John Q. Pridger's |
question is no longer whether or not there has been a conspiracy to
bring about globalism and the new international economic order (a.k.a. New
World Order). It materialized several years ago, ready or not and whether
we like it or not, and it effects all of us intimately. It arrived as a
"done deal," a fait accompli, compliments of a
combination of our elected misrepresentatives and unaccountable global
movers and shakers. It came with no advanced public advertisements; no public
assessment period; no comment period; and, of course, no or up or down
vote. In other words, both democratic processes and the informed
"consent of the governed" were scrupulously avoided. If it was
not a conspiracy, what was it? An act of God? |
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Consolidation of global corporate hegemony, under the regulatory umbrella of United Nations agencies world governance with international capital interests in the real seat of power is what globalization and our current Crusades abroad are essentially all about. Pridger laments that we Americans have been sold down the river by the national leadership, and that the nation of our founders of which we were rightfully proud has effectively ceased to exist! |
Wednesday, 28 February, 2007 Sunday, 21 January, 2007 MILITIAMAN CONVICTED IN FIRE ARMS CASE It's been a while since Pridger has mentioned the Second Amendment, gun rights, or militias. But the recent (January 12th) conviction of Hollis Wayne Fincher, of the Washington County Arkansas Militia, prompts a few words. Fincher, who is a Lt. Colonel in that militia, was convicted on charges of possessing illegal firearms, which included at least one homemade machine gun and a sawed-off shotgun. Before Pridger comments, here are two short but articulate blog posts on the matter that essentially bracket two ways of looking at the case. The first is the "rationalized" way of the modern pragmatist. The second is what many of us consider to simply be the "only right" way in a truly free country. Not that those "many of us" are incapable of rationalization and pragmatism. We can rationalize and be as pragmatic as anybody when it becomes necessary. But we refuse to rationalize away our freedoms, or be pragmatic when it comes to accepting such "realities" as, "you're much safer and better off being subject to a government that knows what's best for you." The following are from:
From: See also : and Naturally, Pridger's convictions and sympathies lie on the side of "real" rights (freedom and liberty), rather than government "licensed" rights (or privilege). As for rationalizing government efforts to protect us right down to telling us what we can and cannot personally own Pridger just doesn't think we should ever have to admit to such usage. One can rationalize the desirability of being confined in a padded cell, rather than being allowed out alone in the cold, cruel, and dangerous world. And, having found the cell rather comfortable in the short term, it's very easy to be very pragmatic in accepting it as a great benefit. Pridger believes Fincher and everybody else has a perfect constitutional right to possess automatic weapons and sawed off shotguns without registration or licenses. The only moral and "constitutionally legal" obligation that accompanies those rights is that they be exercised responsibly. The overwhelming majority of us are constrained by simple common sense (and perhaps Common Law), not to use our weapons (or even our minds and hands), to commit "real" crimes against any person or property. Unfortunately, we no longer live under constitutional government in any real context. All constitutional issues have been superceded by volumes of statute law so many of them that practically everything imaginable is is effectively subject to some law. In the face of these laws, whether federal, state, or local, constitutional guarantees have effectively lost all meaning. Thus, though we have the constitutional right to possess machine guns and travel the nation's highways, "getting caught" with a machine gun or driving the nation's highways without government "permission," are against the laws of the land (if not the still alleged Supreme Law of the Land), and subject to legal proceedings, including prosecution, probably conviction, and fines and/or imprisonment. We have the perfect right to drive without buckling our seat belts, too but if we get caught, the police officer will issue a ticket. If you've been drinking, the consequences may literally be draconian. Some rights, such as the right to grow marijuana or engage in such personal businesses as prostitution, can't even be licensed in most jurisdictions. A large majority of the people rationalize such government restrictions and (being pragmatic about it), have adjusted to them as facts of life. Many, if not most, have even grown quite comfortable with them. The fact is, where freedom and liberty were once considered precious national commodities, the majority of the public is now much more interested in safety, security, and personal comforts than preserving their freedoms. And the most "rational and pragmatic" of them increasingly literally clamor for the degree of protection that only a police state can provide. Fincher is one of the exceptions. And he made the mistake of flaunting his exceptional status as a free man living openly, and possessing arms, as if he were under the constitutional republic that ceased to exist some time ago. While Pridger has similar beliefs to those Fincher holds, he admits doing considerable rationalization himself. In other words, he's perhaps somewhat of a coward. He rationalizes that it's unadvisable to bate ravenous tigers and tempt fate. It makes little sense to insist on playing games that are clearly, carefully, and overwhelming, rigged against you. If Pridger had any unregistered sub-machine guns or weapons of mass destruction (which, by the way, he doesn't), they'd all be safely buried somewhere out in the back forty. In fact, Pridger will go a step or two further and admit that he is careful to keep his drivers' license valid, and his auto insurance up to date, and seat belt fastened, when venturing out into "foreign territory" beyond his own property line. He admits that he religiously pays his real estate taxes in order to maintain his claim on the old homestead and enjoy a little "domestic territory" and "domestic tranquility" of his own. He also admits that he knuckled and paid the required $5.00 fee for an Illinois Firearms Owners' Identification card, which makes him officially eligible to enjoy some unconstitutionally abridged Second Amendment rights at least in the state of Illinois. This means his squirrel gun and plinking rifle are legal, not only in fact, but as a matter of official public record as long as the Police Powers of the Illinois so permit. If Pridger wanted to openly own a machine gun, he'd go to the trouble and expense of buying the exclusive privilege from the government. Fortunately, he doesn't want nor need one. If he wanted a sawed off shotgun, he'd cut the squirrel gun off just a quarter inch above the illegal limit. (Better yet, he'd buy a perfectly legal .50 caliber Smith & Wesson hand cannon). But so much for Pridger's wilted and craven ways and back to Fincher's case. Fincher's only defense was to challenge the validity of the laws under which he was being prosecuted. As a strict constitutionalist, he personally doesn't consider them valid. He admits that he owned machine guns and a sawed off shotgun, but rejects the notion that such a "non-crime" (of mere possession), can be considered a prosecutable offense under the constitution which still says "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Mr. Fincher also contends that the Washington County Militia is "A well regulated Militia," of the sort "...necessary to the security of a free State..." as stated in the Second Amendment guarantee of the right to Arms. The federal and state governments disagree, of course. Most judges and other government functionaries today do not accept the clearly stated purposes our founders had for making the Second Amendment the very second article in the Bill of Rights. Judges and most lawyers, as agents of the government court system (the State), agree with the "government" (the State) that all the fire power, including anything termed a militia, ought rightly to be in the "responsible" hands of state itself. Of course, anybody who has studied the evolution of the ideas behind the Second Amendment (including several significant court rulings), know that one of the most significant purposes behind guaranteeing the right of the people to keep and bear arms an was to protect themselves from their own government should it ever lose its legitimacy and devolve into tyranny. "The security of a free State" (in the contexts of enemies within or without), is the business of the people rather than the strictly the State itself. As the only repository of armed power, the State could very easily become a totally oppressive dictatorship. In fact, many would argue that we are already a long way down that slippery slope. Unfortunately, in this day and age it is probably impossible to find either a sympathetic judge or jury in such cases as Fincher's. The judge will inevitably instruct the jury to come to a verdict based on the laws under which the defendant is being tried rather than on any concept of "justice" or any notion of rights under the federal constitution they may otherwise be inclined to have. There isn't one juror in a hundred who fully understands his own rights and obligations under the jury system that in despite anything the judge or law may say, the very purpose of the jury system is to insure that "justice be done." If a law is unjust, or a conviction would result in an unjust punishment, the jury has the right and obligation to rule against the law itself and in favor of the defendant. This, of course, is known as jury nullification. The tendency of the justice system under an all-powerful State, however, is to deny that such a power resides in jurors just as it tends to want to disarm the people. Yet the power of jury nullification is one of the most important powers a jury possesses. It constitutes a major check against both unjust laws and State tyranny. Nullification sends a message to lawmakers that perhaps they should reconsider the law as written. While the founders intended that this be a nation of law, they did not mean that laws should become written in stone simply because some jurisdiction passed them. The jury system itself was developed to prevent arbitrary convictions and sentences by state functionaries bound by the laws of the government of which they are an agent. Juries are not so bound. The jurors are private citizens and free agents, and they are intended to rule in favor of "justice" for the accused, regardless of the laws. For example, if a defendant is being tried for unlawful possession of a firearm, though no actual crime had been committed or intended, and the penalty if he is found guilty could be ten or twenty years in a federal pen, the jury has a perfect right (even an obligation), to make sure no such injustice can be perpetrated in its name. The only way to do that is to ignore the law and acquit the prisoner. Lawmaking bodies are perfectly capable of passing laws making just about anything a crime, but that doesn't make violation a crime in fact. Jurors are the eyes, ears, voice, and conscience of the citizenry, and are (or should be), capable of distinguishing between what is and is not, in fact, a crime and whether a law is unjust or being unjustly applied. When the judge instructs the jury to rule strictly on the merits of the law alone (i.e., did or did not the defendant break the law?), disregarding all other factors, the cause of justice is not being served, but rather the power of the state is being served. But fully informed jurors are not only difficult to find they are actively discriminated against. If such a potential juror is found during the jury selection process, he or she is almost certain to be "excused from duty." If one is found out during the trial, he will be likely be threatened with a contempt of court charge if he begins to go against the judge's instructions. Of course, the jury always has the power to acquit, regardless of whether or not it knows of its powers of nullification. In a murder trial, for example, it need only find a shadow of a doubt in order to acquit. In the trial of O. J. Simpson, the jury may have effectively nullified the law in his particular case. It many have done so in good faith, if they actually thought he might be innocent, or it could have been a case of favoring a defendant who happened to be popular with the men and women of the jury. The laws that Fincher has admittedly violated are clearly infringements upon the right to keep and bear arms in a nation with a Bill of Rights that supposedly guarantees that such rights shall not be infringed. It takes a very brave or very foolhardy man to stand up and use constitutional rights as a defense these days in a federal firearms case. In the eyes of the government, doing so is like proclaiming oneself as an enemy combatant in the war on terror. The only prudent thing for him to have done would have been to keep his machine guns and shotgun hidden away in hopes he would never have a need for them. If Fincher had been fully awake, he would have known that he didn't stand a chance. He, and others like him, haven't yet awakened to the fact that they have become foreigners in their own land. As foreigners, they have no rights except by the leave of government through proper registration, licensing, and protocols. Our Government is now a government on steroids. It isn't a limited republican government any more (nor even a constitutional government), but an unlimited government. And the laws of the land are so all pervasive and all-encompassing that it is as if the federal government now occupies the position our founders reserved to God alone in our government we now have "G.O.D., Government Omnipotent and Deified." John Q. Pridger Monday 15 January 2007 ROBERT E. LEE DAY (Centennial Edition) Robert E. Lee was born January 19, 1807. He was the Confederacy's greatest general. Though not a hero to all Americans, he was a great hero to a large majority in the Confederate States of America, and greatly respected and admired even by his Union counterpart, General Ulysses S. Grant, who later became the 18th president of the reunited nation. In keeping with the Paradise Ridge custom of moving holidays to Mondays or Fridays to make for a long weekend, the day is observed on the third Monday of January. Pridger is neither a rebel flag waver nor all that much of a General Lee enthusiast, but he does observe Lee's birthday rather than Martin Luther King's. It's a matter of principle. Naturally, Robert E. Lee Day should not be a proclaimed a national holiday because Lee is not a national hero. Martin Luther King may be a hero to the black minority and perhaps to many white liberals, but he's not exactly a "national" hero to the majority of Americans, and certainly not to most white Americans of Pridger's generation. Of course, almost three generations of students in our public schools, colleges, and universities have been indoctrinated in King's heroism, accomplishments, martyrdom and legacy. Even Pridger admits considerable admiration for what Dr. King stood for, as well as his bravery and heroism, but he isn't one of Pridger's personal heroes. And even if he was, he would be rather lower on the national holiday totem pole than several others. This is not to say that Martin Luther King should not have been honored with a national holiday. But the King holiday definitely should not have been awarded at the expense of the "Father of the Country" and the "Great Emancipator" and herein lies sufficient cause for many Americans to slightly resent the Martin Luther King holiday. Congress, in its zeal to placate the embittered, threatening, and newly empowered black minority (and possibly the desire to atone for rather widely suspected government complicity in King's assassination), saw fit to eliminate separate holidays honoring George Washington and Abraham Lincoln two universally recognized national icons. Martin Luther King is now the only individual honored by a national holiday that bears his name. In other words, by an act of Congress, King (who definitely was not a Saint from a personal moralistic point of view), was effectively recognized as the nation's most highly honored individual. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were both downgraded to a national holiday score of Zero. Since there is now only one holiday honoring all 43 generic presidents, the resulting "national holiday score" is thus 43 to 1 in Martin Luther King's favor. Each individual president (whether good, bad, indifferent, or or totally embarrassing), enjoys a national holiday score of 1/43rd of a holiday (with no particular recognition at all for the two extra special national icons formerly honored). Any alien arriving on our shores and touring the country today, and unfamiliar with American history, would naturally have to deduce that Martin Luther King must have been not only the Great Emancipator, but the Founder of the Nation. Every city of any size has a broad Marin Luther King Avenue or boulevard. Most have major schools named after Martin Luther King. Some schools previously named after George Washington and Thomas Jefferson have even been renamed in honor of Martin Luther King. Our children emerge from the public school system knowing quite a lot about Martin Luther King but almost nothing about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, or any other "dead white man". And they know precious little, if anything, about such notable black men as Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver. Many, including many white liberals, have come to consider Presidents Washington and Jefferson embarrassments because they were slave owners. While Lincoln is still universally recognized for freeing the slaves and saving the Union, his image as a champion of human rights has been overshadowed by Martin Luther King. An alien visitor touring the nation's capital would be puzzled at such things as the Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln memorials. They would wonder that there is no overshadowing Martin Luther King memorial to put them into proper diminutive perspective. The change in American society and culture since the Civil Rights era is another thing that rightly disturbs many people. The end of segregation did not result in constructive integration it ended in the disintegration of most of our greatest cities and the collapse of educational and cultural standards, and the standards of common decency. It provided the opening though which a tide of moral permissiveness has flooded the nation. Who can deny that (in spite of the allegation that 70% of Americans remain professed Christians), America has become a hedonistic nations? Ironically, the decline in educational standards came very close after the realization that we sorely needed to upgrade our educational standards in all scientific and technological fields in order to keep up with the Russians in both the space and arms race, not to mention the many emerging technologies that were increasingly driving the consumer economy. But "social studies," and various "ethnic" departments, rather than mathematics and science, became the great educational imperative after civil rights. After the initial period of forced integration of schools and housing, over the next decades society merely re-segregated itself in new patterns. It resulted in barren wastelands of government provided low-income inner city housing, completely devoid of cultural amenities and commercial opportunities. The once segregated Black communities where black owned businesses and commercial and professional activities once thrived, along with a rich array of black cultural institutions and industries, simply disintegrated and disappeared. Though those communities may have been "second class" in an economic sense, and largely ignored or shunned by most of white society, they represented a very rich and vibrant parallel universe and society in the cultural sense. Where Martin Luther King hoped that people would henceforth be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, we actually developed a society wherein the color of skin became an official ticket to special consideration under the law a circumstance that has further exacerbated the problems associated with race and has accentuated the black and white divide. The laws of the land did not become colorblind as Mr. King had wished, but effectively even more broadly color conscious than before, with resentment-building reverse discrimination components that only insured an artificial and superficial "equality" while increasing resentment in a large sector of white society. Thus it came to pass that officially coerced "improvements" in race relations, accompanied by a concerted educational attempt to make that social coercion seem just and proper, came to be the law of the land. In this manner, "Civil Rights" legislation engendered coercive public policies that insured a large degree of mostly unarticulated white resentment would result. For this reason, more than four decades after the major issues of institutionalized racial discrimination were properly addressed, major, and seemingly intractable racial problems, obviously continue. In many ways, race is today a much more sensitive issue than it was before Civil Rights. "Why can't we all just get along?" Rodney King asked in the wake of the death and destruction of the riots that followed the acquittal of the "peace officers" who had beaten him. Why? indeed! In spite of the fact that desegregation and affirmative action opened up new opportunities for many African-Americans, and has enabled significant numbers of blacks to break into the middle class, the black underclass has grown much faster, with an array of social problems that hardly existed before. Prior to the Civil Rights era, and the subsequent development of "corrective" social programs (i.e., the rise of the welfare state, Affirmative Action, etc.), both the black and white under-classes were at least largely productive segments of society. The man of the family (and families were largely whole back then), simply had to earn a living or his family would go hungry. Partly because public assistance in cash and kind became so easily available, the underclass has grown by leaps and bounds but because work was essentially no longer required to keep poor families from going hungry, it is no longer nearly as productive as it once was. In fact it became "normal" for the man of the house to simply leave, so the mothers and children could qualify for Assistance to Families with Dependent Children. Then, the fathers (or other men) could drop in occasionally for a bite to eat, and perhaps contribute to the family income by producing another qualifying dependent child. Many of the fathers considered regular work beneath their dignity, so they lived by their wits rather than by a job or menial labor. Of course, this malady infected poor whites as well as blacks. As a result of this, a whole new underclass is currently being imported, mostly from Mexico, to provide the productive labor once supplied by the poorer classes of Americans, both black and white. And, of course, as the result of poor educational standards, we now also have to import foreign labor to satisfy the increasing needs of our technological industries, not to mention professionals such as medical doctors. Of course, a large and relatively non-productive underclass has resulted in other social ills too such things as extraordinarily large drug and crime problems, not to mention our shockingly high incarceration rate, especially among blacks. The murder rate among African-American youth puts all the former depredations of hate-filled white racists to shame in terms of annual body count. And, while crime in black communities is overwhelmingly black on black, black on white crime, including rape and murder, far exceeds similar crimes committed by whites on blacks. The fact that white on black crimes tend to attract considerable media attention, and are often prosecuted as, "hate crimes," while black on white crimes tends to be under-reported or ignored by the media, doesn't help race relations either. Unfortunately, while almost all whites claim they have no resentment against blacks, a broad spectrum of white racism (both of the benign and hateful varieties), remains just below the surface. It has merely been capped by coercive laws and the socially dictatorial powers of "political correctness" campaigns, and held in check by a combination of enforced suppression and self-denial. But every once in a while a cork pops under the pressure, and somebody reveals their long suppressed feelings and frustrations, such as in the recent case of comedian Michael Richards. Because he expresses these views and opinions, Pridger is sometimes accused of being a bigot, if not downright racist. Of course, Pridger admits to having a high regard for his own race and culture, and that he even has his personal prejudices, tastes, and biases. But he has no prejudices against any people or person on the account of race, culture, or religion. He judges all people as he would have himself judged which is the only Christian (Jewish, Moslem, Buddhist, Hindu, Confucian, even Humanist), way to judge anybody. Pridger doesn't blame blacks for the course race relations and socio-economic conditions in America have taken. (Though the predominate Black leadership has made a profession of exacerbating the problems.) Blacks, like most of the rest of us, continue to be the victims. The primary blame, in Pridger's humble opinion, lies elsewhere and its predominate colors run from lily white to red (and Pridger isn't referring to Native-American Indians). Much of it, of course (including Martin Luther King's Civil Rights movement and most of the resultant legislation), was driven by good intentions. For example, the idea of getting blacks and whites to speak the same language and enjoy the same educational and economic opportunities, was certainly commendable. But to accomplish it with rapidity by dropping standards society-wide certainly was not. Dropping standards (language, education, common decency in public entertainment, etc.), in order to speed up the process of integration and racial and economic equality was not only the work of wrongly focused do-gooders it was also a goal of others with quite different motives. Some of these others were hostile to Western civilization in general and Christianity and the economic success of the United States in particular. Others, of course, were driven by the all American profit motive. This said, literally all people naturally and instinctively tend to prefer to reside, interact, and associate, predominately with people of their own kind. This is simply nature's way of insuring a diverse and interesting world of many peoples and cultures. Of course, this does not preclude openness, hospitality, and friendship among diverse peoples. Nor does it preclude cultural and racial "mixing pots" such as the United States has historically been. But even in those mixing pots, most people return to the preferred comforts of their own communities, homes, and their own families, at the end of the day. Though Pridger has nothing against African-Americans as far as race is concerned, he admittedly (like most safety minded Americans), generally avoids black inner city neighborhoods. Bad policy and bad neighborhoods, however, don't make a bad race. Regardless of the environment, on a person to person basis Pridger initially judges all people by their manners and civility rather than the color of their skin. Character is something that doesn't become apparent until an acquaintance has had a little time to jell at which time it becomes a primary consideration. There is no color or racial component to good manners, civility, or character. As for having pride in one's own race, Pridger readily admits pride in his. And he would be sorely disappointed in anybody that did not have a similar high regard for his or her own race, culture, country, tribe, or family. Not having such pride would be to admit or accede to a flaw, or the inferiority, of one's own race. Had Pridger been born a Zulu tribesman, you can bet he would have had just as high a regard for his race and culture as he does under the circumstances of his present incarnation. There is nothing wrong with being proud of one's race, but there is something wrong with being ashamed of one's race. Problems occur only when individuals or "peoples" fail to have all due respect for all others, regardless of differing physical or cultural characteristics. The age of conquest and exploitation of weaker peoples and nations by stronger ones ought to finally be over in this enlightened age. We all have our places and our equal status under the sun. Hopefully we are now civilized enough to recognized this. John Q. Pridger For another conservative (but perhaps more scholarly), perspective on Martin Luther King and the King holiday, see Patrick J. Shanahan's "The Legacy of Martin Luther King" at: And if you think white men are the only ones who think something is wrong with the way race cards are being played in America, check out some very poignant black perspectives on the subject. See Elizabeth Wright's ISSUES AND VIEWS at: AMERICA NOT A PLACE BUT AN IDEAL? Our president is so proud of being an American that he believes everybody in the world ought to have a part of it whether they want it or not. It seem that Mr. Bush has expressed the opinion that America should not be regarded as a place with borders, but a universal idea or ideal. That's the kind of patriotism that drives our president. This is the "anti-nationalism" of internationalism and global idealism coupled, of course, with notion that globe straddling corporations are the proper regulators of the global marketplace. And that's the kind of reasoning, along with a great deal of think tank rationalization, has actually managed to sell the nation out from under the American people. The sell-out has progressed so stealthily, so long, and yet so openly, that "none dare call it conspiracy." It's called globalism and the New World Order. Since America is an idea and ideal rather than a single country, and George Bush is the American president, he see that he has a mandate from God to try to remake the world into a better place a place where everybody is obliged to purchase their every life-sustaining morsel of food, and their ever consumer need, through proper corporate channels. It's not an easy job, of course. Right now the president is having problems getting things just right in Iraq and Afghanistan. None Dare Call it Conspiracy, of course, was the title of a book written by Larry Abraham with Gary Allen (published in 1971), telling of the "Insiders'" conspiracy for a New World Order. In 1983 and 1985 it was updated and reissued by Larry Abraham under the title Call it Conspiracy. If a sequel were to be written today, it would probably have to be entitled Success of Conspiracy or, The Done Deal! for we Americans (some of us), woke up to a New World Order one day back in the early 1990s. That announcement came from President George H. W. Bush, during the first Gulf War. Of course President Reagan had actually made the initial announcement some years before, but few caught its full significance because of Reagan's conservative rhetoric and credentials. In addition to "deregulation," to get the government out of the way of international business in order to fully develop unfettered global markets, he announced that the nation was entering a post-industrial era and was to become a "service economy" in a "new international economic order." And Reagan did more than that, including the first big amnesty program for illegal Mexican immigrants and building the foundation of NAFTA. Recently, with the second Gulf war(s) still very much stuck in our national craw (along with the war on terror), George Bush II, has told us that America is no longer a place but a global ideal. Back in 1993 one of Pridger's colleagues wrote and published a small (and now very rare), booklet entitled Voodoo Economics a B.S. Degree in One Easy Lesson. George Bush I was one of the inspirations, since he'd more or less coined the term "voodoo economics." The sequel to it would be Voodoo Economics and the Triumph of Mammon for the New World Order is very much the triumph of Mammon as the international standard for progress and "good." Some 2,500 years ago, Chinese philosopher and war scholar, Sun Tsu, wrote: "Supreme excellence in warfare lies in the destruction of your enemy's will to resist in advance of perceptible hostilities." America's will to resist the One World conspiracy was very skillfully destroyed over a number of decades without having to reveal that anything like a domestic war was even going on at all. The American public was so skillfully deceived and distracted that their collective will was, and continues to be, effectively turned against its own interests. Most of that time the Cold War was the main distraction and the Soviet Union (as the only enemy), was the focus of public fear. Since the end of the Cold War the troubles in the Middle East and other threats have taken its place. But the real war for our nation, if it could be called that, has already been lost. Though few have noticed, may Americas now have an uneasy feeling and it isn't just a fear of terrorism. It's the feeling that something precious has been irrevocably lost. As it turned out, the threat of international communism itself merely served as a convenient, and very valuable, long-term distraction during which the conspiracy perfected and put into effect the final phases required for its victory. In the end, the triumph of capitalism over international communism, turned out to be the event that ushered in the final triumph of the "conspiracy" over the people and the people's government. Overt "hostilities" were never necessary to win the hearts and minds of the vast majority of Americans during the period the Constitutional Republic was under attack. The miracles of "Voodoo Economics" did the trick, and (long before the victory was complete), the American people were eagerly casting their votes for the New World Order on a daily basis (among other places, at Wal-Mart checkout counters). As far as democratic processes were concerned, voting in national elections was concerned, voting for either Democrat or Republican was to cast a vote for the New World Order. As Carol Quigley put it in his Tragedy & Hope, the aim (of the conspiracy [which, of course, he didn't call a conspiracy]), was "nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole." That system is now fully in place and the global economy is the result. There are, however, still a few rogue states yet to be put in their place. While Quigley took some exception to the secrecy under which the (Anglo-American) "network" operated, he looked favorably upon its goals and was very much an academic insider himself. Ironically, Quigley may have changed his tune somewhat before he died. According Larry Abraham in Call it Conspiracy, Gary Allen received an unsigned letter in the late 1970s from someone who claimed he had been a friend of Quigley's. According to Abraham,
When Tragedy & Hope, and Larry Abraham's conspiracy books were published, the Soviet Union was still very much alive, and presumably getting stronger and more dangerous all the time. "Better Red than dead!" was a rallying cry of America's far left, communist fellow travelers, and apologists. Allen and Abraham believed that the New World Order was intended to come into full fruition through a merger of the two super powers. To everybody's surprise, the Soviet super-state collapsed along with its half of the New World Order empire. In spite of "winning" the Cold War, however, the United States and the rest of the West, have proceeded to build the New World Order anyway, with Russia and many of its former socialist republics still in disarray and out of sync. Surprisingly, however, communist China has come on board and is milking our New Order, and particularly America, for all it's worth. After the great white hope of Soviet Russia collapsed, a fairly large number of leftist academics and political activists with socialist credentials or leanings underwent a peculiar political transformation. They became "conservatives" and flocked into George H. W. Bush's Republican Party as his new brand of "compassionate conservatives" the new, post-Reagan, face of Republican conservatism. Today the are more commonly called "neo-conservatives," and have been very active in urging George Bush II to extend their compassion to the long suffering people of Iraq and other rogue states. But all is not well with the New World Order. Many around the world, outside of the public in the United States and most of Western Europe, have come to regard the NWO network as an "Anglo-American-Zionist" affair, adding a component which is pretty difficult for anybody in the United States or Western Europe to acknowledge. Doing so would be very politically incorrect and probably considered anti-Semitic. The "network" which Carol Quigley exposed was strictly acknowledged as an Anglo-American network (though it included those usually unmentionable "international bankers"). The network essentially consisted of those persons and organizations that "conspiracy theorists" have focused on for a long time (Rhodes and Milner's Round Table group and its offspring, i.e., Royal Institute for International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, Bilderburgers, et. al.). Such names as the Rothschilds, Morgans, and Rockefellers, etc., of course, have also been intimately associated with the those groups all being big names in international finance, with the Rothschilds also very big in support of Zionist goals. Bill Clinton, as a Rhodes scholar, as well as an admitted protιgι of professor Quigley, was obviously very much aboard that particular bandwagon. (Otherwise, he could not have become president with his known record of being somewhat of a philanderer.) But, in spite of his special training and talents, Clinton had apparently missed some of the required brush-up courses in latter day Round Table politics. Bill and Hillary apparently spoke out a little too boldly about the Palestinians deserving a state of their own. It so happened that Bill had met an attractive White House intern a nice Jewish girl. She fell head over cigar butt in love with the president, and the rest is sordid presidential history. The ultimate result was that Bill barely escaped impeachment for trying to keep the affair under wraps without sufficient authority to do so. After the extraordinary embarrassment of having to publicly grapple with "what the meaning of 'is' is," Clinton dutifully caught up on his lessons and launched a significant missile and bombing attack against Iraq. Apparently this made someone sufficiently happy and he thus passed the final exam. The media immediately modified its tone with regards to Clinton's transgressions, and the impeachment proceedings met with a brick wall in the Senate. Clinton went happily on to win a second term in office and has gone down as one of the best and most loved presidents in American history. The process was begun many decades earlier, but the Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II, have all been the most effective New World Order presidents. Within the span of those presidential terms, a period of only 27 year, this nation has gone from being the world's leading industrial powerhouse, and a largely independent nation, to (not just another internationally interdependent nation), but a magnificently dependent nation an economically and strategically vulnerable nation. It has become a nation that depends on other nations to stock its consumer shelves, provide for its energy needs, and underwrite it's deficit spending and its increasing deficit trading. And our president has said that now America is no longer a place, but an idea and ideal. Apparently he feels that it's an idea whose time has come. He's got a point. The question is, whose idea was it? And whose ideal? John Q. Pridger Friday, 12 January, 2007 CHURCH AND STATE Pridger has often expressed his opinion that our nation was founded, and intended to be, a Christian nation. Of course, this opinion tends to raise a lot of hackles. But let me explain the context in which Pridger uses the term "Christian nation." Of course, it goes without saying that the United States has never had an "official" religion. The Constitution and the government it established could not have been any more explicitly secular. And, significantly, even the Declaration of Independence (which invoked God to justify the right to national self-determination, and "officially" proclaim and establish the concept of the inalienable God-given rights of men), was totally devoid of any references to any specific religion. Jesus and "Christ" were not mentioned. Christianity, itself, was not mentioned. By "Christian nation" I refer to a philosophical ideal that Pridger believes was embodied, and embedded, in the founding culture of the nation one that very pointedly repudiated both monarchy and theocracy and the very idea of a "state religion" or a state "favored church." The American Revolution was a revolution not only against the mother country, but all the so-called Christian theocracies of monarchial Europe and the tradition of an official church or religion. Our founders were very aware of the violence and damage that Church and state (both singularly and in combination), had wrought throughout the history of the Christian era. But the Revolution was not a revolt against religion itself or Christianity. It was a revolt against "taxation without representation" and the political control and civil administration of the mother country. It should be noted that the European theocracies were to a great degree rooted in the church-state tradition of Roman Empire. Christianity was imposed on the Empire by decree of the Roman emperor for the purpose of unifying the Empire under a single belief system, and establishing an effective "control mechanism" over its diverse subject nations, tribes, and peoples. Religion particularly the Christian religion was the perfect vehicle of that control, for in an earlier period of that empire Jesus himself had said, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's." When the United States was formed, it was already united in a single belief system. The predominate divisions within and among the various States, were creedal denominational divisions but all of them were Christian denominations. The population of the United States at the time of it's founding was composed almost entirely of professing Christians. It was a nation of Christians thus, in a very real sense, it was a Christian nation. Not officially, of course, but a Christian nation nonetheless. And, as far as government was concerned, how could the government of such a religiously united people (wherein the people themselves were to be the government), be anything but a Christian government? Thus, by almost universal consensus, the United States was a Christian nation without having to make any official mention of what was understood by literally the entire citizenry. By the same token, we do not (yet) have an "official" national language, but few would contend that the United States is not an English speaking nation. Of course, several of our most brilliant and wisest founding fathers were deists rather than orthodox Christians. But they were nonetheless of Christian heritage and strongly committed to "Christian ideals." Each and every one of them fully realized the importance of religion in a nation of people expected to be both righteous and self-governing. Though some of our founders literally spurned all churches and organized religion (along with all superstition, religious error, and hypocrisy), they were very cognoscente of, and dedicated to, the value of what they recognized as the true Christian message. Perhaps the most adamant of all against adopting a national religion was Thomas Jefferson, an avowed deist. Though Thomas Jefferson said (with reference to churches and religious error):
He also said:
It was largely due to the efforts of such men as Thomas Jefferson that religion was officially, and totally, omitted from our national charter. The Christian message, which those men knew and believed in, however, could perhaps be encapsulated in the a few words, such as "good will" and "righteousness." They sought a righteous (just), government for (not over), a good and righteous people. History had already proven time and again that the state-church combination inevitably made a mockery of true religion, and resulted in tyranny. The last thing Thomas Jefferson and our other founding fathers would have dreamed of, however, would have been to establish an anti-Christian government, or a government which was actively hostile to religion. But today we have powerful forces attacking the idea that America was, or is, in any way a Christian nation. This seems to be the main goal of many champions of "religious freedom" and "tolerance" today. Ironically, but predictably, this attack on our religious identity is causing a backlash which is itself very peculiar in nature and very counterproductive. Religious fundamentalism is getting stronger and is making inroads into government, even encouraging the administration to "do God's work in the world!" And evangelicals have allied themselves with some of the very the very anti-Christian forces that have been working on the "de-Christianization" of the nation. All of this, of course, works against rationalism, and gives ammunition to those who say this that Christianity has no place in either our government or national identity. Yet the political doctrine of separation of church and state was not intended to make the state hostile to Christianity or religious expression. Separation of church and state was a safeguard against sectarian divisiveness rather than an effort to separate government from reflecting religious ideals. It was to insure freedom of religion, and, more significantly, pave the way for the new nation to reflect the true spirit of what was hoped would be a perpetually Christian people hopefully also free from bigotry, intolerance, and tyranny over the minds of men of which Jefferson so eloquently spoke. It was to insure that this nation would avoid the errors so endemic to the nations of Europe down the through the centuries tyrannies that donned the robes of false Christianity and errant dogma. The great debates over "faith based" national policy initiatives in our nation today are the result of a backlash against the ongoing attempt to literally de-Christianize the nation. That is, they (the anti-Christians), would make this into a nation of people under a government that actively discriminates against, and disassociates from, the very idea of Christian morality (or the Christian ideal), as the core moral guidepost of the nation. Ironically, the backlash against those who would expunge God, Christianity, and religion from the nation and the national identity itself, has brought to office an administration that is the very personification of religious error allying itself with anti-Christians while proclaiming Christian motives in pursuit and execution of wars against other non-Christians allegedly for the sins of a miniscule few radical anti-Christians. John Q. Pridger SHEDDING IDENTITIES IN THE NAME OF WORLD PEACE Many (including very good and well intentioned people), think that shedding various "exclusive" identities are the key to good human relations and world peace. We should not consider or call ourselves Christians or Americans. We should not take pride in our separate races or cultures. We should should only consider ourselves to be identically equal citizens of the world. To do otherwise is to open the "us vs. them" divide. One wonders how we can keep our secrets, when everything about us advertises what we are to some degree. Say we're of East Indian extraction, Hindu or Sikh, professional and comfortably wealthy. A rich, dark skinned, foreigner, who probably helped fund the attack on the Pentagon and World Trade Center. A poor white clod who works as a Waste Management pick-up man, and goes to the Baptist church on Sundays, is likely to be a little resentful. Likely he'll be for going to war with Iran, or maybe North Korea, in order to fight such people. "Kill the lousy terrorists! Remember 9/11!". The same people who say we should shed our inherited and superficial differences also tend to be for more "diversity," which is exactly the opposite of what they otherwise claim to want. They want diversity all around everywhere (at least here in America), but at the same time they don't seem to want a colorful and diverse world of many distinct races, cultures, religions, tribes, communities, nations. They want everybody to be the same, so we can all live in peace and harmony. But the bloodiest wars in history have been between kindred peoples. For example, we've gone in and leveled the playing field in Iraq, which is a relatively homogenous nation when compared to a melting pot like the United States. Almost all of them are of the Moslem faith. But that hasn't resulted in peace and harmony. We were a much more racially and religiously homogenous nation when we engaged in the bloodiest war of our history, the Civil War. The kindred nations of Europe have fought each other tooth and nail throughout history right up to the Second World War. Racial, religious, and cultural differences are not a requisite for hatred and war. If we finally attain universal equality of race, religion, and culture, chances are mankind would simply go to killing one another over such trivial things as soccer matches the red jerseys against the green or perhaps over a drug deal in back of the bleachers. The key to peace and harmony is not to shed our many inherited and superficial differences. That would merely lead to a bland and dull world. The key is "right thought" which is found at the core of the most fundamental teachings of every major world religion or ancient school of philosophical thought. But rather than finding that key, men tend to find only the divisive issues that tend to inflame their basest war making instincts. John Q. Pridger THE CULTURE WARS AND THE MARKETING OF EVIL The Marketing of Evil, is the title of a recently published book by David Dupelian. Though Pridger has only read some reviews of the book, it promises to be an interesting read. David Dupelian is the managing editor of, one of the largest independent news sites on the world wide web a site well worth exploring.
Pridger has been trying to say something like that for a long time. "The marketing of evil" is a wonderful euphemism for just about everything associated with globalism and the debauchery of American culture. Not just the American culture, of course, but all cultures around the world. The marketing of evil entails the commercialization of literally everything imaginable, on a grand scale, including not only products and ideas, but such diverse things as religion, dependence, and waste. The old biblical saying that "love of money is the root of all evil," would seem to point to the very source of the present marketing of evil dilemma. Money has been a source of both problems and solutions since the dawn of civilization. But only since commodity money was abandoned in favor of debt money has the wholesale marketing of evil on a global corporate scale become feasible. The availability of unlimited credit financing for unworthy or misconceived purposes or projects has become the grand facilitator of most of the evil that now plagues the world in corporate form. There is a lot more to the mix than money, of course. We have many "social reformers", "intellectuals", and politicians at work marketing evil too. But money means power to those who have it, and those who tend to have it in the greatest quantities are the ones who are re-shaping the social, political, and commercial environments in which we live and they are doing it to accomplish their own private ends. They are the driving force behind today's global economy and the New World Order. And they are the ones doing the marketing required to accomplish their goals. Their goals are simply the retention and enhancement of their own power and, of course, a perpetual increase in their bottom lines. In the process, perhaps as an unintended consequence (for, no doubt, some sincerely believe they are building a better world), they are also busily discounting and downgrading everything previous generations considered right, proper, and worthy. John Q. Pridger Monday 8, January, 2007 GLOBAL WARMING With many ski resorts in the Northeast suffering a great lack of snow, and shorts in style in New York's Central Park, many are beginning to take the threat of global warming much more seriously than just a month or two ago. Even here in Pridger's neck of the Heartland, this is shaping up to be the warmest January ever. Spring flowers have already pushed up about four inches. Last year was the first time Pridger ever remembers swatting at mosquitoes in mid-January. That might have been a fluke, but two such Januarys in a row tends to look like a positive trend. Though it has become quite obvious that global warming is very real, what isn't so clear to many is whether it is attributable to man's activities or natural causes. What is clear is that no matter what the cause, there are some serious problems ahead for vast numbers of people around the globe and there will be serious consequences for literally everybody. What we do know is that radical climate changes have been part of the story of the earth since Creation. This being a given, mankind has definitely developed into a major ecological blight on planet. If man's activities are significantly effecting climate change now, it's unlikely we'll be able to fix the problem in time to avoid some serious inconveniences, if not outright disaster. All the manmade "systems" that would be causing global warming are practically on autopilot with nobody in effective control and the New World Order model that we have been committed to knows nothing but the business imperative to stoke of fires of global commerce and pile on more steam. This steam roller of unbridled global business expansion is tied to corporate profitability and the perpetual expansion all human climate changing systems to the nth degree all in the name of corporate profitability. The only real controlling influences are exerted on behalf of international capital, with global market forces supposedly the only ruling, or limiting, factors. All potential remedies to the perceived global warming crisis that may threaten continued corporate profits will be actively ignored until it is too late to avoid major ecological crises. If climate change continues, and escalates, as many are beginning to worry, necessity itself will eventually dictate that remedies be found and put into practice. You can bet, however, they will not be allowed to interfere with the profitability of all the major "systems" already in place. The very forces suspected of causing global warming are the very forces driving the global economy. The idea that every citizen in the world must have the "opportunity" to become an American style super-consumer (literal engines of super-waste), is a seriously flawed ideal with increasingly serious negative consequences in the offing. But all systems currently driving the steamroller of globalism are geared to that end, and the imperative is always to pile on more steam. The "Wonderful New World" we call the New World Order runs on heat-driven systems that emit greenhouse gases even more profusely than greenback profits. John Q. Pridger TWENTY THOUSAND MORE TROOPS TO IRAQ! Well, it looks like president Bush is going to begin scaling down the war in Iraq by adding more troops and firepower to the fire. The theory is, of course, that with a few more troops we can get the situation in Iraq under control. We began getting out of Vietnam that way too. After increasing our troop levels to some half a million (to get the situation under control in Vietnam), the only final solution was to abandon the war effort entirely. We abandoned our South Vietnamese allies after sacrificing some 50,000 of our own men, and no telling how many millions of Vietnamese. There's no real reason to believe we won't finally have to abandon our few friends in Iraq in a similar manner, no matter how unthinkable that alternative may seem today. We really ought to get out of the Armageddon business. We've done our good deed in Iraq our Christian duty. It's time to cut our losses and get out. With Saddam finally dead, Iraq should be declared a democratic Utopia and our mission successfully accomplished. We ought to spend our next hundred billion dollars on more positive pursuits than manufacturing tar babies. John Q. Pridger Friday 5, January, 2007 PRIDGER'S NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS Pridger has resolved to begin to cure himself of blogging. He's not going to quit cold turkey, however, but rather just slow down by trying to keep his posts rather short and sweet-n-sour. Wish him luck. SADDAM'S HANGING It seems Saddam's Execution was not carried out in a very dignified manner. Once again, we Americans have been embarrassed by the results of our good intentions. Of course, when good intentions include a burning desire to see a fellow human being dead, you really shouldn't expect too much in the way of decorum. It's hard to dignify an execution under the best of circumstances. If the party being executed has been painted as the embodiment of evil, it's all the more difficult. The American tradition was for the mechanics of justice is for them to hold their heads high and the condemned criminal to be hooded in the interests of decency. It's ironic, and rather revealing, that the only one who was not hooded at Saddam's execution was the victim himself. In the case of Saddam, the executioners all wore black mask hoods, giving the appearance of a brave man being executed by a band of terrorist thugs. The brave man refused the hood, and withstood the taunts, insults, and degradations hurdled upon him by his executioners and the government witnesses and died a hero's death in spite of all attempts to make him look small. Well, we got what we wanted. That's the important thing. But our national image has not been well served. Nor was that of the government we are sponsoring in Iraq well served. The photos and film clips of the execution are bound to serve to pour a little more oil on the fires we've been tending in Iraq. Those outrages committed against the condemned are not a great issue with the Iraqi government, of course. The outrageous conduct in the execution chamber was apparently considered "normal" and "to be expected." To address the matter, they're going after the cell phone photographer who revealed the sordid affair to the world and if it happens he is not too high on the government hierarchy, he'll probably be dealt with rather harshly. No doubt, Saddam Hussein will increasingly be viewed as an Iraqi national hero to an increasing number of Iraqis, and his executioners will be viewed as a bunch of thugs doing America's bidding. One thing is certain. Saddam will never again rule Iraq. But we are left wondering whether Iraq will ever again be effectively ruled at all. John Q. Pridger SPEAKING OF TERRORIST THUGS... Pridger happened to turn onto a TV program called "Detroit SWAT" (or something like that), the other day. He wasn't surprised to see the SWAT team (American peace officers), dressed in the usual Ninja black, but Pridger noted they were also outfitted with black knitted face masks. With their face masks pulled down, they looked remarkably like the men who hanged Saddam Hussein for us. Not that Pridger is implying that our peace officers are anything like terrorist thugs. It's just that they dress to look like them these days at least the elite commando style door crashers do. They've literally become troops that practice shock and awe tactics, and the use of overwhelming force, when going after ordinary everyday bad guys. As often as not, of course, the bad guys are dressed like ordinary good guys. This, in Pridger's modest opinion, does not reflect well upon the direction our law enforcement culture is moving. We used to take care to make sure our peace officers were uniformed to appear civil. The militarization of our civil authorities does not bode well for for what was supposed to have been a democratic republic. No doubt, the Iraqi execution squad, felt rather comforted by hiding their features from both the condemned and the public. And, if any American infidel should happen to criticize them for it, they only have to point to how our own law enforcement personnel dress on live TV, and ask, "Aren't you trying to make us just like the United States?" John Q. Pridger AMERICA A CHRISTIAN NATION? The ACLU and our Zionist friends have always contended that America is not, never was, and ought not to be, a Christian nation. To them, freedom of religion and tolerance are only to be found by insuring that Christianity never gets an upper hand. As far as they are concerned, Christians are the epitome of intolerance and bigotry. However, the Zionists are very pleased that a large majority of American evangelical Christians are on their side, eagerly supporting Israel (right or wrong), and supporting our wars in the Middle East, regardless of the carnage involved and wide-spread destruction and suffering that continues the predominant by-product. The evangelicals are eager for Armageddon, of course, but it seems in their eagerness to see the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, they totally ignore the admonitions of their Christ, Jesus. His core message was one of peace, brotherly love, compassion, tolerance, selflessness, etc., and love thy enemy; do unto others as you would be done by; turn the other cheek. All of those most Christian of all things seem totally forgotten in the rush to Rapture. According to the scriptures, those making the trip will not comprise a very significant number, so (if the scriptures are to be believed), there are bound to be a lot of disappointed contenders when the magic moment arrives. In the mean time, the evangelicals are on the bandwagon, along with the ACLU, Zionists, neo-conservatives, and the Administration of "born again" President Bush, proving that this is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a Christian nation (all good intentions notwithstanding). John Q. Pridger |