, (as well as others) the economy, the media, and even your mind., you aren't alone. Don't mention it though, or you will be branded a conspiracy nut or some other kind of a kook or fringe lunatic. Check on the powers of such organizations as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and Bilderbirgers. Read Foreign Affairs. Watch plenty of TV. (But don't believe everything you see and hear.)

INTERNATIONAL SUPER-CAPITALISM: Modern economic imperialism, which replaced colonial imperialism, and now international communism. It seems to seek to more or less communize the world under a few corporate monopolies and dominate its peoples through first controlling all or most capital and natural resources, production, and markets. Its tools and recourses are many, including the mis-represented free trade agenda. It is what the communists were trying to warn everybody about throughout the Cold War. The Soviets found they couldn't fight it, so they have joined it.

INTERNATIONAL SUPER-CAPITALISTS: The powerful individuals and organizations behind huge multi-national/trans-national corporations, including International bankers, having no particular allegiance to any country, but wielding great influence in the halls of political power in many nations.

ISOLATIONISM: A noninterventionist national foreign policy. Now considered a politically incorrect term in this country, discredited by decades of meddling in other peoples' business, it means minding our own business. Our country basically maintained an isolationist international stance until the Spanish American War and World War One. As in all things, there are degrees of isolationism. Total isolationism, as once practiced by Japan and China is impractical, unnecessary, and undesirable in today's world. However, a certain degree of isolationism, as practiced by this country before the Spanish American War, and Japan today, merely optimized the advantages of the modern nation state. In essence, friendship, goodwill and mutually beneficial commerce with all friendly nations, while maintaining national sovereignty.

LIBERAL: (1) In the classic sense, one favoring individual freedom, broad-minded tolerance. (2) In the modern political context, left-leaning promoters of government intervention into personal, economic, social, and spiritual affairs. Liberal with government spending of taxpayers' money on paternalistic social programs. Liberals promote Big Brother government because they don't believe people are or ought to be competent to govern themselves. Akin to socialist. Literally all militant "victim class" people (activist ethnic minorities, gays, women's-libers, etc.) are liberals. Most liberals like to think they are always doing good compassionate things thus the term "bleeding-heart" liberal. It must be remembered, however, that there are some liberals who identify with the classic definition of the term. Some liberals aren't bad people. In fact perhaps most aren't. They are just mis-guided crusaders for apparently good causes. Most fail to see the big picture - the forest for the trees - and promote programs that help select groups but do damage to the overall body politic.

MILITIA: The Militia is we the people - at least those who are armed and ready to defend the Constitution against enemies from without or within. Not to be confused with the federal armed forces or state national guards, which are armed instruments of the state. It is the solemn duty of the people to defend liberty and justice against foreign invasion or state tyranny. If the government goes totally off the deep end and becomes a tyranny, the federal and state armed forces can be turned against the people. The Militia, on the other hand, cannot be turned against the people because it is the people. It is the natural tendency of most governments to wish to disarm the people to remove the threat of armed resistance and rebellion. The United States is unique in that the Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms. (Naturally, this Amendment is continually under attack by advocates of the all powerful state - for reasons of safety and the greater public good, of course!)

PROTECTIONISM: Like isolationism, this has become a bad word as applied to national policy. Yet it essentially means nothing more than protecting national economic interests, particularly with respect to international trade. That means protecting Americans' interests - protecting their industries and jobs and domestic markets, and consequently their standard of living. This country became great under protectionist policies. It means simply minding the national store. After all, if we do not protect our own interests, nobody else will. Japan has become a spectacular post-war economic success through protecting and promoting its own interests, and exploiting our unprotected markets.

SOCIAL CONTRACT: The instrument or concept of law, now in effect, by which Americans, mostly unknowingly, agree to trade in their individual sovereignty for subject status. According to Funk and Wagnall's New Standard Dictionary of the English Language, (1925): "the reciprocal obligations of civil society and its members: conceived of or by philosophers of the period preceding the French Revolution as a form of agreement, and opposed to the state of nature. According to them, the individual gives up the right of redressing his own wrongs and yields obedience and support to the state. In return he receives public protection and defense." Participating in Social Security, accepting subsidies, welfare, food stamps, and paying income taxes, or even dealing in Federal Reserve Notes, are a few means by which we, as individuals, are practically forced to enter into a social contract with our federal government. It works the same for subdivisions of government. The States depend on the federal government for a significant slice of their highway, educational, and law enforcement funding, etc. Thus they relingush State's Rights. In short, obeying or acquiescing to statutory laws, even though they may be unconstitutional or hostile to the Constitution, effectively puts our stamp of approval on them. (And if you don't approve of such laws, and show it, chances are very good that you will lose your property or go to jail, or both.)

SOUND ECONOMICS: Living within one's means. A concept still adhered to by a number of conservative individuals, but long ago totally abandoned by our national government. The rules of sound economics apply equally to nations and individuals. (1) Be productive; (2) Live frugally, well within means; (3) Save and invest; (4) Never spend your capital, only income; (5) Avoid indebtedness!

SOUND MONEY: Money with a stable value in the market place. Usually hard money or species, but paper money can be sound under honest government. Sound money, no matter its kind or backing in species, always dependent on honest, competent government. (Now obsolete in the U.S.A.)

SPECIE: Hard money. Coin, usually of gold or silver. (Now the only hard money is this country must be purchased at the going market rate as with any other valuable commodity.)

SUBSIDY: Subsidies are government largess ostensibly to protect or promote industry, but really usually to control them by making them dependent on government. Essentially, the government buys off groups of people with subsidies. Then the subsidized group soon finds out that it cannot survive without the subsidy. The subsidy and acceptance of it, even though it may be almost impossible to avoid, consummates a social contract. Welfare is a subsidy to the poor, which keeps them dependent on and beholden to government. Democracy is already dead under such a system, for it cannot function in a country where the voters are bought through subsidies of various kinds. Taxpayers are billed for those subsidies and are also subsidized by them one way or another. This country uses direct and indirect subsidies to bribe millions of its own citizens, minority groups, business, and scores of foreign countries. While most of the public, (mostly the urban sector) resent farmers receiving subsidies, few realize that international bankers are indirectly subsidized through taxation, debt service, and via the foreign aid route, to a far greater greater degree than are farmers or any other sector of the economy. In the case of the international banks, however, the subsidies are not to control them, but to insure their survival and control of the national and international economic affairs. Pull out their props and the whole house of cards comes down.

SURVIVALISTS: People who plan ahead to survive hard times or catastrophic events, often without regard to assisting or obeying civil authority. Some have fallout shelters or fortified bunkers, and most are armed to the teeth and have large caches of food. There are two basic kinds, i.e., the principled and unprincipled.

THE REMNANT: A Silent Minority (part of the Silent Majority) of "right minded" common sense type, seemingly ordinary, people ever-present in society, who have the skills and ability to survive and rebuild civilization in the wake of national economic collapse and social chaos. Our society is thinly laced with these invisible, yet invaluable people. They will be the ones who, only when needed, will stand up and prevent a wholesale return to barbarism. Today they labor in every walk of life, as farmers, lowly clerks, soldiers, policemen, executives, teachers and professors. Some know their mission, but perhaps most do not, but they are ever ready. These are the Minutemen against chaos - the survivalists with principle.

TRILATERAL COMMISSION (TC): A Rockefeller brainchild, formally established in 1973, the TC is an offshoot of the CFR. According to CFR/TC member Zbigniew Brzenzinski, in the July 1973 Foreign Affairs, (a CFR publication) "...without closer American-European-Japanese cooperation the major problems of today cannot be effectively tackled...the active promotion of such trilateral cooperation must now become the central priority of U.S. policy." Like the CFR, the TC is promoting the New World Order. Three major interdependent economic/trading blocks, i.e., the American Free Trade Zone, the European Economic Community, and the Pacific Rim nations, are preliminary to the final objective.

VOODOO ECONOMICS: A system of deceptive monetary practices and doodoo politics that institutionalizes fiat, debt money; fractional reserve banking; interventionist, unlimited government; international predatory capitalism, deficit spending; Social Contract, Subject, serf-like federal or world citizenship, (as opposed to Individual Sovereignty) unconstitutional statute law. It all undermines the American Constitutional form of Republican limited government in favor of Corporate American government and the New World Order, i.e., Corporate World Rule.

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Published in U.S.A. by, William R. Carr, Editor and publisher
Copyright © 1997 by William R. Carr. REPRINT RIGHTS HEREBY GRANTED