Long Live the Conspiracy! The great New World Order conspiracy is a wonderful thing. It provides the grist for the conspiracy alarmists' mill, and great entertainment for conspiracy buffs like Pridger. Pridger only laments that it comes at such incalculable human cost. Among those costs thus far have been the Bolshevik Revolution, international communism, the two world wars, (both Gentile holocausts) Nazism, the Jewish holocaust, the cold war, and the ascendance of Mammon as our national corporate ruling creed. Along with this, of course, has come much of today's domestic and global strife—not to mention the on-going confusion of the general public as to what is happening in the nation and the world.
Pridger isn't going to expound upon the conspiracy here, as it would be pointless. In any case, what is conspiracy to some is a "great plan" for the salvation of mankind to the esoteric fellowship, and their legions of witting and unwitting camp followers. The great plan, in any case (in all it various nuances), has been well documented throughout the many decades of its existence, (centuries, actually) both by insiders and outsiders, pro and con. Debating the existence of the conspiracy is like debating the existence of sunlight and moonlight. You have to have your eyes open, and believe in what you see, before entering into the debate.
The question, as Pridger sees it, isn't whether there is a long on-going conspiracy, but whether the current principles are good guys or bad guys. In Pridger's opinion, if they are good, they have fallen into serious error, and continue to err most grievously. On the other hand, if they be evil men, everything seems to be going pretty much according to plan. If we could put a "cartoon" face on the otherwise serious subject of the great conspiracy, it might look a little like this: "Face of Conspiracy," [gif image].
It is Pridger's fervent hope that the men behind the scenes, pulling the stings of national and international affairs (and, of course, pulling the chains of our successive administrations and representatives in Washington and the various State Houses) are not in fact predominately men of avarice—and that they will realize the calamitous nature of their on-going error. It is hoped they will act to reverse the debacle now engulfing the nation and the globe, from which no person can ultimately gain.
J. Q. Pridger
Today's NEW WORLD ORDER has not resulted from the vision of our founders
The founders of our nation clearly had a New World Order vision, or at least a vision for "A New Order in the New World," which they put into practice as the foundation of the United States of America. This was the result of the collective wisdom of those founders, in combination with their strong Christian spiritual orientation. It provided the Western World (Indeed, the whole world!) with its first constitutional basis for truly just and lasting government. This good cannot be rationally denied. Despite national birth defects and present faults, our foundations were undoubtedly sound. Though we have strayed, the seeds of liberty and justice have not yet perished from the earth, or this nation. "These truths are Self-evident..."
The reverse of the Great Seal of The United States of America is rich in symbolism of the wisdom that brought this great nation into being in 1776.(1) Few men are fully aware of the full significance of the above symbol, and of those, fewer still (at least in Pridger's humble opinion), have chosen the correct interpretations and followed the true, spiritually enlightened Path. (2) Granted. This is not a Christian symbol, but it does have significant spiritual meaning — though many Christians attribute to it negative (even satanic) meanings. This is because it is also said to be the symbol of the infamous Illuminati, (3) (the very well-spring of the Great Conspiracy, coincidentally also founded in 1776). The fact is, "illuminism" in Christian men spawned a great good in the founding of American government, but its atheistic counterpart spawned great evil, beginning with the bloody Terror which was the French Revolution. Unfortunately, the intellectual descendants of that false illuminism, seem to have inherited the earth.
Thomas Jefferson prophetically wrote: "If the American People ever allow the banks to control issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied."
The former was formally consolidated in 1913, and we've come a long-long way toward the latter circumstance since then. Yet most people seem blind to the obvious. They seem—they are—afraid of the truth.
Not God, but Corporate
Omnipotent, Deified
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to discern that something is going woefully wrong in this nation and the world. Things seem a little topsy-turvy, to say the least. Perhaps the most identifiable cause of our national "fall from grace" has been our gradual abandonment, as a nation, of our Christian spirituality, in favor of Mammon. The great irony is that that the entire world seems eager to flock to this destructive standard. This is more or less understandable when one considers that most political leaders are, first and foremost, the opportunists of avarice. Seldom to philosopher-statesmen ascend to positions of political power.
"The pyramid represents the most stable of structures, and its broad base represents a free and informed people, and a stable economic and political foundation conductive to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Yes, under the All-Seeing Eye of God, but as free from religious tyranny as from political tyranny." (William G. Camden in Voodoo Economics in One Easy Lesson, School of Hard Knocks). This is one man's personal interpretation of the symbolism of the Great Seal.
Contrary to public opinion, the most powerful governing body on earth is not the global cabal we call the conspiracy, nor the United Nations, but the American Congress. The New World Order goes nowhere without its endorsement. The trouble is, our Congress is the product of an ignorant, confused, and largely apathetic electorate. Congress can show no more courage or resolve than that of the people that stand behind it. Today, those who provide Congress its back-bone (and financial support), are the custodians of international capital, and the corporate structures that have grown up around the international banking system. The people, generally lacking knowledge of history and world affairs, have no real representation at all, except as it pertains to special interest groups and block-voters.
Besides being maligned as a slave owner, Thomas Jefferson is believed by some to have been a member of the Illuminati. This error is based on his membership in the Freemasons (though the Freemasons seem to have recently disavowed his membership), and his religious beliefs, either of which would be sufficient to condemn him in the eyes of fundamentalists. Yes, Jefferson, erred grievously in his support of the French revolutionaries. In his anti-monarchy zeal, he failed to recognize their true nature. As for Jefferson's alleged affair with with his slave, Sally Flemings, I would error in favor of Jefferson. Why would anybody go out of his way at this late date to prove the allegations, except to discredit a great man? Even if Jefferson did suffer some failings of the flesh (and where is a man anywhere in history without sin?), his legacy, in the eyes of this writer, certainly would remain untarnished. However, the affair is in fact still an unproved allegation, promoted (in Pridger's view), by ideological enemies of the Republic. Recent genetic tests, cited by the media as "proof" that Jefferson fathered at least one of Sally's children, were scientifically flawed, and by no means as conclusive as claimed. In any case, Jefferson stands redeemed many times over by his legacy to the philosophy of republicanism and freedom he left to posterity.
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1. Pridger doesn't buy the blanket "Masonic/Jewish conspiracy" theories. Both groups are invaluable to civilization, and are ultimately capable of being instrumental in righting the wrongs of current history, regardless of past mistakes. (Pridger realizes this will raise the hackles of many patriots who are convinced both groups are evil incarnate.) That said, however, both groups have been extensively "used," in attaining internationalist goals, (the international scope and nature of both groups have made them very useful). No such singular identifiable group is exclusively culpable in the on-going conspiracy, however, (at least in Pridger's opinion). The rest of us are just as "guilty" of being used as those oft' maligned groups. Nonetheless, the "hidden hand" undoubtedly wields considerable influence in both, and plays them against the rest. For their part, the Jews have suffered horribly as a result, and the ever-present specter and threat of virulent anti-Semitism is one of the most valuable tools with which both Jews and Gentiles are currently manipulated. Many Jews play into the hands of the conspirators and their manipulators because of well-founded fears. (And, of course, this tends to exacerbate the problem—according to plan.) After all, the Jews have very strong survival instincts, and have had some relatively recent experience to reinforce them. Out of this survival instinct, and their repeated persecutions, the Jews have adopted the strategy that "a good offense is the best defense." Thus the damning charge of "anti-Semitism" results from the least criticism of anything Jewish, or in the least connected with Jews, such as international bankers and the state of Israel. While quite effective, the tactic does have damaging repercussions for Jews themselves. In stifling free and open debate, anti-Semitic elements in society often gain credence and a much wider audience than would otherwise be the case. Of course, this is undoubtedly the intention of "global manipulators" whose worst night-mare would be the total disappearance of anti-Semitism, and "racism." Both are effective tools in the hands of hidden global plutocrats.
The Illuninati, which is believed to be the direct antecedent of the "present day" conspiracy, was a secret Order within a secret society, organized in 1776. The founder, Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Cannon law at Ingolstadt University in Germany, used his Freemasonry connections to good effect in furthering his goals. Though banned by the Bavarian government in 1786, both the French Revolution and the later advent of communism as a political movement are allegedly attributable to Illuminati influence. The Jacobin Clubs, of French Revolutionary "Terror" fame, were reputed underground outgrowths of Weishaupt's Illuminati Order. Purportedly, the Illuninati survived in the French Grand Orient Lodges. The original Illuminati was made up exclusively of Gentiles. Later, the Order allegedly connected up with influential Jews, which considerably extended its power and influence. The order of the B'nai B'rith, (Hebrew for "Sons of the Covenant") was founded in 1843. In 1847 Karl Marx joined the "League of the Just." The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx, was published in 1848 for a German "workingmen's association" born of a "secret society." The First International was held in London in 1864. The infamous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which surfaced in France in 1884 (First published in Russia in 1905), were an alleged Jewish plan for the subversion and conquest of Christiandom. Supposedly discredited as the work of anti-Semitic Czarist secret police, it is nonetheless interesting to note their striking resemblance to the Illuminati's plan of world conquest. Equally interesting is the striking resemblance to the tactics later adopted by Soviet Russia for the advancement of international communism. Much more interesting, is the fact that the "great conspiracy" (or the "great happenstance") has just about accomplished everything the Protocols advocated -- including the subversion on Christendom. The ongoing subversion of the Christian faith is very apparent in America today, with the ACLU, ultimately backed by no less power than the Supreme Court, successfully causing Christian symbols to be removed from all public places!
The Jews of Czarist Russia had suffered much persecution, so it shouldn't be surprising that Jews were heavily involved in the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, and subsequently in promoting international communism. (The Jewish [Socialist Party] Bund had been formed in Russia in 1897). Of course, the Jews were later betrayed by the Soviet leadership and once again subjected to persecution in Stalinist Russia. Still, many labored faithfully on there and elsewhere on behalf of International Communism.
Political Zionism was formally organized in 1897 with the purpose of regaining a Jewish homeland in Palestine. It was felt that the establishment of an independent Jewish state would solve what the Zionists themselves called the "Jewish problem." The Jewish Anti-Defamation League was established by the B'nai B'rith in 1913. In the Balfour Declaration, of Nov. 2, 1917, British foreign secretary, Arthur J. Balfour promised British support for a national home in Palestine for the Jewish people as the spoils of war, (in a letter to Lionel Walter Rothschild, a leader of British Jewry). It is significant to note that most of the Jewish people of the United States and western Europe were not Zionists and did not initially favor the Balfour Declaration, nor the establishment of a Jewish nation in Palestine. However, Zionism did take wing because of it, and has had great international influence ever since. It, of course, threw the weight of International Jewry behind the British cause in WWI, and was critical to America's decision to enter the war. It was, in fact, a de facto declaration of war by Zionists against Germany with tragic consequences, (which led to the rise of Hitler, WWII, and the Jewish Holocaust). The Zionist political movement has been extensively implicated in various political intrigues, culminating with the successful establishment of the Israeli state in Palestine in 1948. Many Jews, of course, were also active in the international Communist movement, as were many of our Gentile "progressives" and "intellectuals" who saw evil in capitalism and socialist utopia in international communism. The Jewish State itself was intended to be a model socialist state.
Conspiracy theorists draw upon a great deal of valid material in making their case against Jews and Freemasons. But much of it is tainted in one way or another. Whether by bias, prejudice, imbalance, intentionally planted misinformation, or narrow agendas, it matters little in the end. It is Pridger's studied opinion, however, that in blaming Jews and Freemasons, the unwary step right into the jaws of a trap intentionally set for them by the very forces they oppose. This circumstance precludes the desirable and necessary development of an alliance between all people of good will. Freemasons and Jews in general are overwhelmingly people of good will, yet they, (especially Jews, and through no fault of their own) are forced to view huge blocks of equally good people as enemies of peace and understanding. The only hope of defeating the conspiracy is through a broad-based alliance of all people of good will. This will require that many good people repudiate wrongly, (and often strongly) held ideas and biases—an admittedly difficult, and perhaps impossible, proposition. The great problem of "conciliation" is in the fact that artificial battle-lines where long ago drawn up between the proponents of peace and understanding through "internationalism" and the idea of getting individual national houses in order through "positive nationalism." (It didn't happen by accident, of course.) The two ought to be co-mutual endeavors rather than "opposite camps." Nationalism need not be at war with a "rational" internationalism, but such is the case because internationalist members of the conspiracy have declared war on nationalism and the concept of national sovereignty. In any case, our greatest enemy is always our own ignorance and confusion, and our ideological enemies use both very effectively against us.
While the Bank of England has not escaped the attention of conspiracy theorists, little focus is placed on Great Britain itself. As the last great global colonial empire, England has used and abused many peoples, including international Jewry, in its effort to retain its global hegemony. It used Jewish Zionists to manipulate the United States into World War One, and World War Two was merely some of the same unfinished business. It all back-fired in the end, of course. The net result of British intrigue was that its colonial empire was lost while the Soviet empire was expanded and empowered. The State of Israel was established on somebody else's property, surrounded by hostile Arab states. For our part in betraying both our national heritage and the British Empire, the United States has inherited the duty of being permanent guardian and protector of Israel, for the modern Jewish state in Palestine, (effectively imposed on Palestine by the United States and Great Britain) is an unnatural state which will always be "threatened."
The British, (having arranged, as promised, a Jewish homeland in Palestine—the arrangement falling short of the Jewish state envisioned by the Zionists) in a belated effort to be fair to Palestinians and appease Arab neighbors, effectively betrayed the Jews with its "White Paper" of 1939. It then had a serious problem with Jews in Israel, and thereby unwittingly doomed many Jews in Germany and Eastern Europe. Having essentially "tricked" Germany into war with the west in the first place, (when Hitler's real target was Soviet Russia), Prime Minister Churchill found himself "tricked" out of empire by his friend and national savior, Franklin D. Roosevelt, (whose administration had more than its rightful share of communist sympathizers).
There are many ironies in the outcome of WWII. Great Britain's only real aim was the preservation of its global colonial empire. It certainly didn't want to share the world with a resurrected German Empire. Except for our assistance, England would have lost its war with Germany, (both times) yet that assistance ultimately cost England its empire. Both were "total" wars. The first ended with an unjust peace imposed on Germany, which made the second almost inevitable. The second war was worse, with no quarter allowed Germany even when defeat had became inevitable. But for our "unconditional surrender" policy, aimed at the total destruction of the German nation, the massive scope of the Jewish Holocaust might well have been averted.
Of course, the war also accomplished what Hitler had most desired to prevent—the massive empowerment and expansion of the Soviet Communist Empire. In the end, both Great Britain and the United States were saddled with a great portion of the "burden of guilt" in the German "Jewish Holocaust," (as well as a lengthy "cold war" with the Society Union). We don't officially acknowledge that guilt, but we pay dearly for it nonetheless, and (like Germany) will apparently pay in perpetuity. One of the great spin-offs has been the great ascendance of the influence of Jews in our national and international affairs. That, combined with the undeniable influence of Jews in the media and Hollywood, result in the perception by many that Z.O.G., (a Zionist Occupational Government) has taken over national and international affairs. More than just appearances certainly tend to substantiate the perception. But could the blame really be so nicely and neatly with Jews as a class of people? Not in Pridger's opinion. They too are victims of the same conspiracy. But "Jewish fault" is supposed to be the perception. Though they are certainly well represented at the head of the beast—Gentiles are undoubtedly represented to a much greater extent. In any case, the enemy is not any "one people," but rather a critical combination of ignorance and avarice at large in the world.
2. Whether the pyramid and "All-Seeing-Eye" symbol was actually adopted or designed by the Illuminati, as claimed by some, Pridger does not pretend to know. It's true origins are somewhat obscure. That it has Masonic significance is hardly a matter of dispute. Whether it is Masonic in origin is much less clear, for the origins of mankind's study of the "mysteries" pre-date known (or accessible) recorded history. What is known, (if Pridger's sources are correct) is that the device was adopted as the "reverse" of the Great Seal by Congress on June 10, 1782 and reaffirmed on September 15th, 1789 (after ratification of the Constitution). It first appeared on the reverse of the dollar bill in 1935. To many, the implication was that, with the "advent of the New Deal, the Illuminati-Socialist-Communist conspirators... regarded their efforts as beginning to be crowned with success." It was Henry Agard Wallace, (one of the more interesting members of FDR's cabinet, [and later vice-president] —a "religious" man who was also fascinated by occult studies) who urged the Secretary of the Treasurer, Henry Morgenthau, to place the symbol on the dollar bill. (Ref: The Age of Roosevelt, The Coming of the New Deal, by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1959).
The following quote, taken from an Internet article entitled "How to defeat the plot of the Illuminati" by Alain Pilote, (apparently based on a publisher insert found in Pawns In the Game, by William Guy Carr), gives a fundamentalist interpretation of the Great Seal:
One can read at the base of the 13-story pyramid, the year 1776 (MDCCLXVI in Roman numerals). Most of the people think it represents the date of the signing of the American Declaration of Independence, but it actually memorializes the foundation of the Order of the Illuminati, which was on May 1, 1776.As surprising as it may seem, the insignia of the Order of the Illuminati appears on the reverse side of U.S. one-dollar bills. The first time it appeared was in 1933, by order of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, at the beginning of the New Deal (the name given to Roosevelt political reforms of that time).
Symbolism is often open to vague interpretations, and there are often double and triple meanings in symbols. Meanings can be later attached which were not intended by the originators. Sometimes historical developments alter the meanings and interpretations attributed to symbols. In the final analysis, "beauty and meaning are often in the eye and mind of the beholder." The (self-appointed?) "Keepers of the Gate," of course, may differ with these statements. In any case, let it be known that Pridger is not privy to any "special knowledge" with regard to this symbol or any so-called "higher mysteries." However, having experienced certain "insights," Pridger is less alarmed by this symbolism than most patriots and fundamentalist Christians tend to be. True enough, the symbolism emanates from what we refer to as "occult" sources that predate the Christian era, and has been embraced by many occult practitioners through the ages. This, in itself, is enough to give it satanic meanings to fundamentalists and conspiracy alarmists. The deeper meanings, however, transcend the mere occult, and Pridger believes it should thus not be simply dismissed or condemned as a manifestation of evil, but recognized (or ignored) for its higher spiritual significance. Aside from purely spiritual meanings, however, one should examine the symbolism relative to the founding of this nation and the idealism of the founders. These are not by any means strictly superficial. In this sense we have a set of meanings which may be totally alien to any secret or occult significance which may be attached. As with our national flag, the same symbol may be embraced by people possessing both good and evil characteristics.
Pridger could write a book on this one subject. To cover it in a foot-note is impossible. The symbol, in his opinion, is generally misunderstood, misused, and thus misleading to those who see it as the symbol of the nation—conspicuous only, and quite ironically, on the one dollar Federal Reserve Note. This, perhaps, demonstrates its misuse more than any other single thing—its use on money as if to convey the idea that money—especially debt money—is the sacred instrument of the nation. This use of a sacred symbol could certainly be construed to demonstrate that there are indeed men of avarice in positions of political and economic power willing to turn good to evil purpose. But appearances are often deceiving. If it were not for the symbol being placed upon the dollar bill, most Americans would never know that our national seal has a "reverse" side. Pridger, happens to like the symbol, and thus uses it in his own context. It may be the symbol of the illuninati to most other patriots, but to Pridger it is also a symbol of what might have been, had our national character not been subverted by anti-Christian elements.
3. Ref.: Many "non-conspiracy" types believe the Illuminati to be fictitious creation of paranoid conspiracy nuts. Perhaps the most definitive source of information about the Illuminati available today is Proofs of a Conspiracy, by John Robison, M.A. (and himself a Freemason), published in 1798. President Washington, also a Freemason, was sent a copy of the manuscript, and was much concerned at its implications. (My copy was published in 1967 as an "Americanist Classic," by Western Islands publishers, of Belmont, Massachusetts. Serious scholars are also referred to Abbe Augustin Barruel's four volume study, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, published in 1799). Who, or what, comprise the present day Illuminati? (If it exists.) Even if Pridger knew, exactly, we can hardly do the subject justice in a footnote. However the organizers, financial backers, and executives, of such elite organizations as the Council of Foreign Relations, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, and "members" of the so-called Bilderbergers, (not to mention sundry, so-called conservative and liberal "think-tanks") would be good places to look. Look also, at the obscure names and master-minds behind the creation of the League of Nations and the United Nations. What percentage were Jews? (Damfino. A significant number, of course.) And what percentage were members of modern secret societies? (That, of course, is probably a secret). Evil men? No—but certainly men seriously interested in establishing and maintaining a certain established "global order" and, further consolidating their already considerable power beyond even the possibility of vulnerability to the will of any proletariat or nationalist "democratic movement."
There is a rich abundance of conspiracy literature. We have
been warned of the conspiracy over and over again for more than two centuries,
but both conspiracy theorists, and serious writers on the subject are routinely
derided as unreliable paranoids and largely ignored by the greater reading
public. The Protocols of Zion, for example (no matter who originated the
work), should be required reading for all Jews and Gentiles alike. But even
mention of them as a serious work worthy of any notice is almost considered a
hate crime against the Jewish people. For that reason, many people—even
rational thinking people—are actually afraid to own or read them, lest they be
become tainted by them or branded as anti-Semitic. For this same reason, such
works are often read by those least suited to digest and view them in their
broadest and most enlightening contexts in view of the realities of ongoing
history. Thus many of these works are often read and used as the exclusive
literary arsenal of a rather narrow brand of right-wing radicals. This, in turn,
further alienates and discourages "rational" students of geopolitical
events from sampling such literature with an open mind. Many such books are
clearly the work of authors who hold strong religious beliefs, which tends to
discount their worth and validity in the minds of non-believers who, as a
result, tend to engage in conspiracy denial simply because of their religious
skepticism. But often it takes a "true believer" of one nature or
another, to go the extra mile to uncover and publish certain truths that ought
to be of equal concern even to skeptics. The mind of the discerning reader is
capable of separating wheat from the chaff and putting what they read into
proper context.
The following are only a few of the titles which this
conspiracy buff recommends.
NOTATION Proofs and the Protocols,
whatever |